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MarcelinoFule Memorial College

Alaminos, Laguna
A.Y. 2020- 2021
Second Semester

Language Education Research

Course: BSED II

I (Rosuell Macasaet, state your name) affirm that I will not give or receive any unauthorized help on this
exam, and that all work will be my own.

I. Identification

Identify each of the following. Write your answer on the blank provided before each number.

Reductive 1. Nature of research by which general relationships are established from data

Basic research 2. Also known as “pure” research and is directed

towards the development of a scientific investigation

Linguistic 3. Pertain to areas that influences language study like education, psychology,
sociology, anthropology, and others.
Approaches 4. Refers to the framework of LR by which one views the language research to be
conducted. It may be viewed in general or specific perspective
Research 5. Is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to increase our
understanding of the phenomenon under study
6. Establishing facts 7. Analyzing information, 8. Researching new conclusions. Three major
goals of research
Hypothesis 9. A tentative answer or conclusion of the study
Theories 10. An organized body of concepts, generalizations and principles that can be
subjected to investigation.
Related literature 11. It is the process of collecting, selecting, and reading books, journal
articles, reports, abstracts, and other reference materials, including electronic sources about the
problem under investigation containing information related to the research problem
12. Knowledge as Empirical knowledge 13. Knowledge as belief 14. Knowledge as authority 15.
A priori knowledge. Types of research sources

Primary research 16. Kind of research that involves the collection of first-hand information
17- 21. Research questions must have the following characteristics: Feasible, Ethical, Clear,
Significant, Indicates a relationship of some sort.
Variable 22. Any characteristics that is not always the same, that is, any characteristic that
Dependent 23. The variable which the independent variable may seem to affect Ethics 24.
Rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad
25. Give at least one general purpose of language education research
II. True or False
Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is not.
1. Researcher may describe the resulted data that was never performed. F
2. Research can be replicable. T
3. Action research is a practical application of the scientific knowledge, which attempts to
explain certain problems brought about by certain phenomenon. T
4. Seventy percent (70%) copied from other sources of information is free from plagiarism.
5. It is because of the very purpose of Science, which is searching for answers to
Questions, honesty is of utmost importance. T
6. A research question is often restated as a hypothesis. F
7. General references describe the work of others. T
8. Related to showing respect for the respondents is the ethical implications of eliciting
information from respondents. T
9. Limit our research summary for 2 pages (more than 200 words). F
10. “There is no difference between groups A and B” is an example of null hypothesis. T

II. Determine what kind of ethical values is being indicated by each statement.. Refer
your answer from the choices below.

A. Truthfulness
B. Courtesy
C. Respect for Human Rights

C 1. Observing confidentiality where it is due.

B 2. Ask permission from the school head if students are the subject of the study
A 3. Changing or falsifying existing data in order to achieve some predetermined
A 4. Fabricating Data
B 5. Seeking informed consent of participants
C 6. Protection of participants from harm and loss of dignity
B 7. Plagiarism, knowingly stealing someone else’s published work and
presenting it without attribution to source
C 8. Confidentiality and privacy
C 9. Seeking for the approval of the guardians/ parents
A 10. Doing the research with honesty

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