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PHYSICAL WORLD D MEASUREME fe The animeity tn torre ef whet he RAS CONCEPTS. ce yatee en rae ate © Unit of levity Un neti, am of anaes ie the engin He elle fie gi: “ ‘Por exmmpile sistance. «jes sine Therein, init: Payeleat Qheantity EX) = Nannerl ve Gn) amie a) 2 Tomenure 9 physien! he sate Lin tien We “Fonwtament + ie Panett eg ky, mete, second Supplementary unit, © @ Rastian for planar (2D) angle and ste Tablet the havo ceancan nce ¥en nr Ye USS Name | * | ‘Deriveel amity (Derived from fundamental its) et ki’, metre’, secon | Practical Fundamental Units Length 1 Light year = 9 46 x 10! angle =D) Time 7 a oe 2] 1 Menicwon« 1000 1 Parse = 3.26 Ligh Yea 1 Cana mont » 273 sla aye j 308 10% m | 3. 1 Pound © 04537 ky TAU = 1.496% 10m t 1 Solar day 8600 5. 4 I Slug © 14.56 ke 1 Scamile = 6076 ft. 1 Shake = 10 *s $0 1Ch jrashekhar tinait (CL) = 1 times of mass of the sun ICL. = 2.8 x10" ke 1 Angstrom A= 10" | | | | ass unit (a.m.a) | 1 x t,o ee | Dimensions and Dimensional Formulae a nes so SEED © The dimensions of a given physical quantity are the Mime xen powers to which the fundamental units of mass, length . xia ‘and time must be raised in order to obtain its units, ie., os for a given physical quantity (XJ, the dimensional = MHL ‘equation can be expressed as = (MUT?) * So dimensions of foree are 1 for mass, t for length and Where a, b and ¢ are the dimensions of mass, length and = 2 for time. time respectively. * In the above said equation (M' LT), ifasbse=0 Eg. Force ‘Mass x Acceleration then the physical quantity will be dimensionless, Hg. : Angle, solid angle, relative density, specific gravity, Reynolds number, refractive index, dielectric constant, susceptibility and relative permittivity, Scanned with CamScanner Physical World and Meas, Units of Physical Quantities Table 1. Dimensional Formula Physical Quantity Mass Mass IML=T*) = mer Length/Distance/ Leng IMLT) aaa Displacemen/Height Time Time weet Swen [4 | Area Length x Breath Lxtev ore [-s. | voume Length x Breadth x Height | Lx Lobo peer] 6. | Density Mass/Volume Mo? > Menu = MT 7. | Specific Gravity Denisty of mater 0 dimes Density of water at 47@__| NP timension 3 - | 8. | Speed/Velocity Distance | Displacment. | L_. ci Time ime | Ber = MLTy i | 9. | Linear Acceleration (a) | Velocity pal Time = Acceleration due to gravity (¢) 10. | Linear momentum (p) | Mass x Velocity MxLr’=MLT = IMLTy ee or = Impulse (1) Force x Time Ns 11, | Force/Thrust/Tensions | Mass x Acceleration Newton (N) (T) Weight 12, | Force constant —<—Forwe__ MLT* = [MT] Nov" Change in Tength L or Surface Tension : Force “4 = Nm" 13. | Pressure (P) or Stress or / Fomce ML'T. Coefficient of Elasticity ©) : 2 at rey fn c ?xL=eMLT = [MLT] aS 14, | Work/Energy/Hea/ Force x Displacement MLT Joule) Torque (Moment of force) ae ory | Nake 5 MET x! yg? = | 15. | Gravitational Constant a @ IMT”) watt (W) Work 16. | Power (P) Time i le Scanned with CamScanner mh Physical World and Measurement 17. | @). Hubbie Constant a Mor 7 [~[ 0) Velocity Gradiom | Valo a Yani = MET} 7 (©) Frequeney 1 = Meier “ ‘Tine period pow a 4 Hz (Hert) 18. | @) Radius of Gyration | Distance - wr = () Wavelength) | Length = IMLT) m (6) Light year Length = 1, | Coste oF vicoiy iML'T'y aap pia ‘Area x Velocity gradient (decapoise) Moment of neria () | Maw x Raion? = MEP) ken 21, | Planck's Constant (hy Energy = (MT) Js Frequeney 22. | (a) Wave number (1) 1 fs Me Ty ‘Wavelength (©) Rydberg's constant | Mass x (Charge) Mx{AT] is] ®) 8eph x Velocity IML Ay x (MET) x (LT) = IML'T) 23. | Work function (@) Boeay MULT? > MET) 7 24, | Angular Velocity (@) | Angle/Time IMeLeT rads 2s..