TS3 Patch

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# TPS = Ticks per second - Speed of processing logic.

# -1 = As fast as possible - Don't, unless you're stress testing your computer or

something. Could freeze or crash your whole system.
# 0 = Let the Windows scheduler handle it. Experimental, not very good.
# 1000 = 1000 tps - Try this value if you think your computer can squeeze some more
performance out of the game and you don't mind a bit more CPU usage.
# 500 = 500 tps - Seems to be the sweet spot, works best for most people and lower
end computers.
# 60 or lower is most likely pointless. 30 is close to vanilla Sims 3.
TPS = 500

# If this is 1, show a message on startup to make sure the mod is working.

Debug = 0

# Leave this on 0 unless the mod is failing to load. In such case increase to
around 1000 each time and try again - Should not be needed anymore.
Delay = 0

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