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Razon, Roselle G.

BSA 1-15
Prof. Airavie Joy Austria
GEED 10023 - Understanding the Self

Assignment 9: Managing and Caring for the Self

Make a list of your "Top 5 Tips/Secrets for Studying" based on your personal experiences/

Each one of us has our own ways and techniques in studying. It’s a case-to-case basis,
one’s techniques might be effective for some but not to others. Based on my personal
experience, the following are my “Top 5 Tips/Secrets for Studying”:

(1) Set priorities. For me not be overwhelmed on my responsibilities, I always write

down a list of the things that I need to do. I usually have my own booklet that will
include my to-do list such as reading, reviewing, and doing my backlogs activities. I
like to do things one step a time so that it wouldn’t consume all of my energy. I set
reasonable goals each day and outline steps I can take to reach those goals.

(2) Acknowledge myself. Whenever I accomplished something or done one of my tasks,

I always treat myself like buying something as a reward. After a tiring week of
studying or after a difficult exam, I always remind myself that I did well. I always give
myself a credit for every step in the right direction, no matter how small. And
recognize that some days will be better than others.

(3) Ask for help. None of us are superhuman. One of the most important ways to keep
myself mentally healthy while studying is to recognize when I am not feeling good,
and to know when to ask for help. There are times when I feel like I am being left
behind and need someone’s help for me to overcome this feeling. There's no shame
in asking someone for support if we’re feeling low or stressed. Everyone goes
through patches where they don't feel as good as they should. If things are getting
too much for me and I feel I can’t cope, I always ask for help.

(4) Take a break and recharge. Aside from giving myself a credit, I also set aside time
for myself. Even a few minutes of quiet time can be refreshing and help to quiet my
mind and reduce anxiety without thinking about academic stuff. Giving myself time
to rest without a feeling of guilt and remind myself that I deserve it, is the best

(5) Remind myself that I can and I will. It's crucial to remind ourselves of important
things. There will be times that I will face the lowest point of my life while studying
and reaching my dream of becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the
future. The road will be rocky, I could stumble and fall. It wouldn’t be an easy
journey but when this time comes, I will just remind myself that “I can” and “I will”. I
can dot it and I will achieve it.

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