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VMX 16 bar concept optimised
Solution for oil compatible gases

New Multicore Turbo Series

For maximum volume flows

Your rental advantage at AERZEN RENTAL
• Worldwide 24/7 service and delivery
• Wide range of assemblies from -700 mbar (g) negative pressure
AAA process in high-load biology to 10 bar (g) positive pressure
AERZEN ensures air supply • Efficient and environmentally friendly solutions in the precisely
required pressure and volume flow ranges

4 • Wide variety of 100 % oil-free machines

• Depots throughout Europe and North America
• Application experts in customised solutions and process support
In case of need, AERZEN RENTAL is there,
indeed. Here, with nine Delta Blowers GM 90S
as replacement of a failed 60,000 m3/h
turbo blower of a third-party manufacturer
in a wastewater treatment plant near Berlin.

Dear Readers, AERZEN RENTAL covers

temporary air requirements
An exciting but exhausting year
is behind us. We are still accom-
panied by the COVID-19 pandemic,
which brought and still brings
with it many changes and new
regulations - some of them very
unusual. Personal contacts must 20 years of success with 100 percent oil-free AERZEN rental machines and complete solutions
unfortunately be minimised due
to the pandemic. So how do we
communicate with each other,
learn from each other and discuss
On November 1, 2020 AERZEN INTERNATIONAL RENTAL B.V. placement blowers and rotary lobe com-
Glöckner, pressors up to single and two-stage com-
Chief Executive
innovations? One way is through celebrated its 20th anniversary. This subsidiary of Aerzener
webinars – and we cordially invite pressors. Thus, AERZEN RENTAL offers for
you to join our webinar series.
Maschinenfabrik GmbH offers a wide range of 100 per cent oil-free each differential pressure or volume flow
You can read more about these in this issue. rental machines and accessories, providing complete solutions the most appropriate and energy-efficient
We are particularly pleased about the 20th machine for every requirement - an offer
anniversary of our subsidiary AERZEN RENTAL.
covering numerous areas of application. With several depots in that is unique in the rental market. There
Around the clock, for short-term immediate use, Europe, delivery is guaranteed to customers around the clock, every is also a wide range of accessories, includ-
and also for long-term needs, AERZEN RENTAL ing power generators (transformers/diesel
provides innovative plug & play solutions and
day of the year. Since 2019, this also applies to the USA and Canada,
units), power distributors, power cables,
supports you in securing the success of your which are served by AERZEN RENTAL USA, based in Atlanta. piping, coolers (air-air coolers, water-air
business. We would also like to draw your atten-

coolers), dryers and condensate separators.
tion to our new biogas packages: lower total cost
of ownership, with improved ease of maintenance, ith the entry of AERZEN into have a high level of expertise in electrical Typical areas of application include:
shorter delivery times at 16 bar operating pressure, the rental machine business and mechanical engineering, three techni- • Pneumatic conveying of bulk material
with a wide range of options. With these new pack- in 2000, a success story be- cians, three customer service staff, and an • Aeration in the drinking and wastewa-
ages we are closing the performance gap in the gan: established as the rental business eight-person sales team which is headed ter treatment, e.g. in aeration tanks of
upper pressure range. A very special project is the of AERZEN Nederland B.V. in Duiven, by Jean-Michel Dufour. wastewater treatment plants, often
Strass wastewater treatment plant in Zillertal,
AERZEN RENTAL has grown continuous- combined with aeration plates to create
Austria. Without any need for new pool construction Portfolio for low pressure and
the capacity has been increased by 50 percent in ly since then. The headquarters remain in a complete and self-sufficient aeration
compressed air applications
the Triple-A procedure - of course with Aerzen Turbo. Duiven, and depots in Germany (Rinteln), system
There is more about this project in this issue. Spain (Madrid) and the United Kingdom For customers and interested parties, • Oxidation and combustion processes
We would like to take this opportunity to thank (near Birmingham) have been added. A AERZEN RENTAL holds the complete • Transport of neutral gases
you for your continuing cooperation and especially new depot near Stockholm in Sweden will AERZEN machine portfolio for low pres- • Compressed air supply during tunnel
for the trust you have placed in us again this year.
open at the beginning of 2021. The team sure and compressed air applications in construction
We wish you and your families a good start to the
year 2021! of Managing Director Gerben Keurentjes pressure ranges from -700 mbar (g) nega- Products from AERZEN RENTAL are
consists of about 20 employees. These tive pressure to 10 bar (g) positive pressure specially developed for the rental
Cordially yours, include five process engineers who each ready - from turbo blowers to positive dis- market: they are always modu-
C O M • P R E S S 3|20