| Angular Acceleration (a) | Angular Velocity /Time IMeLeT) rads 26. | Angular Momentum | M.1x Angular Velocity IMU} 27. | Angular Frequency 2m X Frequency Iw} rads" 28. | Angular Impulse Torque x Time IMU") Nems 29, | Rotational K.E. dxmix MUCr 72M T= (MUT") (Angular velocity)” 30, | Electric Current (1) 1 (M*L°T°A] = IM*LT*A) A : (Ampere) 31, | Electric Charge (@) Current x Time (axT] = (ML‘TA] c (Coulomb) 32. | Electric Potential (V) | Work/Charge = erat | Yvon or EMF. (E) 33. | Electrical permittivity of | Charge x Charge TAXTA, = (ML TA) | CNm free space (66) Force (Distance)” MLT XL = MUTA ley me Scanned with CamScanner Physical World and Meauy a Physics Se ee are) ‘Electric field x Area = MPA) Nees] 3a | Biecrie Fox TOES. Asn Chants ential difference = pura pt een Charge/Potenta dif mer Tag Fea, [goo hela] ce : ial difference = (MUT lama P Eeectre Resistance (R) | Potential di {hay} - = (ML'T A") Q 38. | Resistivity RxArea a Tengih o Li ‘Specific Resistance (p) : 39. | Blectsic Conductance | 1 = ML ral ay 7 : a Resisance E 40. | Bleerie Conductivity (a) [ 1 — = ML PAy . esiaivity 41, | Coefficient of Self ‘ Induction or : Self Inductance (L) or Mutual Inductance (M) 42. | Inductive Reactance (X,) | @x L 43. | Capacitive Reacuance| 1 &%) ll 44. | Permeability for Free} 2nxrxF Lx MLT™ = (MLT’A NA° or ‘Space (Up) Uxt AxL ot] ‘WbA 45. | Magnetic Pole Strengih| Current x Area AxL | = [MPLT@Ay ‘Am (m) 2x Length T 46. | Magnetic Dipole(M) | mx 21 LAXL=UA = IMT] is | 47. | Magnetic Fiel wo at Magnetic Field Intensity taal = META) | Tate || @) o |) woi'a* || im 48. | Magneti 7 2a agnetic Flax (9) Bx Area MP ARE 5 Ww (Weber) o¢ L Nma" | Nm’ . ray Scanned with CamScanner Physics Principle of Homogeneity # According 10 the Principle of Homogeneity, “the dimensions of L.H.S. dimensional equation should be equal 10 the dimensiohs of RAILS, dimensional cequati ie IL Thus = IML Tens Uses of Dimer To check the correctness of a + T6 establish the relationship between various physical quantities (not more than fovir physi ies). # To convert one system of units into another system of iven formula, eee s, wo oe] [ETE Limitations, © We cannot obtain the values of trigonometric fun logarithmic values as well as exponential functions, Error in Measurement ‘© During experiments, we use a number of observations for reducing the errors produced by various factors such as change in temperature, pressure, humidity ete. Calculations for Error © True Value Or Mean Value (xq) It is the mean value of a number of observations, So, ytytnt th Im = ia © Absolute Error (Ax) It is the difference between the mean value and observed value. Then, Ax= Im" Am=%n—22 Result may be (+ ve) or (~ ve) Age Sin ho * Mean Absolute Error (A¥) 1 should be taken as + ve values) +1Axl lox ltr | = ” * Relative or Functional Error Itis the ratio of mean absolute error to the true value. observations of the value of g such the mean of all values of absolute errors. (All Physical World and Measurement 8 Percentage Fs setae te = x[93] toe physies fab, a student has various 10.2 ms?, 9.8 ms", The percentage error Example Ltr ina 104 me, 10.6 ms", and 10.8 ms" will be (a) 46% (3.1% Solution : Mean value or true value 102 4984104106108 9360 194 m0 (b) 2.7% (5.7% Absolute error 104-10.2=02 Ax, = 104-98 =06 Ax, = 104 104=00 Ax, = 104-106=-02 Ax, = 104-108=-04 Mean absolute error 0.2 +06 +0.0+02 +0 ar Relative error Percentage error = + (Relative error) x 100% + (0-0269) x 100% % Error = + 2.7% Combination of Errors © For Submission Ifz=x ty, then Az = + (Av-+ Ay) ‘Therefore, the maximum relative or fractional error, Ac _ Aveay vty © For Difference Ifz=.