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Hen Pen Pal 2021

New words:

patent:  relating to, or concerned with patents; obvious or clear

bubbly: very happy, cheerful, and lively, full of bubbles

detail-oriented:  paying close attention to all of the small


chateau: a castle or a large house especially in France

stroll: walk slowly in usually a pleasant and relaxed way

felicitation: congratulation

presumptuous: too confident especially in a way that is rude

alteration: the act, process, or result of changing or altering


impeccable: free from fault or error

self-doubt: a feeling of doubt about your own abilities or actions

flawless: perfect

naive: having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge:

innocent or simple
monument: a building, statue, etc., that honors a person or event;
a building or place that is important because of when it was built
or because of something in history that happened there

embrace: hold someone in your arms as a way of expressing love

or friendship

swell: become larger than normal

venue: the place where an event takes place

lavish: giving or using a large amount of something

impassionate: filled with or showing great emotion.


In my point of view, “Her Pen Pal” movie gave me chills and

happiness when I watched this. It was made by Hallmark
Romance, which was a predictable but delightful watch because
of three main reasons: the star cast of the movie; it is hard to stop
smiling at the sight of his/her pen pal and the setting in Paris.

First of all, the movie had many famous characters. The two main
characters are Victoria and Jacques. Mallory Jansen and Joshua
Sasse were the leading presenters of the film. They did so well,
they acted like incarnations of characters. By their dedication, the
film had a high ranking in the eyes of audiences.

The second one is that it cannot stand stopping to smile when

seeing its sights for others. The acts were happy and energetic,
they seemed like a real couple. Victoria, who was an elite
wedding planner, wanted to be a bridesmaid of her best friend in
Paris. And, she came across Jacques – her pen pal, then they
talked and met together. Finally, Victoria did a great job as a live
presenter, but she cannot hide, while Jacques was charming, and
after they became a couple by supporting of friends.

The final reason is that the setting in Paris brings a lot of emotions
for me. To be frank, I would like to go to Paris, France once time.
And, “Her Pen Pal” slipped once from fun to complicated in the
screen of Paris. Victoria had to decide to choose Cameron or
Jacques. As you may know, Paris is one of the most romantic
places to show up love. Therefore, a love story, which was
created in Paris, France, is a good choice for the film crew. It may
show all of the aspects of life and love to share with audiences.

For the reasons I have mentioned above, I am interested in

watching this film “Her Pen Pal” because of three factors: the cast
of the movie; I cannot cry when watching and the setting in Paris
of the film crew. If you have time, you will have to watch it once
time. I recommend it for you to relax.

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