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Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholderswellbeing. 

Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholderswellbeing. 

Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholderswellbeing. 

Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholderswellbeing. 

Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholdershave ever been in a high-quality LMX relationship with your manager,
you may attest to its advantages. Research shows that high-quality LMX members are
more satisfied with their jobs, more committed to their companies, have higher levels of
clarity about what is expected of them, and perform at a higher level. Because of all the
help, support, and because a high-quality relationship is a buffer against many
stressors, such as being a misfit in a company, having personality traits that do not
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Servant Leadership Theory -

Written by Jason Gordon

Updated at July 19th, 2021

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Table of Contents

What is Servant Leadership?

What is Servant Leadership?

Servant leadership focuses on the role of the leaders as serving the needs of others
through employee development and goal attainment. To summarize, the leader puts
the needs and wants of the subordinates first by helping them to develop
professionally. This effort may come at the expense of the servant leaders own

Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholders. 

The focus on these factors at the expense of the leaders own well being distinguishes
it from aspects of other leadership approaches. 

Interestingly, this approach does not focus on having employees support

organizational goals. By fulfilling the obligation to support the subordinate (and other
stakeholders), the organization ultimately benefits. 

Observed benefits include increased subordinate commitment, improved interpersonal

helping behaviors, increases in citizenship behaviors directed toward the community,
and improved job performance.

servant leadership

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Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholderswellbeing. 

Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience, and
fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates and third-
party stakeholderswellbeing. 

 Servant leaders are expected to have a strong sense of ethics, social conscience,
and fairness. This is imperative for acting in the best interests of subordinates
and third-party stakeholders

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