—y, then the maximum absolute error will be Az=#(Ar+ dy Hence the maximum fractional error, Artéy x-y as Relative error = + (43) Gy Scanned with CamScanner Physics then the maximum fractional error, +G-4) © For Power Ifz=a", then a ANB! Similarly itz = “Gar then the maximum fractional error in z is, AAA, AB yy AC ee Pam Example 1.2 : I the percentage errors of measurements in 4b, cand d are 4%, 2%, 3% and 1% respectively, then the ah’ percentage error in = “r will be, ns % Exror ii (2 x % error in a) + (3 x % error in b) = (1x % error in c) + (172 x % error in d) = (2x4) +3 X2)+ (1x3) + (12x 1) 1 = 8464345 % error in z= 17.5% Significant Figures ‘The significant figures express the accuracy of ‘numerical value of a given physical quantity. Rules for significant figures (©) All zeroes occurring between non-zero digi significant figures Physical World any, Say 802 3 108.002 | 6 eg. (6) Al zeroes to the Fight oF the lst non-ze PN significant figures. m eg [Number Signiticant Fare 60 1 ¥ 640 2 | 6180 3 Ly 480__] (@) All zeroes to the right of decimal pon ag ‘of a non zero digit are not significant figures" cg [Sumber | Signitican Figures 0.04 1 0.003 1 | 0.0123 3 0.132 3 = ote duh fade! (©) All zeroes othe ight of decimal point ad of a non-zero digit are significant figures, eg. | _Nomber | Significant Figures iy 030 2 0.320 3 | 0.07800 4 (All zeroes to the right of a decimal point are signin if they are not followed by a non-zero digit eg, | Number | Significant Figures 6F) | 70.00 4 | 470.00 5 (@) The powers of ten are not counted as significant gus ©8.1.49x 10 has only $., = 3 Measuring Instruments (a) Least count of vernier callipers = 1 Main Sol Division (M.S.D.)/Vernier Seale Division (VSD) () Least count of serew-gauge Pitch =——__PPiteh_— © Total number of CS. Divisio’ , insu where, Pitch isthe distance covered by the main one revolution, ¢) - Value of 1 main scale division (©) Least c = CONS main scale OS » beet Count = Ts oP CSD Scanned with CamScanner Physics Physical World and Measurement is in meters and ‘in seconds 1. One Astronomical Unit (A.U.) is the dh between: (@) Sunand Pluto (&)_-Moon and Earth () is (©) Sunand Earth (4). Marsan Earth (mst 2 The. unit of Planck's constant (h) 1 fy the pair whose dimensions are equal (@) Watt second (bs (LEE, 2008) (Ws (ast Torque and work (b). Stress and energy 3. ergem’ may be a unit of: (6) Force and stress (@)Force and work @) Force 0) Momen 14, The physical quantities not having, the same (© Power @ dimensions ate: + AdEE.E, 2003) 4. Which of the fotlowing physi es has neither Opens on woe dimensions nor unit? (b) Momentum and Planek’s constant () Angle (©). Lomindyplneasy (©) Sues and Young's modutas (©) Co-efficient of fiction (a). Current (@ Speed and (iyeo) 5. Which pairs correct 15, The dimensions of [1 where symbols have their (@) Blectic field — Coulomb mi" usual meaning are : (ALEEE, 2003) () Magnetic ux — Weber en © wr Se ower te tr . an, 16. Which one of the following represents the correct & Energy per unit volume expresses: dimensions of coefficient of viscosity (n) : — oa ze fo 7. The surface tension of Hg is 32 dye cm. In S.- uit oie oe) system it willbe : © (MLT") @ Mr ais aes 17, The terminal velocity () of a steel ball of radius (7) falling under gravity through a column of viscous (©) 3200 () 3.20) liquid of coefficient of viscosity (n) depends on mass 8 Which one of the following is not measured in units (7m) of the ball, and acceleration due to gravi of energy : Which of the following relations is dimensi (a) Force x displacement (b) Impulse > time correct ? (©) MLx (Angular velocity)? (o) vot Oe (2) Couple of force x angle turned nt 9, The dimensions of permeability of free space (ji) is : © vat @ vale sie 251'h 1%) | 18, Which of the following relations is dimensionally (@ (ML"T7A) () IMLT?A7} cone © IMLT7A7 © (a) META) (a) T=2RYRTGM 10. The dimensions of £0 where Eo = absolute (b) T=2n-VR7GM permittivity of free space and E = Electric field (©) T=284 a Intensity) are (1.12000) (@ (MLT"} (b) (MLT) (o T= 284 [MH © IMLT"} @ mir? : fi eh 11. When the unit of force and unit of length are doubled, | 19 Wx = at + br, where x is in meters and ¢ is in : . seconds, the unit of will b then the unit of energy will become : 1 (a) Two times (b) Halftime (a) Meter os (c) Four times (@)_Three times (©) ms? (_ms* Scanned with CamScanner Ph sn eee sm Teen sino el oc Mifpegsfirci Roti ise Vi a then the a 2 2B 26. and Tis absolute tempera Ah will be respectively imei fay [MEP T} and (MEET ey) (MLST"] and [ML T] (©) IML T}and IML“ TT (a) EME Fant IML) Ie the velovity of light (C), gravitational constant (G) and Planck's ednstant (h) are taken as fundamental units then the dimensions of time a Pan w c%a" nh ay @ cM Gh a oc"s Ifthe velocity (v), forve (F) and energy (E) are taken as fundamental units, then the dimensional formula, for mass will be: @ PE ve’ If the velocity (0), acceleration (A) and force (F) are taken as fundamental quantities instead of mass (m), length (L) and time (T), then the dimensions of Young's Modulus willbe : (a) Fate () FAY (FA @ Fa’y If m, E, J and G denote mass, energy, angular momentum and gravitational constant respectively, then the dimensions of EJ'/m'G'are ; (a) Angle (b) Mass (c) Length (@) Time If ‘vis the velocity, ‘Y is the radius and 'g' is the acceleration due to gravity, which of the following is dimensionless ? @) vFE @ VRE (b) ving (d) v rg (a) vile wr Out of the following pairs, which one doesn't have identical dimensions ? (A.LE.E.E, 2008) (a) M. Land moment of force (b) work and torque (©) angular momentum and Planck's constant (4) impulse and momentum gir Which of the following units denotes the dimensions ML 1Q, where Q denotes electric charge ? (Al Lycos Wort ond iy, ©) Won (a) Weber (WO) (Hm? fe) Henry HD mensions of magnetic Held in yy ) is given as (Conon) i (a IML?C') mic) (>) IML eo OMT ey | Te jor hs wavelet pe den | i land g is the acceleration due to gravity, ma q 29, The speed of gravity Waves in waLer is pro following relations is correct ? () a4 bee @ a=bee | (asd (ae bac. ds ‘A pressure of 10° dyneslem’ is equivalent iy () 10'Nm? (a) 10°Nm i @_ 10°'Nm* © 10°Nm ‘The unit of Potential Energy is (>) gmem's? (@)_ gmems" 3h. 2 (@) gmems™ 2 © gmem s The velocity of a body is given by the gan. iensions of bis: 32. » 2 +f 4dr. The (@) (MLT’] (b) (ML"T’} © IMLT} @ (Mit) The dimensional formula of the ratio of anguy linear momentum is : (@ (MLT') (&) [MLT] (© IMT") @ wer) ‘The equation of a stationary wave is : Which of the following is wrong ? (a) The unit of ct is same as that of A that of 33. (b) The unit of x is same a x a (©) The unit of $is same as that of 2ne (@) The unit of S* is same as that of Ht a In the equation y = a sin (at-+ kx), the dimensiot is 3s, (a) [ML (b) (M’LT"} (©) (ML"t") @ ML") The dimensional formuta of latent heat is: (@ IMT?) (b) [MLT} 36, 2 (©) [ML*T} @ (Mur fea Scanned with CamScanner Physical World and Measurement Physics eee ee fo aged » Ora) wy MA) “ 4 oO METrAY IMT AT ee O32 nit of force i KN. af time te mitt accom ana | 472 ‘Thedimensions of pe/ML.B, where is the magnetic ey ee permeability uf free space, Tis moment off the th {x magnetic dipole moment and Bis. magnetic duction are those of 1m a) «time (hime) force. energy and velocity are 1ON, 1001 ) ime)" (a Gime)" respectively, the unit of mass is 48, The velocity (v) of a particle at