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Term – 1 Examination (2021-22)


Class VIII – A

Subject Teacher – Mr. Pranshu Barar

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To control and destroy pests, we use :-

a) Fertilizers
b) Grazing Animals
c) Pesticides
d) Weedicides

2. Raising both, plant crop and livestock in farm is :-

a) Mixed Farming
b) Intercropping
c) Mixed Cropping
d) Rotation of Crops

3. Conversion of sugar into alcohol by yeast is :-

a) Pasteurisation
b) Sterilization
c) Fermentation
d) Curding

4. The microorganism which has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen is

a) Euglena
b) Rhizobium
c) Chlorella
d) Yeast

5. An organism considered to be between living and non-living is

a) Bacterium
b) Plasmodium
c) Virus
d) Yeast

6. Carrier of Malaria causing protozoan is :-

a) Male Anopheles Mosquito
b) Female Anopheles Mosquito
c) Male Aedes Mosquito
d) Femals Aedes Mosquito

7. Iodine is obtained from

a) Viruses
b) Bacteria
c) Fungi
d) Brown Algae

8. Which metal is a liquid at room temperature ?

a) Magnesium
b) Aluminium
c) Mercury
d) Zinc

9. Which of the following will from acidic oxide ?

a) Sodium
b) Potassium
c) Sulphur
d) Iron

10. Which of the following metal is soft enough to cut with a knife ?

a) Sodium
b) Copper
c) Aluminium
d) Iron

11. Which of the following is rich in Hydrogen Gas ?

a) Natural Gas
b) Coal Gas
c) Biogas
d) Gasoline

12. Which of the following is a non-contact force ?

a) Pull
b) Push
c) Friction
d) Magnetic
13. A fluid exerts pressure

a) Downward only
b) Towards lateral sides
c) Upward Thrust
d) In all directions

14. The force measured with the help of spring balance is

a) Gravitation
b) Magnetic
c) Weight of an object
d) Muscular

15. Pressure is equal to = ?

a) Force per unit Length

b) Force per unit Mass
c) Force per unit Area
d) None of these

16. The pull of the earth is called

a) Frictional Force
b) Magnetic Force
c) Electrostatic Force
d) Gravitational Force

17. Force that opposes the motion of a body in contact with the surface of another body is

a) Attraction
b) Repulsion
c) Friction
d) None of these

18. Ball Bearings are used to

a) Increase Friction
b) Decrease Friction
c) Add to the area in contact
d) Making surfaces smooth

19. Which of the following will show maximum friction ?

a) Walking on a rough road with rubber sole shoes

b) A boat being rowed in water
c) A cycle with flat tyre on the road
d) Rubbing rough side of a sand paper on the rough side of another sand paper

20. Which of the following helps easy motion of a fish in water

a) Round shape
b) Angular Shape
c) Streamlined Shape
d) Elongated Shape

21. Red Date Book includes the list of

a) Endangered species of plants and animals

b) Extinct animals and plants
c) Exotic plants and birds
d) All of these

22. Bins, silos and granaries are used to store

a) Vegetables
b) Grains
c) Fruits
d) Bulbs (Onion)

23. Weeds are

a) Microbes
b) Unwanted herbs
c) Insects
d) Fungal Pests

24. Raw material for rayon comes from

a) Cellulose
b) Coal
c) Petroleum
d) Animal Bones

25. To make a pan non-stick, we should get it coated with

a) Bakelite
b) Teflon
c) Rayon
d) Polythene

26. Process of combining monomers to form polymers is called

a) Monomerization
b) Polymerization
c) Distillation
d) None of these

27. Metal used in galvanizing iron is

a) Zinc
b) Nickel
c) Tin
d) Aluminium

28. Property of a metal to be beaten into thin sheet is known as

a) Malleability
b) Ductility
c) Lustre
d) Tensile Strength

29. Which of the following is generally the property of Metals ?

a) Brittle
b) Lustre
c) Conductor
d) None of these

30. Which metal will replace iron from iron sulphate solution ?

a) Zinc
b) Gold
c) Copper
d) Silver

31. A substance that gives out a metallic sound when struck.

a) Malleable
b) Lustrous
c) Tensile Strength
d) Sonorous

32. Which of the following is used in matchsticks, fireworks and medicines

a) Graphite
b) Sulphur
c) Carbon
d) Phosphorus
33. Which of the following is the most reactive metal ?

a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Potassium
d) Iron

34. Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel ?

a) Coal
b) Charcoal
c) Coke
d) Coal gas

35. Which of the following is not a unit of force ?

a) 1 kg
b) 1 kgf
c) 1kgw
d) Newton

36. Force has magnitude as well as :

a) Length
b) Direction
c) Mass
d) None of these

37. Shape of an airplane has been designed as per the shape of

a) A frog
b) A snake
c) Deer
d) Flying Bird

38. Apple falling from a tree is due to

a) Magnetic Force
b) Muscular Force
c) Gravitational Force
d) None of these

39. Plastics are

a) Good Conductor of electricity

b) Bad Conductor of electricity
c) Good Conductor of heat
d) None of these

40. A non-metal existing in liquid state at room temperature

a) Carbon
b) Chlorine
c) Bromine
d) Iodine

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