3 Unit 3 Developing Leadership

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Developing Leadership

Unit - 3
• Creating a vision, Analyse the strengths and
weaknesses of an organisation

• Organizational Design – Hierarchy and


• Developing the characteristics of leader - Trust,

Integrity and Ethics, Power and Influence
Creating Vision
• Vision:- A vision states what the organization
aspires to become in the future

• Steps:-
• Project five/ten years into the future

• Determine your purpose and position as an


• Describe what success looks like in your operations

Creating Vision

• Consider your company type and structure

• Reference your competitors or create an


• Describe a measurable goal

Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of
an organisation
• Strengths – Weaknesses

• Resources

• Internal to the organization

• How to eliminate weaknesses?

• How to realize benefits from Strengths?

Organizational Design
• ‘Organisational Design’ encompasses
restructuring and destructuring roles, hierarchy
level, terms, and conditions as per business or
organizational needs

• The process of coordinating the structural

elements of an organization in the most
appropriate manner
Organizational Design
• The choice of an appropriate organizational
design depends on the firm’s:

• Size

• Operations and information technology

• Environment

• Strategy for growth and survival

Key elements of organizational designs
• Work
• Specialization
• Authority and Responsibility
• Chain of Command
• Centralization vs. Decentralization
• Span of Control
• Departmentalization
Centralization & Decentralization
• Centralization - Organizational setup whereby the
authority to make important decision is retained by
managers at the top of the hierarchy
• Decentralization - An organizational setup whereby
the authority to make important decisions about
organizational resources and to initiate new
projects is delegated to managers at all levels in the
Hierarchy and organogram
• An organizational chart

• A diagram that shows the structure of an

organization and how various positions are
related to each other

• The chain of command and rankings of various

positions in organization/dept
Developing the characteristics of Leader
• Trust in leadership - The leader who does not
establish trust will have no followers

• Integrity and Ethics –

• Ethics: is an external system of rules and laws
• Usually there are rewards when we follow the
rules and punishments when we break them
• Integrity: is an internal system of principles
which guides our behaviour. The rewards are

• Integrity is a choice rather than an obligation.

• Integrity cannot be forced by outside sources

Developing the characteristics of Leader
• Power

• Power is the ability to influence the behaviour

of others with or without resistance by using a
variety of tactics to push or prompt action.

• Power is the ability to get things done.

• Influence

• Influence occurs when a person’s emotions,

opinions, or behaviours are affected by others.

• It is an important component of a leader’s

ability to use power and maintain respect in an

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