However, This Form of Advertising Has Its Own Issues That Should Be Considered

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 Endorsing celebrity look-alikes in advertisements is a common marketing tactic and has

been used to bring publicity and attention to a brand or product as people associate the
singer with the product and vise versa. A celebrity look alike is used in place of the actual
celebrity for example, if companies cannot successfully secure the actual celebrity.
 However, this form of advertising has its own implications.
 Before using a Donald Trump look alike as a spokesperson in advertising, it is important
to consider the legal implications you put the company into. Firstly, it is against the law
to use anyone’s identity to draw attention to a brand or product or in advertisement
without their consent. However, in some cases it is permissible to use a celebrity identity
or look alike. It is important to consider the laws and regulations on this matter.
 There are other risks to consider before using a Donald Trump lookalike in advertising, it
is advisable to consider the effect it might have on your brand. Celebrities, most often
overshadow a brand. Consumers most often tend to focus on the celebrity more than the
brand. Will consumers remember the brand or the Donald Trump look-alike?
 For a figure like Donald Trump, especially the fact that he is into politics and business,
using his look-alike might harm the product. Celebrities make mistakes, and when the
actual Donald Trump makes a mistake, it will affect your company too. Should his image
crumble, people will associate your company and the look-alike to him, and losses will be
 The use of a look-alike, especially a president in advertising could garner mixed reactions
to the public. How will the look-alike handle the paparazzi or angry people who might
want to lash at the look-alike on account of the actual Donald Trump’s doings.
 For an influential politician like Donald trump, it is important to consider whether using
his look-alike is the best idea to reach to your potential customer. It is important to
consider whether his personality fits with the culture of the business. It is important to
consider whether the actual Donald Trump has behaviors and qualities that align with the
company cultures, as people will associate the company with the celebrity.
 It is important to consider if the company is prepared for any implications that may arise
due to this impersonation and have already planned mitigation strategies. With celebrities
and impersonations, comes a lot of legal implications. The company should be prepared
to deal with any legal problems that may occur while choosing this form of advertising.
And how much loss will they put the brand into.

 However, this form of advertising has its own issues that should be considered;

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