any ime is given by () 2ke ve at + Z2z, where a, b and © are constants, The m A N Wd) ake dimensions of a, band e are: ' force F is given by F = at + br, where 1 aes and L (@) [MLT“} and (ML? T+) 7 Orie . eo 7 . —— - - . The frequency (/) of vibration of mass (m) suspend ©) [MLT™) and [MLT™] from a spring constant K is given by the relation (©) [MLT"] and [MLT*) ‘= C m'K" where C is a dimensionless constant, the (@) (MLT“} and [MT value of a and b are: 41, If area (A), velocity (v) and density (p) are taken as @ $y fundamental units, what are the dimensions of force ? ; : fa) Av'p () A’ vp ©) 3--3 @ -3.3 ©) Ave” (@) Avp 50. Which of the following is dimensionally constant ? 42. The time period of a simple pendulum may depend on (a) Refractive Index, mass (m) of the bob, length (J) of the string and aaah acceleration due to gravity (g), ie. Ta m'l's'. The (6) Polsson's Ratio values of a,b and ¢ will be : (©) Gravitational Constant (@) 0,5,-12 ©) 0-12, 3 (@) Relative Velocity : 51. The dimensions of Stefan’s constant are (©) $.0,-12 @ -12,0,5 (@ Mur "6* &) MLT“e" 43, A quantity X is defined by the equation X = 3 CB’, (© MT"e" () Mrve' where C is capacitance in farad, B represent the | 52, If M is the mass suspended from a spring of force magnetic field in tesla. The dimensions of X are : constant K, then the ad (@) IM@L"T) () (ML*rA} is same as that for : (©) [ML7T7A} () [ML] (a) Frequency (b) Time period 44. The dimensions of Boltzmann's constant are : (©) Velocity (Wavelength (a) MLTK"] (b) IML'T?K"} 53. ‘The time taken by an electron to go to the excited © MLK" @ IMLTK) state from ground energy sate sone shake, This time 45. The dimensions of permittivity (€y) in vacuum are in nanosecond will be :(- | shake = 10") @ IM'L*r'a)] () IML"TA"] (a) 2ns (b) aus © IML Ts @ IMA’ ©) 6ns (@) Wns 46. ‘The frequency (v) of a tuning fork depends upon the | $4, ‘The dimensions of R/L are : length (1) of its prongs, the density (p) and Young's modulus of. elasticity (Y) of its material. Then for the relation v a(!) “(p)’ (¥)“, the values of a, b and ¢ are : Resistance and L = Self Inductance) (Since: " @ ir) >) (T') © (T) @ IML") zy Scanned with CamScanner 92, The sides of a rectangle are 601 m, area of rectangle sn cignaficant fig (a) 2m ay 72m (6) 72000 The Texet count of 2 atop watch 46 0.2 second The time of 20 qeciTianione of m pertain 1 menerredt to he 28 scents, The "Ferret in the measurement of ray 72.12! tiene wall he (ay 185 ih) 018% 8 (8) 08% Ky ‘The ponentil energy (U1) cam he given ae =o where §'= Displacement and a = amplinnte. Then the unit of Kis (a) me (by me to) Im «ay ie! J ealorie is 2 unit of heat and equals 4.21. IF we use a system for which the unit of mass is a Kg. the unit of length if) metre and the unit of time is A see, then in this system I calone is equal to aap «by 42ap"y wap y (@) 4208 A resistor of 4 KM with tolerance + 10% is connected with a resistor of § kQ with tolerance + 10%, The tolerance of such a parallel combination is (a) 10% (b) 20% (©) 30% () 40% Let us suppose a new unit of fengih such that the velocity of light is unity. If light takes 8 min and 20 seconds to cover the distance between the sun and the earth, this distance in terms of the new unit is (b) 50 () 3x10" ays (c) 500 What will be the unit of time for a system in which the unit of length is metre, unit of mass is kg and unit of force is kg wt ? (a) 9. 