Project Scope of supply

Construction of a wastewater Delta Blower GM 25S,
treatment plant for a seasonal aeration system,
sugar factory piping
provides solutions for
many applications in the
most diverse application
areas and sectors. Planned overhaul of a VML 60 Delta Screw VML 60
compressor in a flour mill

Gerben Keurentjes, Managing Director AERZEN INTERNATIONAL RENTAL

Planned reconstruction of Delta Blower GM 90S,
We offer our customers complete and immediately available a blower station in a yeast connection system,
system solutions, without any problems. Our support starts factory in Denmark. The diesel generators
with the first call and only ends when the process is running fermentation tanks required
20,000 m³/h of air for one
again at the customer‘s site. We‘ll take care of everything:
week. Special requirement:
transport, installation, integration of the process IT and on-site
H12 filtration against bacteria.
service are included in our scope of supply!
Temporary aeration in aeration plates,
an industrial wastewater Delta Blower GM 90S,
treatment plant in the diesel generator,
lar and, therefore, easy to connect, tions,“ emphasises Gerben Keurentjes.
Netherlands. 4,800 m³/h piping
easy to transport and robust to sim- AERZEN RENTAL is the first choice espe-
of air was required.
plify handling. The machines are equipped cially in case of machine failures which can
as standard with complete control and quickly lead to economic losses for custom-
regulation technology to ensure low start- ers. “In emergencies, every minute counts.
ing currents and maximum controllability. It is, therefore, necessary to react quickly
Special interfaces facilitate their integra- and determine the rental scope“, says Jean- the continuity of the process and unim- Gerben Keurentjes is optimistic about the
tion into the customer process. Customer Michel Dufour. Therefore, AERZEN RENTAL peded production,“ emphasises Keurentjes. future: “our tailor-made solutions, which
service includes the possibility of remote is often on site within a few hours. “In order The AERZEN RENTAL portfolio is also in are customised exactly according to the
monitoring of the assemblies. Together to maintain control at all times, we also rec- demand by customers who only produce needs of our customers, make the differ-
with AERZEN Digital Systems the use of ommend our clients an emergency plan with seasonally, for example in harvest phases ence compared with the competition“, and
artificial intelligence is currently being fur- possible solution scenarios that take effect in the food industry or in wine production. adds: “once you have worked with AERZEN
ther developed. in case of failures,“ adds the sales manager. During these periods, AERZEN RENTAL en- RENTAL, you will always want to come
AERZEN RENTAL also provides rent- sures that the air requirement is covered, back to us“. So roll on the next 20 years!
Solutions for short, medium or long-term
al machines and accessories for planned for example for wastewater treatment.
plant shutdowns – for example during the For customers who need compressed
“Whether in the short, medium or long conversion or maintenance of production air for limited periods of time, AERZEN Contact details
term, our aim is to keep our customers‘ lines. “We are able to implement bypass RENTAL offers a long-term rental option. AERZEN RENTAL
plants operational with tailor-made solu- solutions for these periods, thus ensuring With this solution, the machine is config-
ured according to the customers’ needs and Europe:
Jean-Michel Dufour, the rental and maintenance costs are ad- • Hotline 24/7: +31 88 9100 000
justed based on the period. An investment • Website:
by the customer to purchase new equip- • E-Mail:
ment is, therefore, no longer necessary. North America:
Customers, who have used foreign makes up until now,
• Hotline 24/7: +1 844 400 2379
often decide in favour of AERZEN machines for the next Roll on the next 20 years!
• Website:
new acquisition due to the good experiences with the
On the occasion of this year‘s anniversa- • E-Mail:
rental machines and services of AERZEN RENTAL.

