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Self Motivated Same



The corporation as we know it is unlikely to survive the next 25 years.
Legally and financially, yes. But not structurally and economically.

Collaboration is not about making

Collaboration is characterized by strong
adjustments but it is about systems
and highly independent relationships

. It is required a high level of trust and extensive dialogue between participants

Collaboration demands participants forge new relationships and learn new ways of dealing with each other.
Collaboration is one of a suite of possible strategies, which goal is to
enable individuals and organizations to work together more effectively.

Characteristics of Collaboration
A positive form of working with others

A positive and purposeful relationship between organizations

Performed by number of companies that create and support a service or product.

Collaboration as a strategy

A process in which organizations exchange information, alter activities, share resources

for mutual benefits

Collaboration goal is to enable individuals and organization to work together more

Essential to connect the ingenuity gap and innovate the changes needed for sustainability
Accomplishment of a successful Collaboration is affected
by several factors

People Planning

Trust Technology

Time Vision Flexibility

Learning Communication


Successful Collaboration acknowledges that everyone has ideas

From successful Collaboration with others can result
several benefits.


Overcome Obstacles

Avoid Duplication Accessing to funding Access to

sources Constituents

Share Resources Community

Innovation is a dynamic process through which problems and
challenges are defined, new and creative ideas are developed, and new
solutions are selected and implemented.

Collaborative Networks Collaborative Networks

have the ability to bring enhance communications
new ways of thinking, within organizations Creativity and
diverse perspectives and collaboration are the
people from different central tenets of
backgrounds outside the collaborative networks
paradigm that created the Firms are moving to a
problems to the table to more collaborative
innovate new solutions. approach

Collaborative Innovation Networks are

Collaborative Innovation Networks tend to adhere to
fundamental elements that support their self-efficiency

Evolve from

COINs Genetic Code

Are based upon

trust and self-
Make knowledge
Operate in accessible to
internal honesty everyone
and transparency

Feature sound
In an attempt to provide a systematic taxonomy of virtual communities, Peter Gloor
identified three kinds of networks. These three types of virtual communities are
intended to form what is called a Collaborative Knowledge Network (CKN).

These three types of virtual communities are intended to form what is called a Collaborative Knowledge Network
COIN has emerged as a consequence of the new paradigm in
society where access to web-based technology on a worldwide
scale has been of great importance.

Basic societal conditions that have allowed

COINs to emerge

Information has become the object of production

All these attributes
reduce the social costs
The dramatic decline of physical capital costs
for each peer

Effective exchange over time and space

Access to highly variable idiosyncratic knowledge by peers

A COIN is not limited by the complexity of the project, but by the social cost of reducing the complexity
of knowledge and coordination costs of the diffusion process.
A Collaborative Innovation Network (COIN) is a group of self-motivated people
with a collective vision, enabled by the web to collaborate in achieving a common
goal by sharing ideas, information and work

COIN combines six types of networks


Strategy holds the network together




Innovative ideas are pushed forward by charismatic leaders, that they assemble a group of highly motivated

Communication capabilities of the Internet help COINs reach their tipping point
Members of Collaborative Innovation Networks are self-organized as cyber-teams.
These teams connect people through the Internet enabling them to work together
more easily by communicating not through hierarchies, but directly with each other.

Member types
provides the overall vision and guidance “ Salesman”

COIN members
develop new ideas
as a team

Knowledge expert: serves Collaborator Expediter: coordinates

as the ultimate source of and organizes tasks, form the glue of a
explicit knowledge “Maven” COIN

They work together

because they share the
same goal

Communicator, Ambassador:
Links to external networks, help carry new inventions to their tipping point “Connector,
The birth and explosive growth of the Web exhibits all the
characteristics of a highly successful Collaboration
Innovation Network
COINs collaborate under as strict ethical code

COINs communicate in direct -

COINs innovate through massive collaborative contact networks

Characteristics A COIN can be seen as a knowledge
network that primarily operates through
the Internet
There is no

Steve Jobs, Larry Page and They did what they thought
Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg would be the right think

There aren’t CEOs but

Chief Creators
Knowledge Flow Optimization is the process that
explain how Knowledge transfers in COINs.
Knowledge Flow Optimization consists four steps

Discover Measure

1 2
Existing relationships are collected,
constructing a social network by collecting These social networking ties are
communication activities among key team measured and analyzed.

Mirror Optimize

4 3
The resulting social network
The existing networking structures are optimized
analysis is shown to the
for increased knowledge creation and flow.
members of the network to
collect their feedback
COINs do not operate alone, but interact with larger
network of knowledge and information sharers.
There are three steps process of progress of a fledging COIN

In this first phase, the truly creative action of coming up with a fundamentally new solution to a
problem happens

Collaborate The second phase is crucial for the success of innovation. In this phase the visionary idea is taken
up by another group of visionaries, who excel not only in vision, but also in collaborative skills

When the innovation has achieved external recognition, driven by tireless work of the COIN, the third
phase begins. Now the merits of the innovation are made obvious to the external world. This attracts
new CN members who, besides the needed adventurous streak, also posses a string business gene

Activities between Learning Sessions Reporting

team members Forum/Listserv Conference Calls
COINs offer tremendous Innovative power and if working
collaboratively in a transparent environment is the way to gain the
power of COINs

Helps to build organizations that are more creative, productive and efficient by applying principles of creative
collaboration, knowledge sharing and social networking.

