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Google For Beginners Allyou need to get started _with cee @ Jargon-free Tips & Advice @ Step-by-step Tutorials @ Clear Full Colour Guides Photoshop fF) Android Mac Black & White For Beginners For Beginners For Beginners Forbes i] C++ & Python For Beginners Cloud | Python | Coding Computing For Beginners For Beginners For Beginners i BS Photography | FRITZ!Box | Google | GoPro For Beginners | For Beginners | For Beginners | For Beginners Instagram iPad iPhone Landscape For Beginners For Beginners For Beginners Photography S For Beginners Google For Beginners pe Te ere Saar ane en ec ee oe cca eM eka ede Colt AUR CoN ta Lael) have no-one at hand to help. Conversely as the complexity of our eM mee yA eM erm ee eae} TEU Re eg Am een Rete 1) Puree ana elt La Mee R Nn D Pann alae ar rte ee RUUD Ad OTE CL Crek- elem Wa UMelelRucP ol col neleraema NAc ecu a LL DVS came arela CON n= Un melon ae Coh CT eaee A\y rime Vane ea Aeon CRE Cok ern ee fortunately for you we are here to stand beside you at every stage. ONL cues teat RRL ore naga Bia tu ee eames Seated of the box! We will guide you step-by-step through using all aspects Comer R enue Menta eae dy cee) ce ne Elec Ome gh (olee ee Dn Rel D oN |e Vel mcrae) A Tate eee RUA RE Mel ener Keele (“1118 and experienced user. (OMe ule ellis Ua aes Rell Ce MECN OUR a el ay TCM LeU as) a Vel Mean Sue 6 Get Started Google 8 Google Account Set Up 12_ Improving Your Google Security 16 Protecting Your Privacy on Google 18 Improving Your Google Searches 22 Using Specialised Google Search 24 How to Create Google Alerts 26 How to Personalise Google Trends 28 Getting Started with Chrome 30 Customising the Chrome Browser 32 How to Save and Syne Chrome 34 Using the Chrome Web Store 36 How to Use Chrome Plug-ins 38 Setting Up Chrome Autofill 40 Chrome Tips and Tricks 46 4 5 52 54 8 58 6 64 6 6 & & & s Bs Get Started with Gmail How to Customise Gmail Dealing with Gmail Spam Instant Chat in Gmail How to Use Gmail Conversations Create Tasks from Gmail Schedule Your Gmail Messages Gmail User Tips and Tricks Improving the Google Calendar Get Started with Google Maps Planning a Route with Maps Using Google Street View EIEIO) ae See - “Google is about Dena) and this guide is here to help you discover just what you can 7 Chul h ue comets tools, products and services...” Find us onine at: [J@bampubs [Jeo Publications SS Get Starte with Google There are many reasons (all of which are covered in this publication) to delve into the Google app suite. Yet before you start to explore these amazing tools and discover just how much you can do with them, you need to get to grips with the basics. What follows details how to set up your all-important Google account and also teaches you some important safety tips to ensure all of your online Google adventures are secure ones. oo ee Google Account Set Up In the past, using several different Google apps would have meant having several different usernames and passwords. Thankfully, Google took steps to merge all of these different accounts into one main Google account. This means that you only have to remember one username and password to access almost any Google product, plus it is much easier to share information, images and other data between your devices. Use Across Devices Cen eet ee eer leone een gen eat ore etd Pee eras ee ae gee Tes yes, follow the information below to set up your Google nd then you will be able touse them on Creating a Google Account Step1 & 1 any aemet = browser, navigate oe ro wwwaccourts, ‘ and click ‘on Create account in the bottom left corner ofthe screen, Now choose ta set up either anindividual ora business account. Step2 2 Enter your name into the boxes provided and choose your prefered gmalcom eral adcres Ifthe name you wants aleedy taken, you wl be show some altenatves;or you can try another ‘of your own, Step3 Complete the remainder of the information including ‘a phone number and atemative emall address useful you need to recover your login info. You wil also need to complete the entice form and agree to Google Terms of Service to progress. Google Account Set Up Step4 Step7 1 After competed te nal signup process you ae taken tothe |) Theselinks show any devices tha have or are curtety, core My Account page. From this page youcan customise yout accessing your account. these details dont match your records, ete Google usr experience a lows. you can change your password using the Personal Infolink sola 7 Security Checkup i © Sana - ve eee : — recent events 0 te © tance pss Step5 Step 8 Staring with the ) Return to the Google account page where the next option, Aecount Protected racy & Personalisation ink enables you to manage and edit all coption,you can ‘of your data and deta used during this intl setup proces. from here check theactity of your copra < account confirming a= ak = oO only ser st 2 ee vreneae dlevices that are a fa crescents logged inva your panne account and explore = seers recovery options es Ee Step6 “eth ramcy Check 2 There are key areas ofthe Security options available that o can rapidly give you an insight nto the uses of your account SEeem Begining wth the Your Devices option, which s veryimporant. <7 oa Security Checkup Step9 ‘atest ‘The Personal info _— _ link left side bar, ae © rewen « ‘opensapagethat | a mname holds a complete = et record ofthe fae BE hrosen nae informatonyou have 5 = shared with Google. on ——- . CCheckto ensure its ~ “correct, Any issues are fo terntneoey . shovmasatrangle cose : ‘symbol containing a - “icon, click or tap to — Leena ccomrect them. Sree ee Google Account Set Up cont. Step 10 2 For now, we are going to move past the Privacy & personalisation ‘options as, due to their importance and complexity, they are covered in greater depth i this gue. Step 13 2 You can download or transfer your Google account content such ‘as intemet bookmarts, contents, stored files on Google Drive etc, should you wish to close your Google account. ‘© Donnioad your data ‘pore acopy of conertinyour Google Account youwartto [ook Raper twibasevecuta of Gorge = Cie aapteomintntinsion ° Step 11 a Step 14 1) Select the Data om } Although better suited to a long term user, even as a new user it ‘personalisation an is advisable to keep an updated archive of your Google data and ‘option to viewa oS files should the worst happen to your hardware. auickaccessistingof | 9 allyourcurrent and, historic Google uses 9 Baa fee ee asa sorte linkto the app tsa such pment as Gal ee ‘ae Step 12 2 Ad personalsation cart completely blockany adverts fom your Google experience butyou can ecitthe type ofadvers you ae exposed toby selecting the topics you ike or dike fom the ising. o= Step 15 2 Finally we have the Delete 2 service oryour account option Here you can customise everything from how you use your Google account to ultimately deleting your Google account entirely. SCC ea Google Account Set Up Step 16 Step 19 2 Youcan change the language of your account using the 2 Having setup your Google account, you can return to check! Language &nput Tools and change the way Googles cisplayed | change any settings via the account home page located at via the Accesso tools, from increased contrast to atext reading. | myaccount, Coogetenm r= Pe) © Accessibility settings fae i eae Welcome, Jim le om ahconaetetr » meas step 17 Multiple Google Dye wih ogi up on Google we woud dite ou not, youecan delete your pps and account fsefbytickng thewwoves | I Wet@t@ YU Tay boxes at the bottom of this page. Ce eae eer © Delete your Google Account and then sync those accounts on your Android phone ess Peete hs cry. ot uous yl ys, Choose an account in corte bleed - Tes ee ete ee ee rea) even here, only in certain apps). Nothing is ever synced, Permeretcey erties) rey nicely separate for personal and work accounts, a Step 18 2 Finally return to the main Goole accounts page. By tapping the icon top right you can adda prole picture ifyou wish, Having a profile picture of yourself will hep frends and family find you on theirovn Google apps Welcome, James Galo iy aan soe pas See Improving Your Google Security Keeping yourself and your family safe whilst using your Google apps is just as important as it is when you are sharing your details and your files online. That said it doesn’t need to be difficult. While using the Internet and social networks can have its problems, you can reduce them to a minimal level by following a few simple pieces of advice. Online Passwords IF you are anything lke us, the number of passwords that you need, ‘to remember giows on an almost daly bass and because ofthis, ‘can be tempting o use the same or similar passwords for several ferent websites. Ths isa bad idea, particularly fyour chosen password is something easy to guess such as your name or date of birth. Here are afew tps to consider when creating passwords Keep them Unique 2 Having a unique password foreach website you ae required to login tois very goodie, particularly for things ike ema and online banking, Athough secur ona banking webs key to be very good, if you use the same password on a website with less surngent security, you rskit being compromised on one and used togain access tothe other It isnt unusual for criminals to harvest passwd ram a weak website and then randomly try them on more secure sites. Googe Create your Google Accourt on Keep them Random Try to avoid using anything thats easy to avess including personal information ite your name, date of bith or address. These things areal ver easy to discover and often the ist things someone will ryt get into your accounts Also avoid, possible, sing real words or sequential stings of rumbers eg, 123456780. The Longer, the Better » Short passwords are mich easier to crack than long ones, so be sure to avold anything ess than eight characters and, posse, <0 for something ten characters long at leat. There are 4000 times more possible combinations often leters and nurnbexs, than there ate for eight letters and numbers, Most good websites requie at east eight character passwords nowadays. Log in litte ae SP eC ec Mixit Up Once you start adding in symbols and mined case eters long wih numbers into your passwords the posbevratons se tocoversk qudilion for an eight charter password The password Az7¥ObP s many thousands of ies more secure thanalz7ydbp Use a Password Manager For most peopl, keeping awrite is oftheir passwords is perfectly okay 2 long 2s you make sure that tis not eftin plain sight on your desk

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