Flood Control - Project Menu

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Component Details
Project Type Flood Control Structures (FCS)
Project Title Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance of Flood Control and Facilities
Description Construction of new Flood Control Structures including Rehabilitation, Upgrading,
Improvement and Expansion of existing components are essential in order to support our
Local Government Unit (LGU) in the socio-economic development and the protection of
lives, infrastructures, agricultural, and other resources of our county.

Flood control structures are designed to protect coastal and river-bank areas, including
urban and agricultural communities, homes, and other economically valuable areas, and the
people located within them. These structures are used to divert flows of water, by re-
directing rivers, slowing natural changes in embankments and coastlines, or preventing
inundation (flood) of vulnerable coastlines or floodplains. Dikes, spurs, levees, and seawalls
often act as the first line of defense against overflowing rivers, floods, storm surges, and—
in the longer term—rising seas. By keeping water out, flood control structures lessen harm
to physical infrastructure and help to ensure continuation of communities, economic and
social activity.

However, it has been observed that there are flood control structures that are either
frequently damaged or not functioning as intended. One of the causes is the inadequate
planning mainly due to budget constraints and lack of reference materials. It is essential that
flood control structures are carefully planned and designed with due considerations on local
site conditions, river hydraulic principles and phenomena to ensure that structures are
effective in mitigating water-induced disasters.

Nevertheless, many development programs rely on these structures to maintain program

objectives, including continued food and water supplies, economic activity, and protection
from storms and floods.

Consistently, the main objective of this project menu is to establish uniformity in planning
and designing of flood control projects. It aims to provide the engineers involved (National,
Regional, Local) in flood control planning and design, the essential tools to formulate
effective and efficient countermeasures against floods.

Major Component

Projects under the Assistance of Municipalities (AM)- Flood Control Structures shall be
limited to the concerning Municipal Water Boundaries and Guidelines in accordance with:

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- DENR Administrative Order No. 2001-17, June 13, 2001; Guidelines for
Delineating/Delimiting Municipal Water
- Presidential Decree No. 1067, December 31, 1976; The Water Code of the
Philippines: Chapter V- Control of Waters

To promote flood control activities, laws, codes and department orders governing flood
control and drainage projects were formulated and executed to:
- Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning of Flood Control Structures were
formulated; published and issued nationwide in June 2010 under the JICA and DPW;
Project for the Strengthening of Flood Management Function of the DPWH

Whereas, the structural design of FCS shall be depending on the actual site condition, results
of Survey and Investigation shall be in accordance with:
- Typical Design Drawings / Flood Control Structures; published March 2003 under
JICA and DPWH; Project for the Enhancement of Capabilities in Flood Control and
Sabo Engineering of the DPWH


Flood Control Structures (FCS)

➢ Refers to all methods used to reduce or prevent the detrimental effects
of flood waters. Some of the common techniques used for flood control are
installation of rock berms, rock rip-raps, sandbags, maintaining normal slopes
with vegetation or application of soil cements on steeper slopes and
construction or expansion of drainage channels. Other methods include levees,
dikes, dams, and retention or detention basins.

Flood / Flooding
➢ A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry.
➢ Floods are natural phenomena with great consequences for society and the
environment. In floods, water spills uncontrollably over river banks. Flooding
can have a major impact on society, especially where floods affect many people
and various human activities. Floods cause direct and indirect damage to
agriculture, transport, energy, infrastructure, buildings and elsewhere, and
pose a risk of environmental pollution, and to human life and health.

Flood Risk Management / Flood Control Measures

➢ Prevention – activities to reduce flood risks and promote appropriate land use,
agricultural land management and forest management;
Protection – activities to reduce the probability of flooding or to reduce the
impact of floods at a particular location and to increase resilience to floods;
Awareness – informing local residents of flood risk and taking appropriate
action in the event of an emergency;
Preparedness – activities undertaken in the event of an emergency; and

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Restoration – fast restoration of the situation before the flood event,
implementation of the analysis and consideration of new findings.

