Top-Notch TV - 2 B

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UNIT 6 Sitcom: Help yourself, everyone! SCENE 1 A. Check the foods Cheryl is serving at dinner. CLasparagus (J broccoli steak J potatoes cabbage Oi pasta 1 rice D noodies fish chicken B, Complete the sentences about Mr. Evans with the foods you checked in Exercise A. 1. McEvansisnotabig______—=— eater. 4, He isallergic to 2. He is avoiding 5. He is crazy about 3. doesn't agree with him. C. Check each statement True or False. True False 1. Marie says the food tastes delicious. a a 2. Cheryl watches what Bob eats during the meal. au Q 3. Cheryl can't stand vegetables. a Q 4. Bob takesa large portion of rice. a a 5. Inthe end, Bob eats a lot of butter. a Qa 6. Paul istrying to lose weight. Q a D. Complete each conversation with the words you hear in the video episode. I think everything's ready. This 50 sit down? P_ wonderfull What are we having to eat? roession granted io reproduce forclassoon use Bob, youre not eating very much bE tonight. ___the food? TopNotchtv 2 Activity Worksheet 39 Peimission granted ta renoduce for clessroom use, CCopiright © 2006 by Pearson Ea UNIT G Sitcom: Help yourself, everyone! SCENE 2 A. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1, _____ take cookies. a. Marie and Mr.Evans —_b. Paul and Marie © 2. Mr€vans a. eats sweets b. never likes sweets G 3. _____ are Mr.Evans's passion. a. cookies b. strawberries G 4, Paulis crazyabout ___ a. chocolate cake b. strawberries with chocolate 5. Cheryl wants __. a, apiece of cake b. astrawberry « 6. Bobhas___ the cookies. a. made b. taken « Paul and Cheryl used to eat sweets cakes carrots cookie not tried B, How many cookies did each person take? Write what each person says. C. Complete the conversation with the words you hear inthe video episode. Marie: But___ today at work? Bob: | was eating Marie; snacking on this afternoon? 3 4 Bob: Thatwasan 5 Marie: What about that youate yesterday? Bob: — Marie: My mistake. 40 TopNotchTv 2 Activity Worksheet 1c emission granted torepioduce for clasro0m use UNIT 7 Sitcom: What do you think of this color? SCENE 1 A. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. The first color Cheryl shows in the 4. Cheryl does not like the color Bob picks for the video is apartmentbecause__. a. tomato red a. she has too many plants b. berry red b. itis the color of her sofa ¢. deep red . the room would be too dark 2. Bob wants Cherylto 5. Bob tells Cheryl she could a. paint the walls white a. buy a new carpet b, leave the walls just the way they are b. paint the table yellow move to anew apartment c. change the color of the sofa 3. Bob Marie, and Paul alllike 6. At the end of the video episode, Cheryl a. yellow a. decides not to repaint her apartment b. tomato red b. still has not chosen a color green . says yellows a good color 8. Complete the conversations with the gerundis or infinitives you hear. Idon'tfeelike at Quit How about any more colors. thisone? 1. teaniestgnd: This one? Be sure atit. Do you plan carefully — this ail night? 2. C. Complete the conversation with the words from the box. sadabout excited about tired of happy about | a gg EE | Cheryk: I'm looking at yellow wells. 7 Bob: Fine. Can youat least choose a color we'll all be % 2 Cheryl: There is no color you all like. Pauls feeling everything, Marie's feeling 3 everything, and you just seem to hate color, don't you Bob? TopNotchTv 2 Activity Worksheet 41 UNIT 7 Sitcom: What do you think of this color? SCENE 2 A. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words. 1. Paul got the name Dr. Cheer (at school /from Bob). 2. Paul enjoys (cheering people up / laughing at people). 3. Paul says he laughs at (people /nothing) 4, Martie says it's not in her nature to (choose to laugh / be down in the dumps! 5. In the end (laughing / a chocolate bar) helps Marie feel better. ‘Complete the conversation with the words from the box. feeling out of sorts downinthe dumps put myfingeron it feeling blue Cheryl: Marie, you've been so quiet. Are you OK? Marie: 'mjusta litle _. Cheryl: Oh, 1m sorry. We've bees arguing about colors and youre Paull: What’s wrong, Marie? Marie: Don't know. | can't . I've just been 3 C. Read each statement. Then circle the response you hear. Don't worry. [can help. Dr. Cheeris ‘a. What now Dr.Cheer? here. = b. Doctor who? 1 I practice laughing every day. a. Loughing at what? a4 p as b. Its notin my nature. 2: IJust choose to laugh. 3. 42 TopNotchtTv 2 Activity Workeheat “a. How do you do that? b. You just decide to laugh? : 2 & E é i > : ‘ UNIT 7 Interview: How would you describe your personality? A. Complete each sentence with the correct name. Alvino Cortyan, Lorayn 1s smiles a lot, like his mother. 2 hhas one brother and three sisters. 3. has a brother and a sister. 