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TPN ny mm thisis md — TY trisis 0 — NV eran ato) TERE | ee ad»aan apns/nNt NF to introduce the ite 128 ‘ le: jowing peo’ i ADMIN TPT p79 FY “pun pT) nyt penny) ria amwvian JPY] DVD yp2vVa IMP :o0 ORY TINT 22m PQQ ANT som Hn Nt ,a DI 2M TAN ANT IN] AY -o OY NT ,Q 9M TEPID PIR :0 Out 2 ass “Wit ay + OH ANt + VAD) WT aby TWW) VN AN + a RIN Write atvnt before the following nouns. Note that cities and countries are feminine in Hebrew: PWN nya Woy Dipw ayo on 22 aA yyy “DAN dn TOVIDIIN mm ving Pwpiaa pw Dw. Apgpin inpiay At — raya — Apyn myn At — map nytt : 5 nn MNT ANY. O1y" MAL TN OY NP ITT aD MN 5 School IDO MA sppa ny) or i SY TNT MIND ND PIMA T BN “YY .pyypa-nyoNI7P7a NT seq? (07722) 190-393 WNT Jon xin .YIW-1NIAY NIN *PYPY OTD? I9P-11]9 PN2D NIN elementary school —>710? (02) 190-373 * middle school, junior high school — 0292 NON * now— Pyry® | Unit 2 maa OYY Minwr oa ninaw Plural Pronouns and Nouns NIN VOR DEN you (Fp) youn) a ba they (f) they (m) AYP IBN “Vin 9p-m2 1) NZ NPN 2 D> 07 TN RP OD Apher, on .DQVIPA DD PWIY -DINY YDPPA 07 PWIY mp Appa DyyTVy On jinn 199-333 O-PNIA OD high school — 1120 199-2" | : mpt ! Allnouns in Hebrew are either masculine (99) or feminine (nap). 1 Theending ofa noun indicates its gender. es Feminine nouns usually end with one of the following: m_ ; i“ — 1 i ult. 1 Nouns that end otherwise will almost always be masculine by defat : Feminine plural ends usually with SW__. : Msdine plurals usually °__- — : ihe plural ending is °___ : "ote that when the singular feminine ends with 5°__ oF fi. mer PEND — mendy sniryynOD-TOTOY) Yet 2 any ——] vt? (ms) | poy RP 5) TWOP (mp) | mooyney | ep) inthe yard 7303" | Tp OAPND “DVD OD YT) OP 72N— piawinga 2PN”M DIY — MID" WY-WaN PID WNW — PW? - -Praa np TIN “N2N 99-33, AMPIDNNA 533 apna Prpn (fs) (ms) mipn7n | BPH op) (mp) “yma INNO 9) DIdy — npn WW? 22- TWP 1D’ PHID OMY ,DIy— -DQYIDPA PD IOV-1PI NIN ,2—- 99090 Change to the plural: PWD 4 (PUD IN.2 STON AN 3 TDI DN 4 Jin Top-193 TAN NI 5 “nororpyna MONAT Unit 20777 Fee DaNEn afe praindn vnc .|> a ND 7? — sND Adan Change to plural Dard yyy dw Pron aa Py TPM nr 2 POND vWD AY 3 APN momDD DN 4 1>09 nan 9 “Wd-yAI Nin AN 6 Weg Nn 7 ?D>ya Nona AyD TDN. aon Answer the questions: MONWn dy 19 1pw-pI MPH ANN .4 LOND UN DAN .5 PMID ivpit npr 6 a D00n 2 vided: WINW 13: tions according to the answers pro Write ques' 2999) NDI WP ag. nen ,19 IPT NWN WN ° DD9N.ND (9) WDA i SSI=9)_-poAIN-DIDD ('9) DNDN < “ IpNIDDG (2) 7H "o 2¥PPIII] NI ('1) 72 ns nya THD TOv-AIa Pw A 4 pes miat.s aoe, NP 6 da TPP Nw7 away NS ayn Translate into Hebrew: memazn) oin sareiiira anil Gs3iGo 56 dy eZ nivixpn Subject of Stuay - f ayo vis “mio 7m (pra) NPP may ae mI mngqy n + 12222 npvRD MTD | | Sao my? ODN sap m2 19P2. PION | pawn (apo) AP men yw myn | m9? yn MIDINITN | may languages — nisy* XDI Identify the pattern of language names in the list above and use this pattern to write the names for the languages of the following countries: nia = (Bulgaria) 129792 «5 — (Poland) 799.1 — = (Vietnam) DYN) .6 = Romania) Mynn.2 hina) po .7 = (Hungary) IwI7.3 ee —Germany) 907).8 Greece) NPG abn miyiypa Based on the list above write the Hebrew for the following subjects: sociology ~ — anthropology- _ philosophy — — aon Tequirements you need to take courses in 5 subjects. Circle 2 and 1 humanities course from the list above. In order to fulfill your school’s Science courses, 2 languages, 57 unr207"? Speak > sn * TMPST TD X79 an pn a 2 syn 4 IBY ABTAADN yt ki 11 :bypn - 9PM! 43 o MBIARY yr 'MD2a AMD Figy i 2 dyn DOPION DIAN ID IPTION TAI NNN * | NON LD :dy~n a N y TDN — PY? NT NONI? NZ NPY ADIT -nyp wpa 77 mpra np OV TYYR IN s2p9 INDIA IOV “7 mit :dy0 aitle NYP" non Complete the verb and the language Maw) SOA TN DWT pisa(oia —__ndaan__N’7.2n1vT1EP myP on mpPoN APP —__pn.mypqyn ny) oT ITV PYE __ yn _nyryprng NPAT NIT. TZN AND anak we apaan Anu what classes they take. 58 a kand und the classroom and ask what languages You" classmates SP°? hey amy 7797903 O-N9PD * seary 2707" R* “pna— ani ge “pn -INW? PNT NIN NO N= 5 TTI DYN NRX — m?T74 4: : Bye nave ? 