Flood Control Master Plan

➢ The Flood Control Master Plan explains the flood control policy, strategy, target
flood magnitude and main works by river system. Each flood control project
should be conducted based on the “Flood Control Project Implementation
Plan”. This flood control project implementation plan should be formulated
based on the Flood Control Master Plan.

Flood Control Project Implementation Plan

➢ The Flood Control Project Implementation Plan specifies the works for
implementation based from Master Plan with due consideration on the funds
needed for the project implementation and benefits to be derived from the
project. This plan should be formulated for each project.
➢ Flood Control Project Implementation Plan shall consist of the following:
a. Main plan (Project cost estimation and EIRR)
b. Channel Plan
c. Cross section plan
d. Longitudinal plan
e. Typical structure design drawings
f. Right-of-Way/Resettlement Plan (if any)
g. Project Implementation Schedule
h. Cost-Disbursement Schedule

Survey and Investigation

➢ The primary purpose of survey and investigation is to provide the basic data and
information necessary for the subsequent flood control planning and design of
river training structures and bank protection works. Data collection, analysis
and utilization are basically important in making plan/design more appropriate.
It is noted that the appropriateness of a particular plan/design rely much on the
veracity and/or authenticity of available basic data and information.

Design Flood Discharge

➢ Design flood is the value of the instantaneous peak discharge adopted for the
design of a particular project or any of its structures. In addition to the
considerations of the flood characteristics, frequencies and potentiality of the
contributing drainage area above the structure, social, economic and other
non-hydrologic considerations which are likely to have influence are considered
in deriving a design flood.
➢ The term “design flood” is used to denote the maximum flood flow that could
be passed without damage or serious threat to the stability of engineering
structures. It is therefore, necessary to specify volume and period of flood flow
that may flow down in conjunction with the peak flow. Thus, design flood
hydrograph is also fully worked out along with peak flow to facilitate design.
➢ Design discharge is an important input in deciding the appropriate types of
countermeasures to be adopted in a river improvement plan and for the
structural design of such countermeasures.

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Design Flood Level (DFL)
➢ Design Flood Level (DFL) means the high-water level that corresponds to the
Design Discharge. Basically, the DFL shall be set at about ground height along
the river.
➢ The design flood level is the maximum estimated water level during
the design storm event including an allowance for climate change in line with
current best practice national planning guidance. The design flood level for
a site can be determined through either known historical data or modelled for
the specific site.

Slope Protection Structures

➢ Protect a slope by the use of retaining wall. Retaining wall are structures usually
provided at the toe of a slope to stabilize it from slide, overturn or collapse.
➢ A slope will be relatively stable when its profile (section angle) is kept below its
angle of repose. Angle of repose is an angle that maintains naturally to a safe
equilibrium by the composing material of a slope. This angle deviates from
differing materials depending on their compaction, particle size and the nature
of the material itself. (e.g. cohesiveness and shear strength).
➢ Classification of slope
a.) Natural Slope – in various conditions, including rock slope
b.) Man-made Slope - including cut-back slope or slope formed by filled
material with adequate compaction, usually provided with surface and
surface drainage
c.) Man-made Slope – formed mainly with the support by retaining
➢ Components on a well-design and maintain man-made slope
a.) Surface protection such as vegetation (rigid cover (masonry, plaster
or shotcrete)
b.) Surface drainage (including surface channels, catch pits and sand
c.) Subsurface drainage (including weep holes and subsoil drain etc.)
d.) Other protective provision such as prestressed ground anchors

