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Respected teachers and my dear fellow students,


When it comes to assisted dying, Belgium has the most liberal laws .The first to lay the foundation of this
tradition, as a legal right, was a woman, 50 years old ,who chose to be euthanized after the death of two
of her sons.

Every year two thousand people in Belgium seek euthanasia and recently a girl, Emily 24 years old did
so. Even small children as young as five years have the right to do so. In 2013, it happened, a life so
beautiful coming to an end. On CNN, I recall seeing a documentary of a five year old, assisted by her
parents to choose euthanasia to combat her pains. So what is euthanasia?

Today I will be throwing some light on the topic: Should euthanasia be legalized? And I as a Muslim, am
totally against this cruel medical practice.

The word “Euthanasia” is of Greek origin and literally means ‘a good death’. Some paradox ha-ha, self
contradictory terminology. The American Heritage Dictionary defines it as ‘the act of killing a person
painlessly for reasons of mercy’. Such killing can be done through active means, such as giving lethal
injections or by passive means such as withholding medical care, food and water. Here I would like to
introduce another two terminologies: Voluntary and involuntary Euthanasia. Voluntary Euthanasia
means that the patient himself or herself takes up the decision to be euthanatized in order to end the
pain while in involuntary euthanasia the physician or the family members take up the decision of

People who support euthanasia logically argue that it gives relief from suffering. Furthermore it helps
people die with dignity, respect. They also argue that by ending a hopeless life, another life in need of
organ or support could be saved: sounds good. But the thought is very secular (non religious).Now these
people with these secular minds, they think that the solitary purpose of life is enjoyment and if there’s
no enjoyment in life, let’s end it. Let me correct their believes, the purpose of life is not enjoyment but
to worship Allah to seek his pleasure.

From the Islamic perspective when a person suffers pain and he /she endures it with patience, Prophet
Muhammad SAWWS said “it purifies them of sins”. When one is patient, one is rewarded, so patience
brings you nothing but rewards. Therefore the idea of ending suffering by euthanasia is actually denying
the person’s chance of purifying themselves before leaving the world.

At another moment, Allah’s Messenger said: If he is even pricked by a thorn on the road and he
observes patience, it removes his sins.

It is also known that Allah’s Messenger forbade wishing for death. All you are allowed to say is O Allah! If
living is better for me, let me live but, if dying is better for me, then let me die.
And it is clearly stated in the Quran:

“Do not throw yourself in distraction with your own hands”

This verse from Quran clearly prohibits suicide. And all these people, they talk of Doctor Assisted
Suicide, the so called Mercy Killing while Allah in the Quran clearly prohibits it in any form.

They call it mercy killing but it’s just lame killing.

Come on! We live in the 21st century we should find ways to live not to die! Through modern science and
technology there is cure for almost 80%of the diseases, then why do people have to choose euthanasia?
no doubt this is mere cruelty!

The most important thing over here is to understand that who decides whether an individual should live
or die, obviously it is Allah(SWT) so, who gave us the right to decide about our lives!

In another Hadees Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“If a person kills himself or herself, then that person will continue committing the act of killing one

Euthanasia devalues life, it is a disrespect to life, simply another failure to render quality medical care to

To conclude The Quran says:

“Whoever takes a life is like taking the life of all people and whoever saves a life is like saving the life of
entire humanity.”

So life is very precious and we are to treasure it and not to play God by taking it away. Committing
suicide in Islam is a great sin and voluntary euthanasia is surely a form of suicide. Judging death is an act
of Allah and not Allah’s creation.

So what’s the solution to say it clear and concise it’s the Quran and Sunnah.

• Prayer can do miracles.

• Charity disintegrates suffering.

• Repentance eradicates distress.

• Remembrance of Allah brings peace.

So, my Islam is enough for me and my Allah heals all.


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