179 “PND — mae 14 71903-7377 NI ?DY 72.NIN— mee -DY-P) YIP NIN ND — 3 TOPN AI NIM -ON 1 TY — 2DN NN — IY IPA— 2997 Write 3 or 3 according to the context: -WY-*79910 NW NPNID VITIOD JNOTD INW)__NI JNOTD*PYIY ae Ap N__ VN 63 pepo onna movrpyrx_ 77 NIN YP) *N2399 Ta NIN NTI Unit 2707 —_ The Verbs Sytem ipsinHebrew are divided into 7 groups according to the characteristics or patterns they sh erent groups are called binyanim (939%, 1, “buildings” sstucuney ne! mes ofthe 0°9°292 are: S¥aIn {dy 1999) s¥9nn yon mene 2299 ,o99 a ; faq| far ; ; | >| yl ; v| 9) * |? “| || , | ve \ rename of each )?293 is made up of 3 consonants (.9.9,9) that represent any given root. Then trenoot is imbedded in the structure of each 333. i 0999993 have different meanings, such as active, passive, causative, reflexive, et. ie same root can fit into more than one }°233. When that happens, the same root may have ih 7 éferent meanings, depending on the 233. _ _ — _ Categories rita | | itive —'9y1 Tenses - 09 Categories — nia Infinitive - 2yis DW | feplarverbs (B%BW) are Every verb has an infinitive | oan bres 3 | verbs whose three-letter form (except certain passive | | ae ; oe ms rootshow up consistently in | verbs). | ise teases | alverb forms (past, present, |The infinitive ismade up| | ative. pai ime ete) of (o)+theroot~afew | ae | Inegular verbs (W549) are | additional letters and vowels, | en nen | verbs in which one root depending on the verb group: | | sae: | leteris missing or silent nb? erative — 993 | insome of the verb forms. 99 || | ‘negular verbs are divided | 2007 | | | 'nto different groups, ‘epending on which root letter ig missing. Root wriw Hebrew words (verbs and nouns) are based ona etter root system that determines their meaning. 3 Look at the words below and write the three letters that are common to all of them: ool | TD || As you can see, all these words have a common root and a related meaning that has to do with learning. (study) T19 (study) NppID (student) PA2H \ (instructor) 19219 / N\ (learning) 79399 ~ (lalmud) rH Find the roots of the following groups of words: (the “Shema” prayer) Yow nNryD (to love) ain’ ec 75 (tohear) yinwd fin love) ADIN — (brary) ENB hearing) MYNW (to fallin love) ay —_—_ librarian). 199 (Shimeon-Simon) }iyaw (love) aD autho) gt Giscipline) nyown (lover) am — (school) 199-73 OOo ooo 86a “ UNIT 2 nave at v5 Pa oN gyian > oan sy oe a9 vention of representing any gis . . wie trend). 1g any given root in Hebrew is the use of 9.9.9 sing this, formula, the first letter of the root is called 9¥\9n oy.) the middle letter of the root is called 99997 ’8, the A’yin (’Y) of the verb (9. seth letter ofthe root is called 5997 "», the Lamed ('9) of the verb (9 » = 9, literally the Pe ('9) of the verb, ; sdentitvi dO natice these conventions by identifying the following roots. Write them down and then conjugate them according to the given pronouns. (The order of the consonants has been deliberately changed.) (9) ow BY) S9On vywn ____ayie DN Ne xo % ebyien’o = NOYION'Y I pomenyy agen’ 299199 _ TN _ bynes) ayy a aNOTI7 on ny ene 9 pomen’s yn oyna = Soien'y > 2ynen'» abyion yy s2yion’D aoyion'2 wn __— aon Find the root of the following verbs sppoyon IY YINWA AA nypiy A. ce - napin omn = DNTP niin - 7m api — nitnio OO - — mania 62 “era any Reading and Writing DrANiD) DxXAp 29D TINTP 1D letter — anon homenore— m9 ray? newspaper 10?9" sate e-mail — 91977 TNH mia book 740? $3 unr 27 4 NES Present Tense Conjunction a ai oe ” - ve pron on | pm 1X DIM onx on | oon | n | nInd pn . 7 on ? te mY aANN nN ym ” | ™ ning? AN | NT OMN oma a om fi | Ga i? TN ANP ANN a= ea | nn nn now UMN / oN > sania WN oania | my nist ns a> onN nama nN ania nny _ P| - i on nn | nn a NIN vn oR | ipiagix NN | 2p agin Onn namin nN nin ANN 7 7 on) xa am pron | ynON oN oN niaiy nN Dy one ny oN aay NN sn on wn xn apt The etter 8 is silent (AMA ’N) when it is not followed by a vowel (MNP NP). ‘Note the vowel under the #) in the verbs DPADIN and MADIN, which isa compensation for esheva. (As a guttural letter, ’71 cannot accept a sheva.) xD Parse the following verbs according to the example: ee 1 | a | (vo yan ow ‘byan | WON (type) N79 | Goon wav | (pronoun) 4997 BY | | | | ] i nde — Studying (we) pinde_ | nb + 294 ummer job in a local newspaper. Read what he wrote about himself: 7 lied for ast 1. Noram PP yion 799-7922 PID IN TI YON Sree NDNA POY 7D? TAY IDINWN