AERZEN webinars

Free training for customers

Learning from each other, creating connections and added value - markets in German-speaking countries. But In 2021, AERZEN plans to offer further
AERZEN has achieved success with webi- online offerings. The range of topics will
this is the demand that the AERZEN Group aims to fulfil by nars aimed at other countries as well. The be expanded by addressing not only the
means of AERZEN webinars. Earlier this year, online events are first events in the Spanish language has area of wastewater but also other sectors.
also offered internationally. been very well received. In order to make Our experts are already working hard on
the AERZEN webinars accessible to a wide these future webinars.

circle of customers and partners, the pres-
he webinars offer our customers an German-speaking market on 19 June with entations will be provided with an English
extraordinary added value: in just 45 the seminar “Implementation of savings language voice-over and made available on
minutes all participants can acquire potential in wastewater treatment plants”. the country pages in the new year. Added value for customers through useful content
advanced knowledge about an important Since then, three more webinars have been with practical relevance and interactive exchanges
are the focus of the AERZEN webinars.
topic. Questions can be asked at any time held, at an interval of eight weeks between
via the live chat option, because our ex- each. Anytime online
perts will continue to answer questions All international
International offer
after the event - and all this is completely webinars are availa-
free of charge. Initially, the online events with topics rang- ble at www.aerzen.
The high number of participants in the ing from the wastewater treatment plant com/webseminars
webinars shows from the beginning, how of the future, to resource-efficient waste- and are free of
well these online sessions are being re- water treatment using individual reference charge.
ceived. This initiative was launched in the plants, were addressed to the wastewater
C O M • P R E S S 3|20 COMPACT 3

AERZEN with optimised compressor solution for oil compatible gases

New assembly concept VMX 16 bar New and revised

marketing materials
developed AERZEN has recently revised or introduced new
marketing materials for the application areas of
wastewater treatment, food technology and pro-
The AERZEN division “Biogas and cess gas technology.
Standard Gas Products” now of- How can energy costs be saved in wastewater
treatment? How can hygienically pure process air
fers VMX assemblies for discharge be generated? What requirements must modern
pressures up to 16 bar. Based on process gas compression meet? These are some
the experience gained with the of the questions which AERZEN customers will
have to ask themselves in order to address the
previous VMX 13 bar assemblies, challenges posed by Industry 4.0, globalisation
this newly developed assembly and constantly increasing cost pressures. We are
supporting you in dealing with these challenges
concept for VMX 16 bar closes a
and offer answers to your questions in our new
significant performance gap in the brochures. You can download the new brochures
upper pressure range. using your CustomerNet access via our website,

or printed versions can be ordered by completing
ERZEN thus now fulfils an essen- this request form:
tial demand of many customers for
a cost- and maintenance-efficient
concept for the compression to 16 bar of company/request-and-contact/
oil-compatible gases such as biogas, bio- directory-of-contacts.html
methane, natural gas, synthesis gases, hy-
drogen and many more.
Within the scope of a development The 3D model shows a VMX 110-16 bar assembly
project, both the compressor stage for the compression of approx. 670 Nm³/h biogas.
The dimensions of the assembly skid are approx.
and the associated compressor pack-
2,500 x 1,800 x 1,900 mm (length x width x height).
age were redesigned and further stand-
ardised. The new compressor concept
now offers a wide range of standard- connection to the AERtronic a cost-effec- smooth operation. The simple and man-
ised options to choose from, such as tive alternative to conventional control ageable assembly concept will also be
three different instrumentation variants systems is also available for this series of reflected in short times both for commis- The new brochures AERwater, Food and Process gas
(Standard, High End or Low Cost). This assemblies. sioning and for necessary maintenance technology

is additionally rounded off by the possi- The assemblies also offer the usual work.
bility of controlling and monitoring the reliability, availability, robustness and Brochures and further information
new VMX 16bar assemblies by means of ease of maintenance - in other words, will soon be available on the website AERZEN - the number
the machine control AERtronic. With the everything the customer needs for one worldwide
The “WirtschaftsWoche”
magazine has again
Two separate turbo stages in one assembly ranked AERZEN as a