8)" see (6) (9.8)"" sec Which of the following is the unit of permeability (b) Wb. A'm (b) (9.8)see (a) 109.8)" see (a) Hm )Osm! (a) All of the above Dimensions of which fundamental quantity correspond to that of (Gh/C'}"” is: (a) Time (b) Length (©) Mass (4) Temperature Which of the folowing units denotes the dimensions IML'/Q"), where Q denotes the electric charge ? (ALEELE, 2006) @H () Him © Wo (4) Wom EN the Hometime ng tire 18100 4 the the unit ot mes ll he co) Thy (010 fe) 10" ky, 10 ky 1OX TEL meme |= e Ne then ris equal to a) tte thy Meta fey be tot oh oxo" 104, [MUTA Tis the dimensional formula of: (a) Bleetric resistance (h) Capacitance (©) Electric potential (dh 108, The (@ MET KY (by IML'T' KY (IMT KR | a IML TRY 106, The time dependent of a physical quantity p i given by p= py exp (- ar’), where cis constant and #3 the time, The constant o: (a) is dimensionless (b)_has dimension T™ (©) has dimensions T* — (d)_ has dimensions of p. 107, The potential energy of a body varies with distance X an i expressed as U = [(AVR/X +B) +C]. The sions of ABC are : ( (IML 1) (be) IML" T*] IML’ Tr} @ IL? One of the following having different dimensions 4 108. from the remaining three is : (a) (Energy/Mays) (b) (Angular frequeney/Radins) () (Pressure/Density) (@) (Force/Density) 109, Gravitational constant (G) cannot be expressed as (a) Pam’ kg” (b) om kgs? (©) dynem'g @) Sav" ky 110, ‘The damping force on a body (bob) is proportional to its velocity. ‘The dimension of proportionality (b) [MLT“) (@)_ Dimensionless 112 IMT} Scanned with CamScanner Physics 111, The number of significant igures in (9.230 + 2.0150) x 10%is: 3 Curent os 6 4112, The heat generated in a circuit depends upon the resistance (R), current (1) and time (T). The error in measuring these quantities are 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. The error in measurement of heat will be @) 6% (b) 7% © 8% @ 9% 113. An Aluminium wire increases in length by 3% on heating it upto 20°C, What is the percentage change in the area of eross section of such a wire ? (@) -3% ) 6% © 9% @ 2% 114. The value of a liquid drop is 1.75 em’. Total volume of $0 such drops in the significant figures is : (@) 0.0616 (b) 0.062 (©) 0.06 (@)_ 6.16 107 11S, 45 km min” =... X ms", then the value of X is : (a) 9.5 () 45 (© 10.5 @) 125 116. The value of Stefan's constant in C.G.S. system is 0 = 5.67 x 10” erg ' em” K’. Its value in S.1. system is (a) 5.67 x 10°85 5" (b) 5.67 x 10 3 5"! mK aK 20) 3@) £0 50) 6&@ 7@ 8) % 6) 10) 12.4) -13.@)——*T4(D)—15(G)—*16()—AT(C) «B.C. IK)——204(0) 2d) 22d) 23()—— AC) 25.(b) 26.0) ATCC) 28d) -29.(d)———30.(a) 3b) -32(a) 33a) 34c)—35.(a)_—36(a) 37a) 38) 39A(d)— ACB) 4h@)— 42.(a)—43,(6)— 446) 48.(0) 46.06) ATA) AB). 49.) SOC) S1(c) 52(b) 53(d) Sb) $5(0) SHCA) ST(b)—SB.(c)—$9(0)_—_ 6a) Gl.(a) 62.(c)_—63(b) GALL) SLL). 66.(c)——67.(c)— BCD) GL). TOA) 7a) ° 72(a) —73(b)—TA(d)——75.(a)—76.(b) 774d) TBC) 9.(0)——80.(6) 81.(c) 82.(d) 83.(b) 84.(c) 85.(d) 86.(a) 87.(d) 88.(c) 89.(c) — 90.(a) 91(a) 92.(d) — 93.(c) 94) ——«9SA(e)—96.(e) TAKA) 9BA()—99(B)_—_100. (a) : Practice Test 101.(b) 102.(c) 103. () 104, () 108. (a) 106.(b)107.(a) 108. (b) 109. (a) 110. (c) HL) 112. U3@) MA) US@ 16.@) 17.@ UB) 19.) 129. a NSWER KEY pp ee Physical World and Measirement (©) 5,67 1083s mvt 5.67% 10 61 Kt 117. Choose the correct formula for the displacement (9) of a particle executing periodic motion in2t <@) yarsinZ.t — (b) yersinve 2 7 rere yuean hss 118, The pitch of a screw gauge is 15 mm and there are 100 divisions on the circular scale while measuring diameter of a thick wire, the main scale 1 mm and 63% division is on the circular scale. The length of wire is 5.6 em. Which one is not correct (a) The least count of the serew gauge is 0.001 em (b) The volume of the wire is 0.117 em? (©) The diameter of the wire is 1.63 m (@) The cross-sectional area of the wire is 0.0209 em? 119. The ratio of dimensions of Self Inductance (X,) and, Mutual Inductance is + @MET A META) © MELT A") (@)_ Dimensionless 120, Which one has dimensions of time for L-C-R circuit combination ? @ RC (b) YC of we al Scanned with CamScanner Piysies a ( HINTS AND SOLUTIONS : | 4. Coetticient of fiction Hn) » meenelty principle, in. rT), Ho dimemion ne af Pm dimer oy | “ary : : ie av a IME TL ‘Te imn'r'y _ | Simitarty a TT = Dimensions « rong me raced ot- can 7. As Surface Tension = Es S, Hunit in Nov! imp retn= a a es ie y Hence, [ML’] and Moment of force or = [ML"'T“} and speed of light C = |and sae B= Teo te ‘Torque = [ML But Momentum and Planck’ constant dimensions are | 27, Mi= = MEY: Qa different. : 1 or ML’ TA oe ee 5. MPS TPA => Henry (Refer Table 1.2 Sr. No. 4) _ F BRxt (MET ]xtT] 16. Refer table 1.2, Sr. No. 19. % BeT=Qx7> Tq] INTC mg ML ns 17, me 2 v=O"( “mS LxMeT btu tur ie rr 18 Dimension of VGH = ML? xM=ViT Mey err) = Mh ery = LT" and VR = b=0,a-3b+e lore we. IL vr? a-a+y = lora= 19. By using the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, asbee xs 30, Refer Q7. = be tur? 3. bavxr , ' SLT! xT => (M'LT'] Lit ] Scanned with CamScanner 34. 235 = 2X = Dimensiontess ‘numerical value i.e. dimensionless SM) Meat MULT? ga 36. Latent heat = yt = MET yg 37. Refer Table 1.2 Sr. No. 48, 38 F=MLT= 1000 0's Physical World and Measurement 1000 Ww MET St Then, NLT? » = WOWXIOs _ gs = Mx 1008 +2 4F x 100% = T0008 ™ m v = 2% 423% = 8% Mass (m)__ m = 60, Dessiy (©) = Yorum =F AD _ Am | 3A D=m*t = 3643x2% 61. Volume (V) 40. 5 63. 41, Fee (A)*(o)" (py By using dimensions i ‘Volume of sphere (V) = 327° a=l,b=2ande ame of sphere (V) = 3 43. Refer table 1.2, Sr. No. 35 and 47. AV ogg = 3x8 a ae Vv = 3x7 x 100% 44, Boltzman’s constant (K) + Work = yg 27-2K-"y = 3xbbx 1006 Temperature Los 43, Refer table 1.2, Sr. No. 33. 64, +b Heo 46. Refer table 1.2. = Gave +Bb%+ 70% 47. Refer table 1.2. 68. Same as Q. 64 48." According to Rule of homogeneity, 66. Volume = (lengthy? = (2.1 107? my? y_ ort a 7 8 a ates =r] V = 9.261 x 10 iT) V = 9.26x10°%m" . b = yxe= (LT VT) = (L) 68. AT = 0.1 e eae AT. 00% = 24x 100% = 05% SI, Stefan's constant = rea Temp? TxH 30 115 Scanned with CamScanner Mhysical World and Measuremey, £ 9, nae (se dimension 90, TT, = (0£01)-40401) LC. of screw gauge = eae = 2, AT = 025,17 =255 Zeno ere = = 0.03 mm AT 100% Main Scale Reading = 3mm CSR.XLC. = 38x 0.01 mm 9. u 0.35 mm fe LC. of screw gauge = MS.R.+(CSR.XL.C) + rer error &—— Unitof K = Jm = (340.35 +003) mm 94, Calorie isthe unit of heat energy and its dimensions = 338 a are ML°T-2,On comparing it with M*L° T°, 70. Least count of vemier calipers = | MSD = 1 VSD .b=2,0=-2 7 Mg ru rry® 30VSD = 29MSD eS ms nifX] (E) * 1vsp 2]'P my? 2[ateal Ls aks) [Bm Then, Le. a 420" pty? RyRy 95, As me = Soe AR, AR, aR, Le then, SEE x 100% = $8! x 100% +422 x 100% 71, Use Rules of significant figures. fen, A+R) 72. Seetable 1.2. + RFR) * 100% . =I Tesla = 10* gauss 75,1 Wom =1T . Where, AR, =7h) x4kQ = O4KO, Ry =4k0 77. See limitations of dimensions. . I 79. Pressure = Stress x Dimensions of K AR Sd X6kQ=0.6kQ,Ry=6kQ Ans =30% TWh __10°x 3600 95 gh 80. TMeV = 10" x 1.6x 10 = 225% 96. Speed of light (c) = unit ms! 1, EM ~ solar constant Time taken = 8 min, 208 Firea x Time p = 500s 82. Coefficient of viscosity (n) = ee coe ae Force Area x velocity gradient o 84. Sy = (Homogeneity) 85, F=([MLT or 1 cos br = br = 1 or bey 1 . b={L") 7 Similarly for sin dt => d => =(T"] ' 98, Refer table 1.2, Sr. No. 44 Then, ML? _ ML? 2,2 i 2 too, “Se = Mie = ML? TA’, Dimension of self (MLT™] x (1! i eg aT yxiMLryy = ET) inductance and its unit is Henry. Le] Scanned with CamScanner Physics 1. Pick out the wrong pi (APMC. 2009) (@) Charge coulomb (Temperature - thermometer (6) Pressure - barometer (Specific gravity —hyprometee 2, Which o the following isthe smallest unit? (APMLC. 