Drainage Structures
➢ The drainage structures reduce flood damage by carrying water away from
➢ Stability of slope can be effectively improved by the provision of an
appropriately design drainage system, this can be achieved by:
a.) A surface drain system that is capable to discharge all the storm water
within the rain water catchment area affecting the slope in a
designated period of time (say, 200mm rainfall/hour). A surface drain
system usually consists of: - surface channel - stepped or trapezoidal
channel - catch pit or sand trap
b.) A subsoil drain system that is laid below surface for the discharging of
ground water and to maintain the water pressure be kept in a safe
level - filter layer behind the slope leading water to outlets - weep
holes - cut-off drain - subsoil drain pipe

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Eligibility The following requirements shall be observed in the implementation of the proposed
1.) One (1) proposal one (1) project;
2.) People at pilot project sites and other disaster-prone areas are direct beneficiaries
of the project;
3.) Have identified approximate umber of beneficiaries (in terms of number of
4.) Must have conducted community consultation that may be affected by the project;
5.) Pre-identified feasible location for the proposed FCS with its basic components;
6.) The locations, areas, or sites of FCS projects are not included in the critical geo-
hazard areas or no build zones identified or certified by the Mines and Geo-Sciences
Bureau (MGB);
7.) The project must be installed in a Government property;
8.) No land ownership or right of way issues in the location of FCS and other
components of the project;
9.) Proposed project must have a Flood Control Plan, that classified into:
• Master Plan (MP)
• Feasibility Study (FS)
• Detailed Engineering Design (DED)
• Project Implementation Plan (PIP)
10.) The standards of construction, rehabilitation, improvement, or repair of FCS
projects in all areas and zones are consistent with the rules determined by the
DPWH, which shall consider, among others, the structural strength and climate
resilience required for FCS projects in all areas and zones;
11.) The planning and construction of FCS projects to be implemented within the
National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS) are done in a way that
eliminates or minimizes the risk of biodiversity loss while the specifications thereon
are in accordance with those determined by the DPWH, in coordination with the
DENR. Major FCS projects may only be undertaken in said areas if intended to
enhance biodiversity. The DPWH and all other agencies shall take into account
climate risk information and green building standards to be issued by the Climate
Change Commission (CCC) in the planning, identification of site, design,
construction, engineering and renovation;
12.) Have identified projected construction duration in calendar days, and
implementation of which shall not exceed to the approved Completion Date (refer
to DPWH Department Order No.44 Series of 2012; for the prescribed or
implemented standardized construction duration of various categories of
projects/works depending on cost);
13.) Ready access to the proposed site shall be observed Road Right of Way (RROW) has
been settled or acquired, that it should be readily accessible for mobilization;
14.) Proposed site shall be observed to facilitate immediate implementation of the
project upon receipt of fund;
15.) Proposed project shall not be dependent on the completion of other projects
funded by the LGU or other agencies that may prevent mobilization once Notice to
Proceed (NTP) has been issued;
16.) Project proposal shall be listed or included in the Municipality’s duly approved Local
Development Investment Program (LDIP) which are not funded from other sources;

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17.) Proposed budget for the project should be sufficient to finance the minimum design
considerations for the Construction of new FCS including Rehabilitation, Upgrading,
Improvement and Expansion of existing components; and should incorporate the
provisions into the “Items of Work”, pay items for the project in the “Overhead,
Contingencies and Miscellaneous (OCM) Cost”; such as, but not limited to the
• Project billboard
• Temporary facilities for the project
• Surveying for as-staked and as-built quantities and plans
• Construction safety and health
• Quality control
• Traffic management and road safety measures during project
• Hauling, processing, delivery and/or disposal of materials
• Environmental safeguards
• Miscellaneous for reports.

Standard Design Based on the Technical Standard and Guidelines (TSG) in Planning and Design, selection and
design of each Flood Control Structures shall be based and adapted to the existing
conditions of the site.

In order to complement the provisions under the TSG, the formulation of supplemental
reference materials (Manuals, Typical Design Drawings & etc.) is needed by the Regional
Offices (ROs) and District Engineering Offices (DEOs) to effectively plan and design FCS.