Orn _nteent Ag Va-g WPYA TI IN “MPPIDA NPV apin “— um oe OTED IY) NP 019 *Sy anja oN 2. Rewrite the letter above in the feminine voice: aan AMUsm299 Complete these statements as they pertain to you and talk about them with a friend: TVANINON 1 P27 AVS / ipa / MOD ss PADDY / Jinn! Pry orov pn _ IVNADp ON.2 PR /YMY/Denp _ ites ate — ATVTIY IN .3 ? TOV /ONIW Danan __ TVAND ON -4 + RPA ONS ADO VTA INS 65 unm 2? TD n Conjugate according to the pronouns and roots: Danis “2D. (0) yy —— 2A. ODN = — ‘T0900 os N12 AR _ TAY AY ASAIN Write the correct form of the verb in the blank: “Tay Dxtp (xp) NIN AVA TAI Vin 9p aa (n.d) DY apn WHoN NX (xp) DPNINN .yiny Dir INDY IY VHD “ yoy MX. ay) Did 22 TDA dy (a.n.9)) ‘ aNisa preposition that marks definite direct objects in ‘trem, It has no equivalent in English. 39% is written ‘saseparate word. It is used in a sentence after a verb tad before a noun with the definite article 7 or a proper ‘oun, lke names of people and places. slike the Old city, TP AYA PY MN ADIN DW * ‘Tio Jerusalem, DOWD MY ADIN * FSD oy) pw ny o> NIB NURIA ithe beginning God created the heavens and arth.” Or: “When God began to create heaven and earth” Genesis 1:1 XN IPUNID y wwe marina 10 WI PT See unit 10 for biography and a story of S.Y. Agnon. 2 66 M2 TD» Know YIP PTA) WYN YTV OND EPAP IRN MVD YT ON DQM TDN AYN 1}? Lapin DTP AND AYA NPI 2 avy is translated in English as “know.” £ Itisused for information or knowledge. 2 Forknowledge acquaintance with persons or places, Hebrew uses another verb 9/999): nyo DN YI om (Yotam knows Yonina.) NDT Translate to English :99999N5 Warn TYTY NIN TODA ID Sw OANA NN NyTY NON TYTP NON NTDY IN NN NYTY NIN TMNT TON. if—one -D21D TDN NYTV NIN .9°NI WN DAN ONAN “ON aooan Complete the sentences any way you like :B>DOWAN NN YA that—. 67 DVYTY ON A SVYTY NIN .2 *Y DTPING TN TTY NIN 4 2 TYTY NIN TOWN TVYTY NING Nn WT INT unr 279” 2990 AN W/md»; which of your fellow students best fits the statemen Mbeya qd Ut fr ts below and write thei ment: fe their names rote statement vot VND NN MVvw7 WM ow . 1 “T8PD Y3 DY Yimy’ nania ON a SPY DNTP NOON - 3 “DINDPIAMW 4 ON90 WY Dap ons PWIND ND ON 6 oe TPN APONDD n/TDID oN «7 IPO TVANIN ND ON 8 _ -TIVONZP MPN TVANIN Wg oo SIPTIIV DTP WN 10 aon ayna/m799 usin wi ref iption of yourself in order to match you fi to write a brief descript hehousing office has asked you witha compatible roommate. Write 5-7 sentences. 68 In the Classroom T1133 ~ (niana) 273M (20) | (nim?) "t md) (vy) # vy (1) | (O-PY /t Pa (2) (niingy) 4 IY (2) | | (2-799) F790 (3) (DrPH) ’* PON (13) (DPD) tpn (4) (nin27) 927 (4) (NYP) ’t DD (5) (minian) 2M (as) (ninon) 9A (6) | (TIND?D) FNM (26) (nV) 9 NII (7) | | (@awnn) ‘tavND (7) | | (D>N9) tng (8) (091920) ’t yio2Y (43) || @oN2w) rw ing objects according to thei te owing ee has a ® their gender and write them do peel ot remember endings indicate feminine noun ‘a next to AR or ANE S- Gee page 52) apakn OME AV nd rHro»y awn MP /PSNWD NAN Dp DyAD WNeWwW ———___ m — ny —— om: om ee; TINt nNt TNT ——- — Nt 399090 st the following plural nouns according to gender and write them down in the correct column. (Them ending indicates feminine nouns, with some exceptions.) efer to the chart on page 72 to check your answers: pay nino OY W199 07929 ave nian oPaan ong Nid Ap Nien (Masculine) 13+ (Feminine) N27) _ 79N _ T9N _ TON TON TON 70 4a aap, dd» Write: DN ne " m2 many __ AYN __ pn Dong person, man — WN" UPN people — D°W)X* HOW woman — WW>X* STWR Mey Go around the classroom with another student. Point out different objects and ask your partner what they are. (?79N 79 NNT TW Mt TN) nm Dat) PM oyy ninw Nouns, Singular avd Plural () napa —— a = (m.) 34 m0 apn ee ine AP bisa | guaent(s) § NIPRZD APHID student(s) o-pndp | ninin , peep PRA | teacher(s) i nin teacher(s) prin myn | class(es) md ny> book(s) m9 rev | map(s) nian nan newspapers) iY -Yimy | store(s) npan mn | trash can(s) Dn no | doors) = N27 nT | chalk(s) pp) » | esaurant) «MTOR AWE pen(s) vy vw | ibraryles) = NPTOD.