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1) The output of cat= ['cat' 'dog'] is [ ]

A) Catdog B ) cat dog C ) cat&dog D ) CatDog

2) To multiply two matrices [A] and [B] as [A] [B] [ ]

A) The number rows of A has to be same as number of columns of B
B) The number of columns of A has to be the same as number of rows of B
C) both matrices need to be square
D) [B] [A] also needs to be possible

3) The dot command (.) in matrix manipulation [ ]

A) conducts element to element operations B ) ends an mfile
C) outputs the scalar value of the dot product D) outputs the vector cross

4) The MATLAB command that outputs the number of rows and columns of a matrix is
[ ]
A ) dimensions B ) mdim C ) msize D ) size

5) The number of elements in a vector generated by [5:0.1:18] is [ ]

A) 101 B) 121 C) 130 D) 131

6) When inputting a matrix, each new row is separated by a [ ]

A) : B) ; C) | D) ,

7) The command to add text to the x axis of a plot is [ ]

A )xtitle B ) label,x C ) xlabel D ) xtext

8) What does MATLAB stand for? [ ]

A) Math Laboratory B) Matrix Laboratory C) Mathworks D) Nothing

9) Which of the following is not a pre-defined variable in MATLAB? [ ]

A) pi B) inf C) i D) gravity E) j

10) This MATLAB command clears all data and variables stored in memory: [ ]
A) clc B) clear C) delete D) deallocate E) none of
the above

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