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Mingtian tidngi zénmeyang WRAAAAE At What will the weather be like tomorrow -, WIJ Listening = 21 S—BMS Part | NAS Wl: Win aRRE, URDAbEE Questions 1-5: Listen to the words or phrases and decide whether the pictures are right or wrong based on what you hear, hén gaoxing i RN v very happy falan ; = _ ae 42 _ Example kan dianying Ti que x to see a movie _ _ | — _ l. | 2. | 3. 4, 5. | 81 AREBAR 1 YES Ih Standard Course 1 Workbook BXBD Part Il 3 6-10 8G: ORK, EEE SDL ANAS — BC Questions 6-10: Listen to the dialogues and choose the right picture for each dialogue you hear Ni hao! fl: tes Op WEY Example: How do you do? Ni ho! H&n gaoxing rénshi ni. Fs WEY A PIM TBs Cc How do you do? Nice to meet you. 6. LJ 7 O 8 CJ 9 LJ 10. ] 82 B=AB5) Part ill SR 15 HL RF, BE ya Questions 11-15: Listen to the sentences and answer the questions. Xidwwti w ql shanadian, wa xing mai yixié shuigué. Bilin: FE RS HRM. AR AL ae ae TKS Example: I’m going to the store this afternoon. I want to buy some fruit. Ta xiGwii qu nali? Dds ah 4 Be BE Question: Where is she going this afternoon? shangdian A fiii store JB hén ho lL A fh & B hn héio 12. A ft a B shangwit 13. A LF B ba dian 14. A AG B hén héo 15. A ffl af B yiyuan BE hospital bi hdo Rie tai léng le KOT zhongwi the ba dién gidn AG Hi ba tai hao. AK ke oS rR» — oh NHB FES xuExiGO FE school xid yi Fi tai re le A HT xiawit rr ba didn shi fen Aa bo tai ho le Kae 83 TRAE SANE. 1 vandard C Ee dA ours 1 Workbook BB Sf 16-20 Wal GERRY, SHUWWT Ae Questions 16-20: Look at the pictures and decide whether the given words are right or wrong. Part I —, BYR Reading Skate] 2K fal an Example: 20. ditnshi Hae television fiji “HL airplane shui 7k shuigud TE xiGofi8 sigh yishéng, baAE S—BS Part Il 3 21-25 FALL, RREWA NY Questions 21-25: Read the questions and choose the right answer to each of them. Ras RB Ni hé shui ma? . Ba hui. PP: BS ok. wy [F) A BS. Example: Would you like some water? Xidwii hui bu hui xitr yi? = Dud hé shui, dud chi shuigud. 21. FF BARAK Bir LJ BOS Mok, % ie oka. Zu6tian tiangi zénmeyang?: Ta hén héo, xiéxie. 22. EK RM MEARE CL Cth ak ee, Mim. Wang xidojié shanti zénmeyang? _ Taire le, wo yihuir qi 23.5 ML SHR Ze. Re? L D KAT. RAIL. Ni shénme shthou qi xuéxiao? i Bu lng bu re. 24. OTTAWA de RY LE] ERY KK, Yishéng shud shénme? Hao de, xiaxie! 25. BE Bh HA? Fo i, iar 85 MW md Standard Course 1 Workbook HSM Part ill O 26-30 Wl: TRAIT, BERRI MAY IsAS Questions 26-30: Read the sentences and choose the right words to fill in the brackets. tle due mingzi xi zénmeyang Ake-S BS Ch De Ele PEAR Ni jlo shénme fin: KM FFA (Dd)? Example: What is your name? Beijing de tiangi 26, Jha RAC ye Ni hé shut, tang’ tai re le. 27. YC MOK, RA KI To ‘Tamen bi xing zhu zher, har léng 28. fH] A AR TE BOUL, BULC BC). Zhege xingqi wé shénti bi tai ho, bi chi fan 29, i UW BE RAR a, AR) ie Tidngi hén r, ni due chit shuigud 30. KA A, HB (RRS 2. TAPE Pronunciation = @ 122 #—ABS> Part | SS 1-Si: WIS, MOT EAY Ted iEE Pa FS SEAR aL Questions 1-5: Listen to the recording. Among the three words and phrases you hear, mark the one that has a different tone pattern. LA B Cc 2.A B c 3.A B Cc 4A B Cc S.A B Cc SxS) Part I 56-10 il: RSE EE meh yh PE Sh = ey Questions 6-10: Listen to the recording and underline the trisyllabic words and phrases in the sentences you hear, 6. W6 mai tidin xia wii shang sha fa ké 7. Ma ma xia ge yue qui Jid nd da. 8. Jin tian shi xing qi wt, ming tian shi zhou ma. 9, W6 zui xi huan tido ba I8i wii 10, Ta méi qu guo Xi ban ya 87 Workbook Standard Course PO, DU Characters MBS} Part I BG: AS, HORAN SI Question 1: Look at the similarly shaped characters and compare them. (1) (2) K A ‘Js Ly BIAS Part I 2-3: FALE, RN A PI Questions 2-3: Look at the characters and group the characters with the same radical Aw Btk Chm Dis Es F 4a Gtk H+ 24: _ a 3.8: a H=MS Part Ill Sh 4 i: TBM, Sake Question 4: Look at the stroke order and practice writing the single-component characters. HEE tn - = FOR RK 88 BHC HKU Wa TRE 89

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