--7PIINV computers) oan awn | picture(s) minn Ayo telephone(s) myio29 ~~ yia20 | notebook(s) mana mand house(s) ona ™2 television) § NYPNZV. MPNV man(men) OWN wx | ma npn om | years) DY nw window(s) pin yin city(ies) oy vy | walls) = - PP vp | | word(s) Dyn npn chair(s) Tiny? RNwD | woman (women) pw) WR board(s) mim mo | table) nianWw WW | pencil) mbHey = Wy closets) mix WR _— _| ray 4m Pp» 23 Tomy IMPOR ANID sayy spyTTI NNN Nt 1p 2m, ‘APP TY .NDWD NI nny EN IPORTAL MID NNN -VIPYP NAY sony WET MIA Ry mp jeQ oy OWAN AT way 29RD VIININDN 2 say © 9] TIVWD owray maT ay WNIT FY) oway Tm TAY) war | NON Match the words: not NOD 4 Sita 7 yhoy m0 ynow vy) mann ny A ad9n, Change to plural: mead sy Pune fe anon 4 RMIT 2 Mam 3 Meynr 4 MANO NNT 5 ame 6 AYWON 7 ace PYDNI 8 = _ __ PMP ANT .9 a “PPD 10 29990 Answer the questions, using the words in parentheses: iin as ich (Won) ng ONT 2 (oy) 1H 1Q°9 MY .2 (POTD NNa) 1Ni29NB YPN TON 3 (oan) 990 4 (mda) HYMDI-DA D-DD NON 5 ___ (prp-yn rapdia) syovian npn nny 6 fom nyp inthe — 3 on — 99 ROAD, Complete the sentences with the following words: 19 Pon Dy ANEW A> _ anoan.4 39RD bynes ny mA 2 van 5 When several nouns in a sentence relate to the same preposition, that preposition must be repeated before ‘each noun, Here are some examples from Modern Hebrew: and Rabbinic Hebrew: NUD PY NP) NODD SY “NIV y+ sity | “pyar vya Napisy + DPD OMIT Tw IW dy STDIN PT [PT yaw] | oy stip | -D-TON Mora by] ATIaNA yy ming | | [Shimon the Righteous] used to say: The world depends on three things—on Torah study, on service [of God], and on kind | deeds. PIRKEI AVOT 1:2 '2 MWM/N pro MAN >7AD | 75 Uy 2npm m3. D™IMDix Dyan Common Classroom Expression Ss ‘Try to guess the meaning of these common hrases (in bold gi he meaning jon phrases ( ): a 2P9YA door DARIN PR AES - / 2 - IWPW TY 79 TINY 9 wr 3 1993 ND APN INN AM ; 4 DyIND DAY AD pag Nd My ADD 5 22-3 IN /N-3 PAYA ,shulhan BAND PR nn Match the Hebrew with the English: WRT Thave a question. 1... DOTDIN PR How do you spell... ? pIANid PR Idon't understand. TINY? W How do you say --~ ? anaNnrny That’s not clear. {pap NW ~AOND IY UNA 76 Numbers 079073 [naps aot | vox 0 DOR | moet TIN ny omny 2 DW | vw 3 AYIPW | | yaw 4 YRS | won 5 nwnn | wy 6 npy | yay 7 ny nyiny 8 nyinw | wn 9 Ayn wy 10 my: lL — + Numbers in Hebrew come before objects except } forthe number one, which comes after the object: NN 198 poy nyiby The final © in t>20/'0°22W drops when added to $ objects. Also, the sound of the ’3.and ’ changes to “ei”: DOINYD WW MPD NED ny. 2 Numbers also have feminine and masculine forms that correspond to the gender of nouns: : Dpazn nye : mPnsn wi To count, calculate, tell phone numbers, etc., the } feminine form of the number is used. 7 nye? TNX ADD nim nw mm wiow MD YIN 3 TDR Oy DoW DY AVI’ Droy nya Dvy nw Doy ayy Dvy yw Dvy nin Dvy nyyA Doy MWY 10 we ON ane wne Unit 207)” © Administ i 3 in case they need to contact rator . umbe' YOU. To practice, dictate y Pate? oo ma a a dorm po —____ Din a ) cell 9 satiny So ay emergency / adaan Write the following numbers and objects: Das rena TP33 (D>790 5) a DION ele — (Mian 3) (niyann 8) (ini 2) epyppy (nota) (D>vy 2) Qiney 1) (nian 10) ee (mann 4) roan 2709) NIWA YW? ANAND Look at the picture and write what’s on the desk: DN 2 WN (ANN) er) (yi929) (ayn) (090) 78 Ton Practice saying the numbers in these situatiy, is: 1y) and give him a list of these items to repair: 4, Call the school’s janitor (1) i TIN 4 -NINIW 3 -Md LIND 2. calla youth convention organizer and ask him/her to prepare the following: DPAWNVD 371 NP 10 ,Drajoye, adn Practice writing the numbers in these situations: 1. Give a sales report of the items you sold today at the school store: — mann» ——_—____ nivhoy 10 ys wp? 2. A colleague from Israel wants to join an educators’ tour to several university campuses. Translate this itinerary for him. three campuses ‘one museum nine classes five libraries — ——______— unr 27? complete with the correct number, According to the pas Yan , sa oe Tey: nisv ns apni) PUVOMN TPAIY PIN Arr’ . Os ri 3 . 219?> oeeigiP PPYPNPON TY -O” 59 5 ME poxp0? 