New Multicore Turbo Series

world market leader in
its special issue “The
500 Secret World Market
Leaders 2021”. The covet-
The newly developed turbo blowers from AERZEN represent an efficient and space-saving alternative ed listings go to compa- The special issue was
nies which are worldwide published on 2 November
to conventional geared turbos or multistage central compressors for wastewater treatment plants with number one or number

high oxygen demand. two in at least one relevant market segment. Ac-

cordingly, AERZEN is world market leader in the
he regulation of the oxygen content and are equipped with two separate turbo foil bearing technology. Like the proven G5 field of positive displacement blowers and screw
as required is the key to an optimal stages in one assembly. So far, the most and G5plus series, the single stage turbo compressors, thanks to its sizeable market share.
biological process, which is neces- powerful speed-controlled turbo blowers blowers of the Multicore series are char-
sary for the decomposition of organic ma- have currently had a connected load of ap- acterised by very low energy consumption
terial in the aeration tank. prox. 400 kW. Now, even larger wastewa- and cover a wide volume range on the tur-
The AERZEN Multicore turbo blowers ter treatment plants will be able to replace bo blower market. New Head of Material and
are based on air foil bearing technology their outdated assemblies with modern air The new sizes AT600 and AT800 enable Logistics
maximum volume flows of 29,000 m³/h
and outputs of up to 600 kW, and all this Rainer Hellweg took over the
with an extremely wide control range of management of the Material and
15 to 100 percent of the nominal volume Logistics division in July 2020. As
flow. Chief Procurement Officer, he is
Rainer Hellweg
also responsible for co-ordinat-
ing the worldwide purchasing activities of the
AERZEN Group. The Graduate Industrial Engineer
brings a wealth of professional experience to
his new role at AERZEN. Rainer Hellweg worked
for the mechanical engineering company and
AERZEN customer Haver & Boecker for more than
20 years. Among others, he worked at its subsidi-
New on the ary in Brazil for a long time. In 2005, he took over
market: AERZEN as Purchasing Manager of Haver & Boecker and
Multicore turbo from then on also promoted the worldwide net-
working of purchasing within the group.
C O M • P R E S S 3|20

The Triple-A process is revolutionising primary treatment

50 percent capacity increase without

new tank construction
The Strass wastewater treatment plant in Zillertal
is currently investing in an expansion of capacity by
50 percent. Alternating Activated Adsorption is the
name of the process for which air is also required in
the first purification stage. Two AERZEN turbo blow-
ers, type AT100-0.6 S G5plus, each deliver up to 70
standard cubic metres per minute with high energy

In the Austrian Zillertal, the wastewater treatment is currently suc- the energy efficient G5plus assemblies de- as biofilm and help the cells to establish
cessfully raised to a new technological level. Triple-A is the name of the livers up to 70 standard cubic metres per a connection with neighbouring cells.
minute with 84 kW motor connected load. The purification and filter effect is so
process that can achieve twice as much capacity in high-load biology “We work with an overpressure of up to effective that it agglomerates 60 per-
as conventional methods. Behind AAA at the Strass wastewater treat- 450 millibar”, reports Patrick Quitt, sales cent of the organic matter contained in
ment plant are also three companies that are jointly implementing the engineer at AERZEN Austria. “The delta the wastewater and also binds nitrogen
is enough to put the air into the water in strongly. According to the experience,
new process: ARAconsult, Aquaconsult and AERZEN. two separate compression stage rings.” classic primary wastewater tanks achieve