Thus, project proposal for Flood Control Structures shall be compliant with the standard
designs. Refer to the Table included at “Standard Cost” for the details and description of FC
structures enumerated below:

I. Slope Protection Structures

A. Embankment Protection Walls
1. Dry Bolder Riprap
2. Gabion/Mattress
3. Gabion Revetment (Foundation Type: Precast Concrete Slab /
Concrete Sheet Pile)
4. Gabion Revetment (Foundation Type: Steel Sheet Pile)
5. Grouted Riprap
B. Retaining Walls
1. Gravity Wall
2. Reinforced Concrete Revetment
3. Rubble Concrete Revetment
4. Seawall
5. Stone Masonry Wall
C. Dikes
1. Boulder Spur Dike

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2. Earth fill Dike
3. Gabion Spur Dike
II. Drainage Structures
A. Lined Canal
B. Side Ditch
C. Ditch Berm
D. Vertical Ditch V-Shaped Lined

Typical Design Drawings of Flood Control Structures Published March 2003 by DPWH & JICA;
Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning and Design; Volume 1 - Flood Control; Published
March 2002 under JICA & DPWH;
Project for the Enhancement of Capabilities in Flood Control and Sabo Engineering of the DPWH &

Standard Cost Estimated Project Cost shall be commensurate to the scope of works identified by the LGU,
that the actual estimates for the projects will vary depending on the location of the
proposed projects, road condition, terrain condition (mount, rolling or mountainous), traffic
condition and actual distance measured from the materials delivered at site. Likewise, the
cost of materials differs from each Regions / District Offices.

The Established cost and quantity estimates for the different type of structures can be used
in programming for budgetary purposes only. The appropriate type of structure must be
designed accordingly taking into consideration the required design data (i.e. Topographic,
Hydrologic, Hydraulic, etc.) for the subsequent design of Flood Control Structures which will
be the basis of final costing to determine the reasonable estimated cost.

For the reference of recipient LGU’s, the following matrix are the estimated project cost of
various typical designs of Flood Control Structures. Including Direct Cost (Materials, Labor
and Equipment) and Indirect Cost (Overhead, Contingencies and Miscellaneous):

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These values are rough estimate only. The LGU may adjust the cost of project proposal
based on prevailing cost of materials, labor, equipment rental rates in their locality /
geographical location by referring to the latest Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA) per Pay
Item from the nearest DPWH- District Engineering Office (DEO). When not made available,
the LGU may refer to the following references in preparing cost estimates, for Direct and
Indirect Cost:
a.) Labor Rates: Latest Regional Labor Rates as authorized by DOLE
b.) Equipment Rates: Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL
Rates 2014) and Bureau of Equipment (BOE)
c.) Material Costs: DPWH Construction Materials Base Data or Prevailing Price
in the locality, taking into consideration the cost of source, processing,
crushing, stockpiling, loading, royalties, local taxes, construction and/or
maintenance of haul roads, etc.; expenses for hauling to project site;
handling expenses; storage expenses; allowance for waste and/or losses
not to exceed 5.00% of materials equipment.
d.) Mark-up & VAT Percentage: DPWH DO No. 22, series 2015 (re: Revised
Guidelines in the Preparation of Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)

Flood Control Structures (Quantity and Cost Estimates); Provided by Bureau of Design (BOD);
Memorandum from DPWH to OPDS-DILG dated February 27, 2015

Counterpart 1.) Preparation of Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design (DED) including
Structural Analysis and Design (SAD)
2.) Site surveys and investigation for DED preparation
3.) Soil and Hydraulic survey and investigation for the project location

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4.) Project planning, designing, implementation, management / supervision and
5.) Processing of project Bidding, awarding of contract to winning contractor and
6.) Securing Permits and Licenses as requirements for construction and operation
7.) Implementation of Quality Assurance (if required)
8.) Attendance to Trainings and Seminars to be conducted by the DILG
9.) Annual Maintenance Cost
10.) Administrative Cost
11.) Insurance for the completed project

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