3DIN NIN IND Yip» . Dvr NP oy NI ND TANI A) DADS mow wy) opp ») ——___ Dymy 1 NIN form of th Toran complete with the correct form of the number: D> AW DOIN Ob Ordena when porpa salesperson = 71210* | ; "p — my 23 @, @np abe nipna 6) @ PNIRT IN YTV >I” iy APN 310 -WYPI "PW" yon TAN) WPI s0 @ NTR ,. @ pow wo DYYITID Q)) mn sa wmuchis this? - 27} TD* | mMyplaa *ny 7) :ywo “TM sw together~ 7122" | 1 oe a>) oT] syvo separately - AN | ; “TN? | y (© AX) DIDY (8) Nn sD DIY JATIN sox ywo 80 Adjectives axin-ninw pret : ; hn ! Adjectives in Hebrew co! : 7 soe nth them in gender and number. Therefore, : on Hebrew adjective can take four forms (70.5., f'S-4 M.D fp): 1e after nouns and must winrse - AWINMY + DYINOPIID + mwIN nino + Read the story about Yoram, the wonder-kid, and try to guess the meaning of the adjectives in bold; wonder kid NDB 793" | “NDB TD 17 122 TIT NIN .DIN) wp 12) DY» APPIN ANID) Wey npn ADIN NID TPN? MATPNA NPI Tid xn omar -DovIya 1N2! Underline the adjectives in the following dial logues and try to guess their meanings. (There are two different adjectives in each dialogue.) 2N71P TIN Tp MOND NIND?D INTID ANN — ID WTN inp dN — "pO 22pND” — /DWIN NI OD.ND — T™powa rp nt — ITIND DO DD — “Pony 9479.) — ‘DION ON .ATN — 8 un 2npr peclension af Adjectives ASNT ny plana (mp) wan : = Wry good ee D2ariv nap (ms) aor new v7O vIn nfo xv | old my? Dw TWIN om big niin ody nw Ww | small mvp DvP men omy | pretty ie D> Mop yep smart man Dnen ry | interesting nivyyn Dyn DIN nice mT D>TN) pen | Ted “myrTy Dam mm bie mien? m1? nyin> a white mn? 09 m9 w | black nine pny ainw awe | green nip op ng oe | yellow niainy pany rans any Ww? yav2 —~S onan Complete with the following adjectives: pray WIN ww Mn 707 pynVvD YT IN PNYIVN?-4 myPndn WON IN} -5 ARN DN 2 my on .3 apn ‘ ‘ nian 9999 Complete with the following objects: MayN2v HP yingy 7a» ” vn——_" -DITN nv. . Taibez 7 nia pons TeV one . nin} ———— 82 emp dd>09n Copy the correct form of the adjective: S>NIVAA ANNA Many Ang aibenorernngiTy/ am manna TAND iW /DPTINY/TTNO/ ING —— ——— 09 9y nan Tn 2 mmep/Dr—P/MVPNe? - TIN DY DAW D-Pndnp 3 miasoreratv/naye/© | —_______A23 DY MdNASS | snh99299/ DP 2YB/NYMB/P2ID PND DDN AMA 5 T9999 Write in the plural: DAD Dy piiae nico's afic AND Ay — ———= — AY Mw nr» = nena “Wo ra At .3 ————_— “DIN PHN ny 4 Oe — NOP NPD NNt5 YTD TY NNr 6 — $$ TINY NAL” AY.7 non Rewrite the number phrases with the new numbers: —__pire p-pia aeike DIT TNY pra — @ ao nnxmy.2 oe ee Go) DIN AN PHdN.3 _— (2) WIN TNX 199.4 6) MYVP NNN TAMI.5 __ oe @ npn nox Ayn 6 oe G) AM ANNAN 7 83 uwn2nr" 0 AMW/Md»y9 Read the following. Statements, Discuss with your classmates what place, Country, city, ete. would fit them best: city- PY" | : FRITN Ag spy - DPR TYP py 2 ———— een royrem py 5 PRVA “DIP .4 —0ipR* ~ VIN yon .5 WY 0-1 a 6 roan 29399 wn ing hi ildren’s a present, your little nephew in Israel. You bring him a children’s book as a pi jisitii jur Ui ware visiting he cannot re is! e S it for him as you read. ad English yet, he wants you to translate it for hi it innot ‘utsince Rona isa irl. This is Ron isa little boy. — ‘isis Rona. isa little girl. This is Ron. lveinabi ae i cities Ron and Rona are very clever. They live in a big red house. ittle cl . tona and Ron are lit 84 boyy ptt tectives are not always modifiers. Sometimes rhey serve as predicates (x19) as well: + Adjective as Modifier: F (write ina red notebook.) AMBIT NYBNIA NIN IW ° 2 (This is a new book.) WIN IVY: + Adjective as Predicate: (The book is new.) swine 2 (The notebook is red.) Rd9n 1. David's mother is very curious about her son's new dorm. Complete the missing questions in the following phone conversation David is having with his mother about his new dorm room: TIT Nx PTA TINA PIT exon OP NIIAN ,TNIAINA os - ee -2107 977) 9AN WIND WIWA MMT ? = ynn <9) MINA NOX, PN 1 = NON SAYT NI MIWAPN so g00d:-bye, see you later ~ NININAY* | STZ TAN NY W pop «NAN {097100 ON 7? NDON NON PIT 2. Continue the conversation (above) in pairs 85 uni 2.077" Which 1D 1¢ APN IMM ‘ PX IDNTMPNV try — 1 ovo — » NUP TDN Tiny ape — PD MOM My NYP oy — 7 MBNMT PY IPRA — , 2 Apna — ANN TDN Tip Ap — , PW Tipw — 8 npRa — 3 IDNTIP WHIN sie nie DwEREA ND DNOWNP AM — OE “TN9E) MPO N29 ray — * 4 ray ND 199-Na INA — INNT A. HY — .DY TID) 9p Ia — oy - 5 programs—-niyzin-| IN AN PND” -niDIN ADR — PSP NIWIN IDIN WN — apy pt - HON / PR / AYP are used in Hebrew to ask about the nature or kind of something. DN isused for male objects*. ‘Py sused for female objects. Misused for plural objects, male and female. . i 4 a “from which. "3098 means “in which,” APPR OY means “with which,” AYR means “from i yoy APNE i What page are we on? ON i | With what teacher are you studying? 