The strip aerators are distributed in two only 30 percent. A further advantage is in
higher degree of efficiency in pre- (PE) per day. The average annual load is different depth levels at the bottom of the technical realisation. The process does
liminary purification provides the 20,000 PE. Started up in 1989, extensive the round tanks. The independent strands not require a complex clearing mechanism
Strass wastewater treatment modernisation and repair work was due are due to the fact that the existing tanks to get the sludge out of the tank. Air is
plant with a gain in efficiency across the after 30 years - from plant technology to become deeper from the outside to the enough - and the two turbo blowers from
board. The plant, which belongs to the concrete refurbishment. Moreover, the in- inside like a funnel. On the one hand, the AERZEN provide that as well.
Achental-Inntal-Zillertal (AIZ) waste- flow values no longer matched the size of air supplies bacteria in the sludge layer Air in the first purification stage? The
water association, has so far been de- the plant – especially during peak tourist with oxygen, but on the other hand, it also answer to this can be found in the process
signed for 167,000 population equivalents periods. With a view to future-proofing, takes over the lifting of the forming sol- flow. In the AAA process, after the briefly
one of the aims of the modernisation was id layer in order to transport it out of the sketched half-hourly inflow, the sludge lay-
to increase the capacity of the plant by tank. er that has formed is lifted by compressed
50 percent to 250,000 PE – but without In the AAA tank, four phases occur with- air and transported via a vortex-like turbu-
building new tanks. „So we have to make in a cycle of about one hour. Here, the layer lence into the thickener in the middle of
Questions, Suggestions, the process much more productive,“ em- of sludge that forms takes over an essen- the tank. Subsequently, the two AERZEN
Ideas? phasises plant manager Christian Fimml. tial filter function. The solids settle to the Turbos take over the so-called activation
The AIZ invested €  1.8 million in technol- bottom of the tank during the non-aerat- of the remaining sludge. Here, the bacteria
We are looking forward to all your queries, ogy instead of in concrete that takes up ed phase. In the AAA process, this layer build up the EPS-matrix so that the filter
comments and suggestions on our customer space. is used as a natural filter. Over a period of can work. Once this has formed, the next
journal, and we are at your disposal for further about half an hour, fresh wastewater is inflow starts.
Making the preliminary step more
information on AERZEN products and services. fed into the reactor tank from below. The
efficient Turbo blower as first choice
Give us a visit on our website: sludge cover above prevents mixing with

In the past, the comparatively small tank
was in high load phases the bottleneck
in wastewater treatment in the Zillertal.
the already pre-treated water near the sur-
The turbo blowers have been designed to-
gether with AERZEN. An essential factor
in the selection of the aeration technology
Sewage sludge as a natural filter
Especially during the ski season, the A was to use assemblies that have the low-
level turned out to be a bottleneck with During the approximately half hour inflow, est possible energy consumption. The ex-
IMPRINT a steadily decreasing efficiency. Today,
the AAA process is used in Strass. In this
the pre-treated, near-surface water is dis-
placed and flows via overflow into the sec-
tremely durable and maintenance-free air
bearing of the turbo stage from AERZEN
AERZEN COM•PRESS process, the inflowing wastewater in the ond purification stage. On the one hand, enables the compact, energy-efficient
Customer journal of existing sedimentation tanks undergoes a the sludge layer acts as a barrier, on the assemblies with their high power densi-
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH
sedimentation and filtering process of two other hand, it acts as a filter and a place ty to be used throughout the entire con-
Edition 3 • 2020
hours. “Triple-A,” which stands for “Alter- for massive COD degradation by bacteria. trol range. The advantage of AERZEN is
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH
nating Activated Adsorption.” Finely blown An EPS matrix (Extracellular polymer sub- clearly the variety in the programme. The
Reherweg 28, D-31855 Aerzen GERMANY in air plays a decisive role in activating bi- stances) is formed in the process. EPS are customer can select the right assembly for
Editorial staff osorption. It is supplied by two AERZEN long-chain compounds that are formed by the application and knows that the ma-
M/Stephan Brand (v.i.S.d.P.), Sascha Adam, turbo blowers of type AT100-0.6 S. Each of microorganisms. EPS are often referred to chines work reliably.
Axel Cichon, Dennis Hubel, Sebastian Meißler,
Walter Reiter The strip aerators are divided into two different Summary
Picture credits The air supply for the AAA process is ensured pressure ranges, which are each supplied with air The new process is particularly inter-
AERZEN, Aerzen Rental, Shutterstock, from the existing machine room. by an Aerzen Turbo.
esting for wastewater associations and
Thorsten Sienk, WirtschaftsWoche
municipalities that are about to ex-
pand their plants. The investment pays
Maenken Kommunikation GmbH
Von-der-Wettern-Straße 25, D-51149 Cologne off very quickly. Even if the demand for
Number of copies: 8,400 electrical energy increases in the prelimi-
nary purification, is all the less needed in
the subsequent aeration. The less organ-
ic matter arrives in the aeration stage,
the lower the corresponding oxygen de-

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