4 thinks birth order does not have an effect on personality. B. Check each statement True or False. True False 1. Alvino and his mother have the same personality Qa a 2. Cortyan’s sisters are quiet and calm. Qa a 3. Cortyan hasa different personality from her sisters. Qa Qa 4. Lorayn’s brother is the oldest child and the only boy in her family. Q 5. Lorayn's parents treated all their children the same. Q a C. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words, 1. Alvino is (an outgoing /a shy) person. 2. Cortyan is (an excited / a calm) person. 3. Lorayn’s brother was able to goto (concerts / parties) at en earlier age than she and her sister 1 granted to reproduce fr classroom use. . Alvino says that the youngest child in a large family gets a lot of (money / clothes). Copyright© 2005 by Pearson Educa TopNotch TV. 2 ‘Activity Worksheet 43 ion granted to reproduce for clssroom use ea CCopiright © 2008 by Pearion Educationdn UNIT 8 Sitcom: What do you think? SCENE 1 A. What did each person say about the painting? Match the comment with the person who said it. ——— 1. "How interesting!” a. Bob —— 2. "Ithinkicandothat” by Marie 3. “It's gorgeous!” Mr. Evans 4, “It’s very... blue” d. Chery! 5. “It's ..fantastic.” e. Paul B. Check each statement True or False. True False 1. Ms. Novak works in an art gallery. Q a 2. Mr. Evans wants some art for his home. a a 3. The sculpture is made of gold. a a 4, Marie likes the painting more than the sculpture. a a 5. The photograph is of snow in the mountains. Q Qa 6. Mr.Evans likes all three art pieces, Q Qa C. Complete Ms. Novak's descriptions of the different art pieces with the passive forms you hear. Use contractions when possible. Painting 1. "This by a Russian artist that | really like.” 2. “Theartist by looking at the sea.” Sculpture 3. “tt bya British sculptor.” 4. “tt of wood” 5. “It gold.” Photograph 6. "It in Paris." D. Write the name of each art piece you hear in the video episode. 1. The name of the painting is 2. The name of the sculpture is 3. The name of the photograph is 44 TopNotchTv 2 Activity Worksheet UNIT & Sitcom: What do you think? SCENE 2 A. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Paul says,“ % 3. Paul tells Ms.Novak that a. I'man artist a. heis an artist b, 'masculptor b. heisadesigner ¢. ma painter c. he takes alot of pictures 2. Paul's latest workis called 4. Ms.Novak thinks a. My Walls a. Paul's photos are strange b. Office Walls b. Paul has talent . TheWall c. Paul should take photos of Eastern and Western traditions B. Complete each sentence with the words you hear in the video episode. looking at the walls of the office.” that one, but | do like what you've done here. Imvery itactually.” C. Check the things Ms. Novak says to Paul after seeing his photos. ( ‘IthinkI could sell this.” (1 ‘Where were these photographs taken?” (0 ‘t’svery good.” (‘I'm fascinated by these photos.” “Can have your card?” I ‘Why don’t you bring me some pieces on Friday? D. Where does Paul tell Marie to hang the picture Mr. Evans bought from Ms. Novak? Why? Use your own words. TepNotehTV 2 Activity Worksheet 45 UNIT 3S Sitcom: Can you help me with something? SCENE 1 A. Check each statement True or False. True False 1, Everybody is asking Bob computer questions. 2. Bob doesn’t know how to solve Paul's computer problems. 3. Bob naver complains about troubleshooting his colleagues’ computer problems. 4. Bob tells Cheryl to open the e-mail attachment she got. 5. Bob says he is working on something important. 6. Bob is sending instant messages to a friend, coouce cooucgd B. Complete each sentence with the words you hear. Then write the number of the statement next to the person who said it. 1. "Ym trying to but the won't work” 2. “My laptop | can't get it to do anything, Itype on the and nothing happens” 3. “Somebody sent me an but | thinkit has a Answer each question with an infinitive of purpose. 1. Why does Bob tell Marie to push the green button on the printer? To 2. Why does Bob tell Paul to stick a paper clip on the side of the computer? To : 3. Why does Bob tell Cheryl to click on the No-Virus icon on the toolbar? To 2006 by Pearson Eaaation 46 TopNowhTv 2 Aetivity Workehect tne Bermision granted to reproduce forclassroam us. Copyright ©2096 by Pearson Educa UNIT 9 Sitcom: Can you help me with something? SCENE 2 A. Check the items Bob asks Mr. Evans for. 1 scanner monitor 1 speaker (A keyboard 1D laptop © printer (1 DvD drive 1 headphone (joystick B. Check each statement True or False. 1, Mr. Evans asked Bob to build a website for the company. 2. Bob asks Mr. Evans for some new technology. 3. The company already has a digital camera. 4. At first Mr-Evans says OK to Bob's request for anew scanner. 5. In the end Bob gets everything he asks for. 1 digital camera 1 mouse 1 software True False a a Q 4 a a a 4 4 ua C. Complete Bob’s statements with the words you hear in the video episode. = ‘ttsa sir, but it's not "I's nota this one.” D. Write an answer for each question. 1. To which two items does Mr. Evans say"OK'? 