771 NANT t soy 2 AE AY IT APH © : oe DPN AVN * : ayy TINT TSINTTIPPTD? H MOB AY'OIPAN Sync IPN DP DOZD IPN * “prgiv Or PAZD AN INE ‘ar ber. ‘athe , of gender or num "ew speakers tend to use MYON forall three, irrespective $6 ean D4 write questions about the information in parentheses. Use 19° / 1X / nto, __ 29s indie ao" QP now) — (792 ma) .2 _ (nya nm) _ — (D-nw DIN) 4 a (02 293) .5 (mpayn niPndn) 6 adian Translate into Hebrew: >94¥ yy, 1. What kind of teacher is she? 2. Which classes are you taking (studying)? 3. What kind of computer is it? ‘4. What place do you work in? 5- What book is this? This is a sociology book. 6. What kind of pictures are these? These are pictures from Hawail, 7. From which class are you? 87 unr 27Pr” @—@ F323 -°3 = Ne pe PX wr there is (are) — wo | | there is (are) not — yxy OT Md w nya. WND PR ngrDg« oann ANW/NI9D lokat the picture and practice JN / ? by noting the facilities on campus: pt'O0 @! OIONDA :TNT 88 Ott mayes APTTea, 197292 DIY Prva w _ pay "ADR VPP” AWD" we > _ NWN ADIN w _ ayna PPT) PRYPIN PW AID MW IY AD vr yp _ 2777903 WNBA MI wy _ p- ‘wasn ~ Xan Write ¥? 99 and JPN 79 in your school’s library (AY>apR). | - | | w | 299N29 W? — -DPD ONO PN ND | Mypny) dyn w» — ND 2020 w? | ND DPW EIA w AD 1% (09'S PW? ND Mpa vary WA AY ao5n Write > #99 and Px AN in your school’s cafeteria (m>w9p2): unrr 2 npr? : M1 a tute BPR /on 2 W can be broken up fe stu anid the meaning of the sentence; gro? PND AMI Ww . OPNID WAM AP2B OPT we ROAN n for each sentence: rearrange the word order in the sentences below, writing more than ‘one optior Wes 2 7 wy mo. DIIND @! ICISINA -[ICIDINA NiND et IND jie'sina et wynmssasmy.2 DIPY/ ODI / W/PI3/3..3 99ND / PR/ PIP 73.4 | — Dvimyr/ 799/90 73/75 zap, Interview a partne! shopping mall — 132" about the city he/she comes from. Add f aonn | any I questions to this list: PY yyy MADTAN NON PPyZ eM w VYROWMIAIVINW 5 2DY}O9.w 4 TAPP Ws Read and note the use of ”)°X” in Pirkei Avot (The Ethics of the Fathers). The word OX, which opens every phrase, means “if.” Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah says: If there is no Torah, there is no worldly occupation; if there is no worldly occupation, there is no Torah. If there is no wisdom, there | isno fear of God; if there is no fear of | God, there is no wisdom. If there is no | knowledge, there is no understanding; | if there is no understanding, there is no | knowledge. If there is no flour, there is | no Torah; if there is no Torah, there is no flour. L 91 TAN ANY 12 WEN | PR BR STIS TY PS MA PR OR PR.TR2T PRON ATA PR PY PR DN .TD20 PR ANT PR ON TAP “TPR PX DVT PR ON NYT PR APA STN PR ON | TTA PR NP PROX MOR PR Pinke! Avo 3:21 NDA AND Uni 2nPr? OQN Ata av : TPAD ADIN ne nad» 092) DDI nN orga . . at ers of definite nouns in Hebrew receive ene apne article 0s Well itl XDI Complete with: NoXT/NNIT/AIN BY >bWA 399 VAN NN AMON 993-79 >WN VII TNION 2 DqA OY TID ON a AVN NY NAM AN 3 npwy TOA -O-TAN} wOInVON 4 DVI ODA DY 11919 N OVA TN OND OTP 5 yyy so0n ‘wethe diferent uses of M¥ as a subject or a modifier: Thisis a good book. .210 199 7 Tisbookis good, aio ayn 1929 live this book, ASD TOBA MN IAIN e “amy Translate to Hebr 3 ew: May 1. This isa new teacher (1). ee We study math with this teacher (f). _ 2. These are good lamps. These lamps are from Tiffany. 3, This is the White House. The President (N?¥37) lives in this house. 93 MIN-T> dyp tired — T7929" want — 377" popsiie— POTN" “TIDMY Nix comong DIRS DN ee PIN) APA AY ON NON ‘ ; G\ (POW APD AY Oy NOR ” Y 27K -DITE W193 DY tipi WS MORN DvP omy NN . pron. 272 NII auiet 0p" \j y in, TPY {ORY Ayia oy ENON porpa PASIAN WD PT — nvPIa Vimy — want — nyt" IND IN “AYP AYN | Tin J buy —nyip* poonid Ox — , drink rive | Ty 107904) N9P 02,7 — maa 4 TANIT TDR 1 — 2, watch — MRI TPB HIV — 94 ay Ann :PyTPT Verbs with since n is a weak letter, it drops in var present tense, the 7 In the past tense it is replaced b) a? in some cases. sgular verbs is called ?"9 / 79 NI. /myas their last root letter are irregular verbs in Hebrew. rious conjugations. In the drops in the plural of both male and female. This group of irres . The designation *"9 is derived from the following convention: 2 YY 2 ~~ | N A 4 ns | nos | nN nap asa any | [do, make | go up, cost | see, watch | buy want | drink ayy ngiy AX | mip AYN | MMW | an any rn | ayy diy | ayn nyip AN | ADW own nN | owviy | [=)>)) mip Ds | ON | on,onN ww Lavy ni mint nivip women Jing nnw Read the verse from the Siddur, the Jewish prayer book, and identify the present tense verbs (regular and"): | Blessed are you, HASHEM, our God, Wy? ,obiyy TOR APTOS TAD NB ] | King of the universe, Who forms light ny RTI31 DW MY ,7wWN NTN | | and creates darkness, makes peace and 0 | | creates all. fe BLESSING BEFORE RECITING THE SHEMA, FROM THE SiDpUR AWPON Yo YOY MNP MID 95 uw 207 anip ne IP vin sicday— 172 OP* | gift — TV" ; ND Write the correct form of the verbs in t mm the blanks: maa pos _ AYN Sy Aw AYA ANY a WYANT YN DN PI ANIW ant .2 TOT WPNIVI v>Is0 AYA NAD 3 PPLE Ayn HAND agi Din) 4 adean Write the correct form of the verbs in the blanks: mpapwrnpyy_ TO -Tpygny _ DIN TOP ye nppyn np >aNDxT TPPNIV mon mM antanora (9.8.9) 2 (7.0.8) .2 (An) 3 (9.2.7) 4 (77) 5 96 dd599, Parse the following verbs. Follow the example, ig mow) nae | UU gan ow Fe a Gwewant fF po] —_ a C | - | ae 7 S9n Write the correct form of the verbs in the blanks; rm inthe mall — 1323" | / Tapa npow IRIN IPONP APPOW __APWi.napy a PON) 7p __ yh) "3997 __ 2s 7p (n.n.wy 2 DnIN VIP TW .9ONZD YN (away 3 IND INP __ IN). DITR ITN. TIPU (nap) .4 aAs»»An Filln the blanks by conjugating the roots in the list below, according to the sentences: AWS AR A Aap Aw JOIN DFM ONN AN” NEP NI mya DY AWAIT 2972 Two vpn TDN” —:yfa903 "PPNIvA NiwTn ayn !opY"” TN IN 9p ,. party— nap | oapen nanxnn” a Unit 207" Yoran led words, Use: morn mia yg gead the following phrases and write questions relating to the under erlin vet TOTS | TTS 1318-879 DNF AUD IN APS-WANA MOT YP yy APSA DTN MNP > —______a»s-wna ATA mip = _ -DYP9-YNTA NTN AYP ww t>09n AM W/MD¥D Discuss the following questions with a classmate: mop ANWAR — TNS MIP N/NN NN Tpyn mxnivnxnn — 1 )p2 Mp TVNN AD — INP NWiy T/NN NHN ano 98 VYowe! ee pie vowels in He 5 when suffixes 5 suffix and som by the stress and the location of the stress in a word, prew are determined "_) are added to a word, the stress usually shifts to th e (such as + _.n e vowels tend to shorten: <. < nein diy i Nd»; Mark the stress in the following words: SNWA7VON O93 OYA OIpN ny oe Ss < MINT N27 snow DVINY — iNY2 nn-ipn —Ip-n.3 orey O04 apaan ION FP NWINAA DNA DYED DIPN NN WD Mark the stress in the following words and write their vowels: 2799 NDP NIN 99 NVPNI 4 “POPPIN Sy OP-TVAND NIN .7991D9 TID PN 29997) DONA MON .9V9 VITA DPMP DTD? NININ WN JOP 17? TYTN 09939 NIVP OY N99. 79 IN JAY YAY AMIN JATYONA MyTAIy Syy NN P1903 73977 LD>INY MINDPDI AINW yNaIY v7 73 ° DAH RG ° UNiT 2 av Review and Enrichment Mwym DDD roy snowing 2 Fourth of July barbecue tomorrow. She left her friend a note 2 2 PT i asking her to 1 jou things. Read the note and mark the statements belowtrueorfae, win ae saa'ond *paa fise ane indie .8in> ne) nen eve fnacANKL aA on things - 779 T* paty POR" 083 | aieGp Tne wep’ ID NG sTalineeds 3 big chairs. T/F 2Talineeds black tea. T/F 3 Tali needs a small table. T/F 4 Talineeds 3 tablecloths. T/F s.lalidoesn’t need ketchup. T/F “Tm Diy ‘lass reunion ~ 7182 10729 29RW) TD DPR Didy i PPAVV 1 ANN .AWW ,A7pa MYIV ANN AND -pryy 2NNNI PY PAA TAY oN eMY7NA ,MPPNIVA Tay oN TTA DWN? TDN YIP ANN Hop a Wx 2K -02/9N-DI93 NIN.) mn TOW AVIV NIDA samy money— 993" |-+-12P920 *NI THY NIN JAN “992 WY .DAWNDA Tayy LN not yet — N T1Y* PPR OYA samy PPRAPR cay -DINTN JOPT PRAY YN: ymx TPOIDIDA TID NI SPN ININN PR aN Pp in IMYIY NED TIN DD YT ANN we still — pry" | “190 ITNT NM AY IW snAN maybe — °29N* MY arIVN WON NY YIP ANN O2IN FN oan You have just returned from your first class reunion. Tell an old classmate who could not attend the reunion about it. Y Jor unr 21" ing continuing education class in home design. During the first class the ster asked to introduce themselves, Read what Talia -nP : MSI9Nn ya 9y ANNA San just visited the Diaspora Museum. Tell a friend what you saw there and what the ‘ou have jus 104 (X) Driady sop the following people information about a new film festival in you, v send to sei honebook and write down their addresses: area. Look them up in the pI } 15 aposre I poannw ay 72313 ma AL YAN,PIWVTPIMN PW — 7746590 WreATA 9 pRN ASW Nap 9560023 me LIMITAT,MIVNDIAEY PIP — 7741723 73715 9POP9,APT YONA 296601 MOTD 1S {PTAINNND PIII — 9561204 MIA 5 yoRMTH-YNIDAN Nod gw 7423311 Ayr 169, TITINPANTD —_7407801 ynwATA 4 pyre WAN Aww 7425690 movin gnemm ANDTDYN TD —_7602350 FM LNA TSN TOW rs03322 vin ws S790,APIM POO NN — 9567855 MENA LBM AP APD TOWED 9500357 yeu 3a IP PN WW IND — 9563214 osnA 10ama WHI TDaAN On 7400891 7728245 ONAN, DPV AINVNPOINIW 9560888 mesa 2 np AW) QON OW 9508811 OWN AANA, IDPNY DP PIN — 7745601 aS ONOMDVN,TDONY NYT OU 9560045 mos 3 pws ,221PPO-NN MYND 9507801 yw san, YI INN pM 8942281 mons 2yyD,77N)27 MND 8623408 mop 14 nwpn, PONATN PN 7678945 NID D> 6 Wry PNINT) OTN NW 7745601 AM RAP YNVNMV YN 7424500 man Loman, WINTWY — 7401238. wA TNA SmyNnA,JNPINY TINT raze7i1 AWN LypomMNw. NWOT ITA NNY —_ 9506823 OVI 20am%n TDW) NI 7424598 FM 123 NVI, DIN INMNWMNY 7407834 yrwATA 10 oNpyA 511790029 7677543 NAD IS WWM, PRON UY —_ 7494345 Sagrmy Lapa NT YIN 767080 aD 78D 7OMEM,INIT DOWNY 9542314 san 3nypwa PUD YTD? 9586760 mon 7p pNY,AWTNTD — 7421563 may 20 5p OVO TPNI TH 9508887 WOvI_ Lmwan OM ANIM MTD 7420025 mon tobyan, bp) HTT? 9581312 mes 2rbmaFPAYISNY MTD —gs4aes1 OND Loan YOPYTMPN TE? ° unit 27m tant phone nut me important PI bers. What phone number sh a) DaDyV gy should be . eat? 2 vation : “i sit dialed in the hear the weather forecas ant t. 03-9668855 stole your purse ney en ns endo res oo jou" S| ow the time. » you we venti kn : oy : [rege penn Nate INN “sos n608ess 106 AA amp Inher song. alphabet. Match each letter 27Upy RID? PIS 7D TR] 2p TDR atin — 1) ody — po TP ONT AIBN ayn — 1p) DIY — PY TPIT TWN} anpyan 927 0" “IY 7? 72) PTY-RE-PY-720) O8-Py-wr- AP + VIO I VHT ID “aleph-Bet,” Naomi Sh ‘ we (at the bottom of the page) with the word in the song: emer chose a word to represent each letter of the Hebrey ma q2x nw ny): 91D (PP-PIAPRT opP ny IP) ae AT PY 282-9977 12 71 42 pia} 7) 77 93) OD 49.03 7D) 72 nP (pa-0B-792-72) PY PLY ABO — TBO *WIWE 0379 5 Dry 32 Ty piny— Ty ay wT ANP Ty MP oepng7 Dy S173 wRS myn atv 19> 0 + SIDI wT From the 1998 compilation “Asif” (YOY >”Y) ~PY ,4>ON WwrpN). L ] ¥! 237 73 ,S7tK — abe sing a 27-9p-1a-4hy) TIN OF — RA » iddle schoo! i (2"NIT) MWD WIT high schoot > OMY9-ngNN "aR classes "NEN P-? nyiny wall/s anim snp AyIN an door/s anne syp window/s a ingT / ney DPD picture/s arb i907 190 STN IAy lamp/s aminon TOR an ani sayin h - » ee board/s sunimy /m > fei Q al on ry teeitarer’t py table/s nntigged sie > foes PD chai/s "EMHND/ NBD mn he ov trash can/s MOWRY / TWN ND my J natespertans 22N notebook/s nian / man 1 ™ yyy pen oy * WN pencil/s nmihey / yey af ID PN APN book/s DNQH /79V ed » computer awn ' school bag » vIpy? | Pestons ene nin bag/s pA : about oy library/libraries a np qep/ M790 ! * oy cafeteria/s any wap / mya : yard/s annyn/73n | tess pnepn break, recess MRD (f° DON boy/s DINITR “nN i mp nT? ye nN / 9 NNN girl/s . a ge 2 : ay 3 ORI 79 OFEY. hae 9 DW / TPN : i " 2 / TPN iy, a AWwIDW 9 / WI woman/wome as oy MYTTN 72 YETN noma sd house/s Ty nmpnn 72 wan nn ngp-ma |e Tw 2 WW ae npRPP Te nny /9 920 ae ing mall mop | , nny s9 MIDY ae 8 npw ‘ nnyyn/ 2 Y0n me ell TOTS i so nmyy 72 wy lanes 108 My head's not here see you later quiet Verbs, regular study read write like, love work hear sit stand say know Verbs, irregular drink buy see rise, cost want do, make Grammatical terms ‘male(m.) female (f) singular plural (p.) noun adjective exception verb pattern (binyan) root tense (lit, time) past present future 109 mia ND92Y UND ming? nopy mrryo ani nvip anid anin Tay yw awe toy Win ym ny aw ayip ayn nov ayn nviy DPT T ONIN m7 (3) 732) APM s Pm yma / 039 nr Oyy-Dy wayin-Dy WIT-NYP apna nv nyt wy nmyin apny Adjectives big small new old pretty, beautiful smart, clever interesting nice Colors ted blue black white green yellow Subjects of study economics literature Judaic studies sciences computers art Languages Hebrew English French Arabic Italian Japanese Chinese Spanish Russian Expressions Thave a question Idon’t understand How do you say...? How do you write... ? What page? What's that? 19 miyigpy ane amon omy oy we DWN a TMIBIN nisy omy PIV own amr A MPION amy amyo nT amon prors gy? v: pag No 2. .D BINDS

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