2003) (@ Mitimete (Angstrom (©) Fermi (@) Metre: 4 Parsee isthe unit of (A11a18.2005) (Time (Distance (o Frequency (@ Angular acceleration 4. The difference in the length of a mean solar day and a sidereal day is about 2003) (a) I min (©) 15 min 5. The unit of Planck's constant in ms system is : fT, 2008) {@) joule/second (b) joule-second (©) erg/second @wat 6. Which is not correct ? (HLP.P.MLT 2009) (a) Lerg= 1077 joule (b) LeV=1.6x 10°C (©) I cal = 41865 (kWh = 3.6 x 10°F 1. The SI unit of magnetic permeability is = (H.P.P.M.T 2010) (b)Am (@)No unit (a) Amv (©) TA 8 In a vernier caliper, one main scale division is x em and n divisions of the vernier scale coincide with (= 1) divisions of the main scale. The least count in (in em) of the calipers is : (A.M.U. 2009) ne Dy a@()« OG or Oa 9. The unit of magnetic moment is : (Gujarat C.E.T, 2010) (b) Am @st" (a) Am? om wz] 10. A farce F is given by F = ar + bP, wt re the dimensions of a and? (8. (@) MLT™ and MLT? |. 2008) (by MULT? and MEET (MET and MLT! (@) MT and MT I. If CR, Land 1 denote capacity, inductance and electric current respectively, the ‘quantities having the same dimensions of time are = 0 LE.T. 2006) Gy UR @our (b) (i) and Gi) only (a) 6), Gi) and Gi only wor ity YTS () @ and Gi) only (© @ and (iv) only 12, The speed of light (c), gravitational constant (g) and Planck’s constant (h) are taken as fundamental units in a system. The dimensions of time in this new system should be : (AL.LM.S. 20078) @ote® Gn et (Grn ow jor He 18 Dimeosions ofa and bin equation (P+) (V —nb) =RTis: (AP.P.M.T 2009) (a) MT and L? (&) ML°T? and LY () MLPT? and L? (@None of these 14. If energy E, velocity V and time T are taken as fundamental quantities, the dimensional formula for surface tension is « (Et? T? (E VIT? @EVT @orvr 15. The dimensional formula of 8 (Gujarat C.E.T, 2010) @ML'T! (wy MT (OMT? Mer 16, A wire has a mass 0.3 + 0.003 g, radius 0.5 + 0.005 mm and length 6 + 0.06 cm, The maximum percentage error in the measurement ofits density is (LL-T.J.EE, Screening 2004) (b)2 w4 (at ©3 Scanned with CamScanner Physics 17. A physical quantity P = ie is determined by | measuring a, 6, c d and ¢ separately with the percentage error of 2%, 3%, 2%, 1% and 6% respectively. Minimum amount of error is contributed by the measurement : (Kerala P.E.T. 2006) @b a od @e @e ‘Two full tums of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a distance of 1 mm on its main scale. The total number of divisions on the circular scale is 50. Further, it is found that the screw gauge’has a zero error of ~ 0.03 mm. While measuring the diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the main scale reading of 3 mm and the number of circular scale divisions in 19. line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of ty wire is : (ALE.EE. 2099) (a) 3.38 mm_ (3.32: mm_ (©) 3.73 mm, (6) 3.67 mm If the error in the measiirement of the radius of . sphere is 2%, then the error in the determination of volume of the sphere will be : (C.B.S. ZF. 200 () 6% (b) 8% (4% 2% . ‘The percentage errors in the measurement of length and time period of a simple pendulum are 1% and 2%, respectively. Then the maximum error in the measurement of acceleration due to gravity (Kerala C.E.T. 2009) (a) 8% (b)3% (0) 4% () 6% ©5% ANSWER KEY 8 9%@). 10 @ L@ 20 30 40 56 60 710 11. @) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14, (a) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17, (b) 18. (a) 19. (a), 20. (e) Baha ha ~ ~ Tose Scanned with CamScanner

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