Adaptive Leadership Toolkit - Roche

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MBA 530 Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Template

Recommended Leadership Competencies (Milestone One)

The recommended competencies include the creative competencies (inner creative competencies and
outer creative competencies) and reactive competencies (inner and outer).

Leadership Competencies Most Critical to Success

The Leadership competencies critical to success include the relative competencies in the inner creative
competencies, inner reactive leadership competencies, and ambition and perfection in the outer circle
associated with controlling.

Applying Leadership Competencies to Improve Organizational Performance

Current State Currently, the company lacks the competencies that are necessary for
good organizational relations, as well as the competencies that are
associated with success in the company. This lack of elaborate
competencies is consequently led to the state of poor relations between
the organization employees. The poor relationships between the
organization's leaders and the employees have greatly affected the
success of the company at lack leading to subsided profits. The prototype
organization, therefore, lacks the relative basic skills that are necessary for
good organizational relationships. The supervisors lack the quality relative
skills and training that should help them to ensure decent and productive
relationships with the team members. Therefore, relative competency in
the inner creative competencies is very important in ensuring that
organizational relationship is maintained in an organization. It implies that
when a company's relationship is good, the company can take a good turn
and voice verse.
Apart from the relative competency, the company also lacks good
control of the company and its employees. The company tends to depend
much on the laid-over protocols to controlling the employees and the
company activities. Instead, they should depend on the ambition and
perfection reactive competency. With this kind of mistake, it is easy to lose
full control of the organization. The company seems to lack individuals
who could easily handle problems as they come. Therefore, they
depended much on the laid-over strategies to handle the problems, which
deliberately delayed solutions leading to affected outcomes.
Desired State A good company should have a combination of both reactive and
creative competencies. With the two competencies, the relationships
between the organization's leaders and the workers will be at their best
level. A good organization's relationships will immensely increase a
company's profits, leading to steady outcomes in the company. I,
therefore, desire the company to fully employ the competencies and be
able to utilize them for the good of the organization at large. They should
focus on ensuring that good relations are maintained in the organization's
inner and outer environment. However, the internal environment is more
important than the external environment because the internal
environment greatly determines the external environment. Therefore, the
company should have a good internal relationship and good
communication measures with all of its employees and leaders and work
together as a team. A good communication strategy leads to good
relationships and avoids unnecessary tensions between employees.
Therefore, the organization will be at its best when the relational
competency has been sorted.
Furthermore, when the relational competency has been sorted, a
good control competency should be implemented, a good control strategy
should be implemented. Every time a problem arises in a company, an
individual; who is well familiarized with it can sort out the problem instead
of depending on the laid procedure. Laid procedures are prominent in
dealing with solutions, unlike first-hand solving. A company where the
workers and the leaders have developed an ambition to improve the
companies' activities with perfection will work hard to ensure that the
company succeeds instead of depending much on the laid procedures.
Success will therefore be maximized as problems will be solved directly on
arrival. Solving problems on arrival improves the quality of services and
also saves time that could have been wasted in following laid procedures.
Identified Gap The desired state (perfection in the companies relationships and the
Difference between the control strategies in problem-solving and activity control) is this far apart.
desired state and A lot of measures need to be taken to brain the desired state. The desired
current state state enjoys good relationships between the employees and the leaders,
which in turn determines the company's success in many distinctive ways.
Therefore, the difference in the relational matters is a problem between
the two states that need to be sorted out for them to be at the same level.
Similarly, the control strategies between the desired state and the
current stage are still different. While the current state still greatly
depends on the laid down procedures to gain control of the organization,
the desired state uses the available skills of the team members to
approach problems and solve them accordingly without much dependency
on the laid down protocols. This ensures that the problems in the desired
state are solved faster without delay, therefore, maximizing the outcomes.
Therefore, the above conditions make the two organizational states differ
from each other and call for an action two be taken on the current state.
Action Plan In order to save the situation and close the gap between the two
Steps to close the gap steps, the following plan should be applied.
1. Identify the difference
Here, the difference between the two states should be clearly
stated with all the details put to light. When the difference has
been clearly identified, the necessary competencies that are
lacking in the latter should be spelled out.
2. Identifying the competencies.
In surveying the current state, it was noted that they lacked the
critical competencies required for success which included the
relative competencies in the inner creative competencies, inner
reactive leadership competencies, and ambition and perfection
in the outer circle associated with controlling. The above
competencies are required in improving the state of the
organization to the desired state.
3. Implementing the leadership competencies
When the critical leadership competencies have been identified,
the implementation procedure should start. The competencies
should be implemented one after the other. The internal
relationships between the leaders and the employees should be
enhanced. The employees should be involved in discussions on
the way to improve the organization and their ambitions for the
company given a chance. Similarly, the control strategies should
be laid down, and the employees are given every opportunity to
discuss the relevant techniques that should be followed in
solving arising problems. Their knowledge and ambitions to
perfection should be given enough considerations and the right
ideas implemented.
4. Assessment of leadership competencies
After the implementation of the new competencies, the progress
should be monitored from time to time. This ensures that the
weaknesses are identified and corrected accordingly. They
should also be adjusted in the correct areas and necessary
recommendations made where necessary.
5. Improvements
In an implementation, not all concepts are always met. Here, the
necessary improvements on the leadership competencies are
made to ensure that maximum implementation is gained. With
maximum implementation, maximum outcomes are achieved.
6. Final comparison
The final comparison should happen after a period of time. This
step ensures that the current state is similar or progressing
towards the desired state. The final comparison ensures that
there is satisfaction with the newly implemented strategies.

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