Assessment - BSBEBU511-SUMMATIVE

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Section B

1. Because of developments in digital technology, it is now feasible to apply e-business

solutions across the whole value chain, from procurement to customer service. To
address this issue, e-business solutions shall be defined as any digitally-based
processes or activities that assist an organization in providing value to a product or
service for its customers. These processes or activities take place along what is known
as Porter's Value-chain (Porter, 1998).

Figure 1. Porter’s Value-chain

Here's how an examination of the value-key chain's operations might result in the adoption of
e-business solutions:
- Inbound Logistics - Streamlining the purchase process for the raw materials needed to
create a product or service will result in lower manufacturing costs. Automated
procedures offered in warehouse management system (WMS) software programs will
save labor expenses while increasing efficiency and accuracy in the handling of
incoming products.
- Operations – A point-of-sale software system will improve operations. Customers
may be serviced more quickly. The quality levels of inventory management and
pricing control are considerably superior to those of manually input information.
- Outbound Logistics - There are software tools that can plan the most effective route
map for delivery sequencing. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are also used to track
and locate vehicles, which improves logistics management. These software solutions
reduce the expenses of product distribution.
- Marketing & Sales – Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is used in
marketing and sales to monitor and analyze customer interactions and data. Based on
the results and reports generated by this program, marketing and sales strategies are
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is utilized in a variety of tasks,
including service delivery. It is used to create policies and guidelines that will be
utilized to build and develop the services that are provided to consumers.
A value-chain analysis will now essentially boil down to determining which e-business
solution an organization should deploy. Any company can no longer afford to ignore the
benefits of digital technology.

2. Spam Act 2003

Electronic messaging may be a powerful weapon in the marketing arsenal if it is

addressed as we would any other part of the organization. This involves educating
staff about the risks and benefits of risk management training. If electronic
communications are utilized in a hurry, it is likely to violate the Spam Act. The
reputation, which the company may have worked hard to build and nurture over many
years, will burn rapidly.

Australian Consumer Law.

The ACL applies to Australian companies who sell products or services via the
internet. Under the ACL, all online merchants are required to satisfy consumer
promises and provide customers with adequate remedies when a product or service
fails to meet these guarantees. A violation of these important consumer protection
laws will result in a punishment of the yearly e-business's turnover. If an e-business
violates the customer's guarantee rights, it will incur significant material and brand
name harm as well as lose consumer trust.

3. Business-to-commercial (B2B), often known as B-to-B, is a sort of business

transaction, such as one between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or a wholesaler and
a retailer. Business-to-business transactions take occur between companies rather than
between a company and a single client.
In a normal supply chain, business-to-business transactions are prevalent when firms
acquire components and goods such as other raw materials for use in manufacturing
operations. After that, finished goods can be sold to individuals through business-to-
consumer transactions.
Business-to-business communication refers to strategies for linking employees from
diverse organizations, such as social media. Communication between workers of two
or more businesses is referred to as B2B communication.
Business-to-consumer marketing refers to the activity of selling things and services
directly between a company and its consumers who are the end users of its products
or services (B2C). B2C refers to the vast majority of firms that sell directly to
customers. During the late 1990s dotcom boom, when it was mainly used to refer to
online retail, B2C became immensely popular (Boon, 2016).

Business-to-consumer (B2C) sales are among the most common and well-known sales
models. Michael Aldrich pioneered the concept of business-to-consumer (B2C) in
1979, using television as the primary channel to reach out to customers (Mohiuddin,
B2C has historically referred to mall shopping, restaurant dining, pay-per-view
movies, and infomercials. However, the advent of the Internet gave birth to a whole
new B2C business channel in the shape of e-commerce, or the sale of products and
services via the Internet. Any company that relies on B2C sales must establish
positive relationships with their consumers in order to keep them coming back.
4. All of the norms and models of an organization's internal and external operations are
changing as a result of e-business practice. On the one hand, social media raises brand
recognition and prompts purchases. Sharing too much information in public, on the
other side, may invite threats and fraudsters.
Implementing new electronic communication policies and standards is becoming a
crucial undertaking in order to preserve an organization's reputation and prevent
financial damages.
Policies and procedures within the organization should be fully stated to all personnel
for all hazards connected with electronic communication usage, including but not
limited to:
- Internet/intranet site policy: web surfing, lists, and posting are all restricted.
- Email policy: in terms of user limits and duties. Users, for example, are forbidden
from automatically transmitting message or attachment material to a third party that
does not include any private corporate information.
- Data protection standard policy: this policy addresses, but is not limited to,
authorisation with password access procedures, timeframes, online/offline filing
locations, and so on.
The policy should seek to preserve the privacy of its website visitors and lay out how
the firm will handle personal information for external users of an e-business website.