COIN-enabled organizations demonstrate more efficient leadership, culture, structure and business processes.

COINs can be leveraged to develop successful products in R&D

COINs grow better customer relationships

COINs establish better project management processes

COINs build high performing teams

An ethical code for a COIN can be summarized in four terms:
reciprocity, transparency, consistency and rationality

Reciprocity, the principle of taking and giving is at the core of successful

innovation communities.

Rationality means that Transparency means that rules are

actions within the community made explicit, and the role and
are grounded in reason and responsibilities of every COIN member
not in randomness. are obvious to the whole community

Consistency means that each and every COIN member behaves

according to a shared ethical code, and delivers on promises made
to the community

Golden Rule: only do to others what you would like others do to you

Be ready to help your fellow community members Be courteous with your fellow members

Respect your elders Only say something if you have something to say
Swarm intelligence in social insects is based in self-organization: no
one is in charge, but social insects successfully solve complex tasks.

A group of people is smarter and more creative than the smartest and most creative
individuals on their own

People assemble Innovate together in

around a new idea swarm creativity

Inside it is immensely productive

From the outside the structure of
because each team member knows
a COIN may look chaotic
intuitively what he or she needs to do

If a COIN works together really well, its output will be of superior quality, beating by far the output of groups managed
by conventional project management principles, through command and control
COIN supports an organizational form with five
important characteristics
Independent Membership: Each
participant’s welfare can be affected
by the actions to others. No
No simple Chain of Command:
members can achieve its objectives
COIN technology also enables without the cooperation of others
communications from any other
member, undermining a simple chain of
command Work Contributed to a Commons:
Essential to a COIN is creation of a work of
a product commons. Members share work
product freely, donate work product to this
commons, and build work product based on
what is in this common

Dispersed Membership:
Dependence on Trust: COIN can Communication technologies enable
operate efficiently only if there is COIN with members located over a
mutual trust, which can only be wide geographical area, often
maintained if there is a mutually throughout the world
agreed on code of ethics
Swarm based innovation process of developing “cool
new things” (coolfarming) happens in four steps

Step I Step II
The creator comes up with the The creator recruits additional
cool idea members to form a Collaborative
Innovation Network (COIN),

Step III Step IV

The COIN grows into a Collaborative Outsiders join, forming a
Learning Network (CLN) by adding friends Collaborative Interest Network
and family (CIN)

Based on the concept of COINs, the idea of coolfarming has developed, getting involved in the actual
creation of new trends by nurturing and cultivating new ideas.
Coolfarming is a decentralized self-organizing process where each
member of the COIN knows what she or he has to do.

Compared to conventional
project management,
coolfarming is a radically
different process

Successful projects show many

characteristics of coolfarming, with
the project manager behaving more
like a creator and coolfarmer than a

There is one person, the creator, who has

an idea, which she thinks is so cool that,
in spite of all obstacles, she wants to
make it come true. She talks to many
other people about her cool idea, until,
after many discussions, the creator finds
a few people who agree to help. They
latch on to the idea, and in their spare
time, they, the team – the COIN, the
Collaborative Innovation Network – build
a first, improvised version of the product.
Leaders of networks are not leaders in the conventional sense. They do not
govern their COINs through traditional leadership, but rather provide guidance
and are completely integrated in the community as a peer.”

Creators are leaders because of their network reputation, not because of a hierarchical position in an organization

Key characteristics of creators are personal integrity, trustworthiness, and willingness to communicate transparently
and honestly

Creators are constantly learning and adapting from others

Must be able to let go, empowering individual and swarm creativity by personal example and trust, not by
organizational authority.

Need to know how to nurture and create an environment of innovation.

It is the members of the swarm who choose the leader who is best for them

The most important role as a leader is to empower participation and empower your participants by enabling them to
operate with self-determination
When we decide to set up a collaborative innovation network in order to
success and create a sustainable COIN we have to consider four basic

Know when to collaborate, or not How to engage the right crowd to

participate in collaboration

The most important point to

Have a simple, clear, compelling
consider is whether or not the
and tangible vision to motivate
people you need to collaborate
other participants
with are on-line

Design a compelling experience for

Be a great collaborator yourself
the participants of the collaboration
In order to make COINs a success, creators have to look for
the best possible individuals to join their team

Potential members

be aligned with the goals should match the integrity of the existing COIN

have an intrinsic incentive to work in the group.