2. What technology does Bob say they can do without? “Andalsoa new I's not this one.” sit. It won't take pictures this one.” 3. Who is happy in the end? Why? TopNetchTV 2 Activity Workshest 47 ranted to tepreduce for cassraom vse € é Copyright ©2006 by Pearson Edu UNIT 9 Interview: Are you a computer addict? A. Check the different uses of computers you hear in the video segment. (0d e-mail coworkers (J listen to music 1 play games O download files (1 scan pictures (make schedules J shop online i chat LD do research projects [} send attachments (Jj surfthe Internet create a web page B. Check each statement True or False. True False 1. Lisa uses e-mail to communicate with her coworkers. go a 2. James says communication isa disadvantage of the Internet Q a 3. James says that you can ask your computer any question. Qo Qo 4, James says your computer always gives you only one answer toaquestion. Q 5. Lisa feels that there are dangers for children on the Internet. Q Q 6. Lisa feels like she is an adult. Qa a C. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. Lisa___ on her computer at work. a. downloads pictures b. makesschedules _«¢, listens to music 2, Angelique thinks that ___ is easy and faston a computer, a. researching projects __b. shopping writing homework 3. Deepti thinks children need touse the Internet. a. practice b. knowledge . guidance James says communication on the Internet is _. a. inexpensive b. difficult «. slow 5. Angelique says spending too much time ona computer is__ a. expensive b. not safe ¢. nota good idea 6. Deeptisays she isa computer__ a. programmer b. addict «. hacker 48 TopNotch TV 2 Activity Worksheet granted to reproduce forclassroon we, Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education, re Per UNIT 10 Sitcom: That’s David Doolittle! SCENE 1 A. Check each statement True or False. 1. Cheryl and Marie are having desserts in a restaurant. 2. Marie says she sees someone she knows. 3. Matie says it is David Doolittle. 4. David Doolittle isa famous singer, 5. David Doolittle forgot his hat, gloves, keys, and wallet. B. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. David Doolittle tells Merie he also 3. doesnot have his___ a. PDA . cell phone cc. wallet 2. Marie says __ 4. a. she has the cell phone in her pocket b, she does not see the cell phone under the table ¢. Cheryl has the cell phone True False a a Q a a a Q jis a a David Doolittle asks Marie to call him __. a. ifshe wants to go aut for dinner b, ifshe finds his keys © if she finds his cell phone Marie returns David Doolittle’ things in the following order a. hat, keys, gloves b. keys, gloves, hat . hat, gloves, keys €. Complete Marie's questions and David Doolittle’s responses with the words you hear. TopNotch TV 2 Sit, excuse me, sis this hat ——_____yes, thank you, ——_ Did Neoveit here? Are these gloves 2s everything, arent ? ctivity Worksheet —_____. mforgetting a9 UNIT 10 Sitcom: That's David Doolittle! SCENE 2 A. Read what Cheryl says. Then circle Marie's response youhearin the video episode. 1. “He asked if it was under the table. You said it wasn't.” a. “Hell get his phone back” b. “It wasn’tunder the table because it was in my pocket.” 2. "Well, | think that’s wrong.” a, “it’snot wrong” b. “I didn't steal it” 3. “You're going to ask him to dinner?" a. "Women ask men out to dinner all the time.” b. “Sure. Why not?” 4. “Women don’t ask men to dinner. Do they?” a, “I’snot wrong.” b. “Oh. don't be so old-fashioned, Cheryl.” B. Complete the conversation with the words you hear. ——_— im going to What are you going sand «todo now? ‘ 3 8 . In your own words, retell Bob's story about how he and Cheryl met. ©-2006 ty Pears conye 50 TopNowhTv 2 Activity Worksheet UNIT 10 Interview: What would you do? A. Complete each statement with the correct answer. 1. The people talk about ____in restaurants, 4. If Christiane saw cash on the street she in stores, and on the street. co a. spending money a. leave it for a poor person b. helping others b, look for the person who lost it . making the right decisions € take the money to the police 2. If Jessica got a bill in a restaurant that was 5. Martin says each situation is __ wrong, she would ___ a. different a. just pay it b. the same b, ask the waitress if everything is OK © complicated c write a complaint to the restaurant 3. If Catherine saw an expensive item in a department store that hada very low price, she would __. a. buy it anyway b, tell the cashier . tell her friends about it What did the people say about the different situations? Use the information from the video segment to complete each sentence. 8 a £ s 1. If Martin sawa mistake on a restaurant bill, he would 2. If Jessica saw an expensive item in @ department store that had a very low price, she would 3. If Catherine saw cash on the street, she would copyright 2006 by Pe TopNothTv 2 Activity Worksheet 51

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