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General information Strategy
Discuss a question or topic. Read the task carefully and underline key words.
You're given three areas and you must discuss two Deal with two of the three topic areas listed.
of them, and three opinions which you can use if Make a plan to make sure you cover all the points.
you wish. Brainstorm ways to express your ideas and the quotes (in
Organise your answer in a logical way using your own words) in the task using advanced grammar
paragraphs and linking words appropriately. Avoid repeating words.
Explain which of the two points is more important, Read your essay for mistakes.
and to give reasons for your opinion Make sure your opinion is clearly in your answer and that
Use a formal style and objective tone your arguments support your opinion.
Take about 45 minutes to do the whole task.
Useful Language
Making statements Concluding
It is clear that ... | On the whole, it appears/seems To sum up, ... | In conclusion, ... | All things considered, ... |
that ... | We must take into account the fact that Taking everything into consideration, ... | Weighing up both
.... | It goes without saying that ... | It is important sides of the argument, ... | The advantages outweigh the
to remember that ... disadvantages. | On the whole, ... | By and large, ... | In
general, ... | Finally, it is important to remember/must be
Examples and expanding ideas
This means that ... | This is largely due to ... | For remembered that.... | On balance,... | All in all, I think that
example/For instance, | In other words, ... | Take, ... | In conclusion, the facts suggest...
for example, the situation in ... Other structures
X clearly/undoubtedly has an impact on...| It is common
Listing arguments
Firstly/In the first place / To begin with, | knowledge that X plays a crucial role in... | It is undoubtedly
Secondly/A second area to consider is | Another the case that... | There is little doubt that... | X is widely
point to remember is | Finally, | In conclusion, | believed to contribute to | It is generally considered
Last but not least, that... | Recent research suggests that... | Studies have
shown that X has an impact/influence on... | Few people
Evaluating ideas would contest/dispute the fact that...
I think it is true that ... | I totally disagree/agree with
the point that… | It is questionable whether … | I Sample Layout
doubt whether … | It is true that ... On the other
Title (optional)
hand, ... | While nobody can deny that ... , I would
like to point out that … | I agree that …However, ... | Paragraph 1:
State the topic clearly, give a brief outline of the issue,
Although it is true that ..., we must remember that
saying why it is important or why people have different
... | It could be argued that … However, I would like opinions about it. DO NOT express your opinion.
to point out that ... | Despite all the arguments, I still
Paragraph 2:
feel that ... | Notwithstanding the claim that ... , I State the main idea in a topic sentence. Include examples,
would argue that… | It may be true that ... , but all controversial or surprising statements, drawbacks + possible
too often ... | In no way can I agree that ... | Surely it solutions... to support your idea.
is completely unacceptable that ... Paragraph 3:
State the main idea in a topic sentence. Include examples,
rhetorical questions, controversial or surprising statements,
drawbacks+solutions... to support your idea.

Paragraph 4:
A conclusion: which is better + reasons

Taken and adapted from: Gold Advanced, Complete Advanced,

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