O serving the greater good, wanting to make, in some way, the world a better
T place

T 2 obtain what open source programmers call “egoboo” (public recognition of
voluntary work)

Creative swarms
Leadership in COINs is changing continuously. At any given phase, there is a clear leader, but the leader is needs strong
willing to pass on leadership to whoever is the most capable of reaching the goal of the next phase.” leaders
For a COIN to be successful there are several barriers
that have to be overcome.

Not everyone has access to the Internet digital immigrants vs digital natives

The Digital Divide

Older generations resist to the flat structure Complications with networked models of working

External Cultural Barriers

difficult for new innovation models to compete The legal constructs for collaborative working do not exist

Intellectual Property Concerns

Lack of transferable data, information,
Systemic Security and Privacy Concerns
software compatibility

Technological Barriers

Lack of motivation Communication
Trust Organizational constraints
COINs can have several strategic uses

Use COINs for increased efficiency

Choose Open-Source

Use COINs to solve complex challenges

Use known frameworks Support Diversity

COINs will not promote openness, involvement, transparency, cooperation, or inclusiveness if they are used
Innovation measurement approach referred as “innovation alley” because of its
process model structure with six stages and milestones to measure the progress of
projects on their journey from an initial idea to marketed products.

The measurement of the actual impact of innovation network activities ranging from idea qualification, to evaluation and exploitation, requires the collection of quantitative
statistical data.Therefore a set of indicators identified that provide data from the outcome of the single stages to which one or more agents could be related to.Then must be
evaluated the network agents’ performance as well as the supporting network as a whole. Framework indicators induced from empirical data together with the performance
indicators of the innovation stages compose our proposed monitoring instrument.

All stages of the innovation process may be monitored and evaluated by success factor portfolios and performance indicator arrays
The innovation process is characterized by target indicators as minimum requirements
for the progress for each gate. These indicators are enumerated from all partners’
individual rankings in network team sessions.

Process for continuous monitoring and control makes use of 3 attributes: Competencies and skills, Level of
Attractiveness (LoA) and Strength of Relations (SoR).

Level of Attractiveness (LoA) Strength of Relations (SoR)

The attractiveness of an innovation object
for each partner depends on the power of The cohesion’s intensity of the collaboration
the common vision as well as the is expressed by the relation of the average
impressions that there is significant Attractiveness and the total costs
Measuring the communication network will uncover the true
innovators and communicators, not the ones appointed
by management

Discover informal communication flows
first step
of Knowledge Social network metrics (degree and betweenness centrality, contribution index,
sentiment) are calculated using the dynamic semantic social network
Flow analysis tool “Condor”
The social network of core team members can be calculated from their e-mail exchange

second step of The network constructed in phase one is analyzed
Flow Measure high performers innovators and gatekeepers
Step three and step four of Knowledge flow optimization

third step communication structures
of Knowledge
Flow nurture existing COINs, and creating new ones, to spot gaps in the communication
networks and align communication with business strategy and goals

Mirror feedback to network participants

fourth step of
Knowledge Once the communication patterns of individuals and teams have been computed, they
are shown to team members, together with information about communication patterns of
Flow the most successful individuals and teams.
The contribution index measures the communication intensity of people as senders
and receivers. Comparing these metrics with known high performers helps to identify
the hidden influencers, innovators, and gatekeepers among different groups

The contribution index takes on values between –1 and +1, it is +1 if a person only sends messages and –1 if it only receives messages. A
contribution index of 0 indicates a totally balanced communication behavior. The contribution index is a relative and peer specific measure, which
can be computed for different timeframes
To better understand the power of COINs we can
look at examples of their use to date.

Corporate COIN
Increase the efficiency of Daimler Chrysler’s Global
project e3 Procurement and Supply operations.

Research COIN

C3N develop a pilot “collaborative clinical care


Virtual community Vision

Build a community of people “challenging the one size fits all
EBD approach to assistive equipment through the use of clever modern
Non Profit and amateur COINs examples

Non Profit COINs Vision

Step out of the computer into our
hands, via the use of mobile
PamoNet technology, thus accessing
participants without personal

Build a wiki where analysts across 16

intelligence agencies can share
Intellipedia information and connect the dots
between their insights more easily.

Amateur COINs

Flash Portal - NGBSS It is an online community of Flash animation enthusiasts

Wikipedia free online cyclopedia

Linux software applications open-source software movement

The four attributes examination of successful COIN examples
Evaluate the impact of attributes in success of COINs
COIN is a subset of Intelligent Collaborative Knowledge
Networks (ICKN).

This research project seeks to better understand the formation, development and
performance of self-organizing virtual innovation networks as well as key roles in
those networks.

The goal of this research project at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence is to
help organizations to increase knowledge worker productivity and innovation, by
creating Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs) .

International Swarm

The CKN project operates as a Collaborative Innovation Network (COIN). While team members
work together virtually all the time, they have their physical offices at the MIT Center for
Collective Intelligence, University of Cologne, Savannah College of Art and Design, and Aalto
University in Finland.
Key insights of COINs
Fundamental COIN Elements
Collaborative Innovation Networks

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