Internship Journal: 1: Grameen Bank

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Internship Journal : 1

Submitted by: Sadia Afrin Chaity

ID: 1620053030

Company Name: Grameen Bank

Department: International Internship Program Trainer

Course: BUS 498.36

Submitted to: Asma Azad Akhi (AAA1)

Time Period: (18th October to 22th October, 2020)

Most importantly I might want to thank my omnipotent God that I got internship at Grameen
Bank. In addition I would like to thank my faculty advisor Asma Azad Akhi ma’am to give me
the opportunity to do internship under her guidance and direction. Presently I am talking about
my job and exercises in Grameen Bank.

Grameen Bank:

This is my first week at Grameen Bank. I will examine what I have realized and what I have
done. I was joined Grameen Bank as an international internship program trainer. On this week
Md. Abdus Sabur Khan Sir gave me legitimate data about how Grameen Bank works and how
Grameen Bank functions for poor people.
Work Done:

I was acquainted with all the representatives of the administrative center of Grameen Bank like
credit adjusting, human asset the board and home loan banking office's kin. As I work there in
the hour of pandemic circumstance, Grameen bank chose to take online internship program. On
the absolute first day I was associated in a Zoom meeting with an official who has more
information about the exercises of the Grameen bank. Grameen bank gave credit to landless and
resource less destitute individuals. Grameen Bank help to the amazingly needy individuals to
build up their life. Grameen Bank provide loan to people by making group formation. The people
who make group, they should know each other as well as maximum number of the people in a
group was 5 people. This group member should be from different family, not connected by
blood, similar age group (sometimes it is good for better understanding), member selection fair
& evaluate, members should live surrounding areas, member got 7 days training for 16 basic
loan plans. I got to know about how these group members were chosen and also got to know
about how they pay back the loan. Members payback their loan weekly basis. I also got to know
about the main reason behind established of the Grameen Bank and Grameen Bank journey.
Gathering knowledge about Grameen Bank foundation. How they began their excursion.
Internship educator present all worker at Grameen bank head office.

Learning and Achievement:

Grameen Bank is basically work for micro credit loan. Before internship on the Grameen Bank, I
would not have proper knowledge about how these bank work. My internship instructor is very
helpful and he gives me information about micro credit loan. At first week, I would learn about
the group formation as well as the member’s loan payback policy.

From my first week perception I found that all the worker and staff of Grameen bank is
agreeable and accommodating. Our internship teacher is useful and gives essential data with the
goal that we realize how miniature credit advance functions. The environment of Grameen bank
is incredible.

Notable Incident:

The representative and staff of the Grameen Bank is useful and inviting. The Grameen Bank
inward environment is awesome. As I heard before it was much more than that. Corporate life
encountering was different to me. In the corporate life began work from morning to night was
likewise a difficult occupation for me. In any case, I embraced the this change inside couple of
days as the setting of the workplace was inviting.

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