5. Social Media Strategy

Social media is best used as a passive source of sales generation; the major focus
should be on connection building and delivering helpful content, rather than on hard
selling. A firm that sells sports shoes, for example, maybe introducing a new model in
the near future.
This firm may utilize social media to publish instructive pieces about the benefits of
wearing the correct shoe for particular sporting activities, as well as fun stories about
which celebrities wear which shoes. The idea is to make your content valuable to your
intended audience; the product will then sell itself.
Entering New Markets
E-businesses that have the capacity to reach a worldwide audience must include a
strategy for expanding into new markets. Use the Internet in a number of methods to
contact consumers, whether it's to sell back stock at a discount or to discover a new
target market for a new product. These methods should involve the usage of social
media as well as high-quality content in order to create a solid basis for the new
E-Business Growth Strategy
Taking use of new marketing options to reach a bigger audience for their product, or
developing an affiliate marketing scheme for your product or service, might be
examples of e-business development strategies.
This is a low-cost approach to create a strong sales force: affiliates are only paid if
they produce sales, and the firm incurs no costs for product or service advertising.
E-Business Advertising Strategy
An e-business can promote in a variety of ways. One example of an e-business
advertising strategy would be the usage of pay-per-click advertising. According to
Neil Patel, the firm would need to create a list of keywords relating to their product or
service, evaluate the popularity of these phrases, and then utilize the best ones in its
pay-per-click ad campaigns.
Section C

1. The rapid growth of the Internet has boosted the demand for online shopping since it
provides several practical benefits. The B2C model simplifies every transaction;
individuals only need to connect to the Internet to purchase items for daily use. Its
objectives are to reduce management costs, increase the number of loyal customers
and increase sales
B2C businesses target daily consumers who are seeking for items and services for
their own use – families looking for home goods, parents looking for clothes for their
children, and so on.
Value chain structure:
+ Inbound logistics: Vertically integrated suppliers, decentralized fulfillment centers
to route products to a put-away site, item replenishment, quality control, and
fulfillment from a prime position.
+ Operations: marketplace operations and packing, device and content creation, AI-
Software development + Outbound logistics: order fulfillment, order handling and
shipment, invoicing
+ Marketing and sales: the world's most customer-focused firm, hassle-free returns,
customer services, promotions, order and customer tracking, and segmentation
+ Service includes warranty and support for the marketplace, devices, and other
services and goods, as well as education and training.
The B2C model of e-business not only saves businesses money on selling costs (no
rent, sellers, etc.), but it also allows them to connect with a huge number of clients
across the country. Consumers have various alternatives for purchasing things; thus,
they should not waste time commuting.

2. First, it is important to research the market, revaluate product costs, offer appropriate
promotions, promote and improve technology.
BTM's original e-business goals were:
➢ To set up an e-business
➢ To attract a diverse range of internet customers.
➢ To achieve a monthly revenue of at least 2 billion dollars
Now that the e-business has been functioning for 15 months, monthly revenue and
client order levels have just exceeded the initial objective; nevertheless, BTM is not
appealing enough to young consumers who appreciate the experience when they have
the most potential for development.
- Staff needs: train employees mainly in social media marketing; young people have
online shopping habits and want their purchasing experience to occur concurrently
while they surf social media channels.
- Customer needs: the availability of 24-hour shopping hours or the placement of hard-
to-find items (young people have a habit of shopping at midnight and they need
constant and immediate advice)
- - Supply chains: technological advancements progress. To select and pack orders as
well as manage inventory, automated and robotic solutions should be utilized so that
items may be delivered to consumers as soon as possible.
Customer feedback is the key to the success of an e-business. Instead of irritating
calls, get feedback from consumers after they receive their goods or service by
emailing them a few days after purchase. Whether it is negative or positive feedback,
it is excellent for company progress, and in order to gather more feedback from
consumers, we will offer modest discounts or accumulate points after feedback in
order to get more experience from them.


Boon, G. C. (2016). From Traders to Innovators (pp. 168-195). ISEAS Publishing.

Feng, L. (2007). What is e-business. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing.

Porter, M. E. (1998). Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior

performance: with a new introduction. The Free Press.

Mohiuddin, M. (2014). Overview the e-commerce in Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of

Business and Management, 16(7), 01-06.

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