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NIC: 200082202970
DATE SUBMITED: 23rd February 2021
Today Human resources management is not a just responsibility of the Human Resources Department. If
people are a competitive resource, then line managers (Sectional heads) play an increasingly important
role in managing the workforce. But this is not an either /or situation. Rather than seeing Line managers
take over responsibility from HR managers, we see both groups working together to handle workforce

What occasions do they work together? Identify what role the HR department play and What role line
managers (Sectional Heads) would play related to the following HR functions.

What occasions do they work together?

The reason why HR and line managers need to work together is because both parties have a strong interest
in ensuring the company’s success. By working together, line management can effectively perform
strategic human resource functions.

 Labor Force Strategy

The strategic plan between HR and line managers is to review projections on future business demands to
determine whether to train future employees to prepare for promotions or to recruit highly skilled
candidates based on current employee knowledge.

 Department Staff

The main function of the Department of Human Resources is to meet the needs of the organization's
workforce. Human Resources and Line Managers should communicate regularly and regularly to determine
the skills and qualifications required to carry out departmental functions without interruption. When there
is a vacancy in the line manager department, the human resource recruiter or job specialist and the line
manager review the job description for accuracy and completeness. HR advises line managers on how to
identify qualified candidates and existing departmental staff competencies in the recruitment and
selection process.t employee knowledge.

 Performance management

Human Resource Trainers develop learning objectives based on line managers' understanding of the
organization's training philosophy. Leadership training topics include how to provide feedback to
employees and how to make fair and impartial assessments of employee performance. Therefore, human
resources and line managers must work together to ensure that the organization maintains a consistent
approach to performance management.

 Conflict resolution

When conflicts arise between departmental employees, line managers usually seek human resources
advice when resolving issues between employees or between employees and their managers. When HR
and line management work together, it is easier for HR staff to investigate workplace issues.

a. Manpower planning

Manpower planning is the process by which an organization ensures the right number of people at the
right time and the right people.

 Role of the HR department

 Analyze organizational objectives and plans
 Convert corporate objectives to manpower objectives
 Preparing manpower inventory
 Forecasting manpower needs or demands
 Expected loss of manpower
 Role of the line managers
 Providing reports on performance and goals to higher authorities.
 Ensuring quality standards are maintained at expected levels.
 Providing guidance and plan to their teams.
 Ensuring compliance with organizational policy and legislation.
 Scheduling regular meeting with staff members to discuss progress.
 Motivation and engaging the employees in a timely manners.
 Ensuring quality standards are maintained at expected levels.
 Measuring performance metrics against set expectations.

Opportunities for HR and line managers to work together

 Workplace conflicts are unavoidable when department employees represent different cultures,
work styles and personalities. When conflicts arise, line managers usually seek human resource
advice in resolving issues between employees or between employees and their managers.

b. Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment is creating a pool of suitable candidates in order to select the best candidate at the right cost
for the vacant position.

Selection is deciding the most appropriate candidate for the post.

 Role of the HR department

 HR works in many areas including employee engagement, employee development, statutory
compliance, data management and many others, one of the key areas of focus for HR is to attract,
select and onboard suitable candidates for the organization.

 Job design, job analyze, decide the salary scales and other benefits, manpower planning, decide the
methodology of recruitment.
 Preliminary Screening, Selecting Test, Preliminary Interview, Selection Interview, Reference
Checking, Medical Examinations, Selection Decision.

 Role of the line managers

 Recruitment and selection for filling team posts.
 Provide training and support for new employees.
 Choose the best and cheapest recruitment method to attract candidates.
 Focuses on long-term workforce planning - deciding how to align the workforce with the needs of
the organization, looking into whether they are simply operating or planning business growth.
 It explores labor market trends and the potential of workers.
 Recruiting specialists, who post online ads, screen applicants, conduct preliminary interviews,
distinguish between applicants and qualified candidates, and interact with department hiring
managers concerning their staffing needs, distinguish between applicants and qualified candidates,
and interact with department hiring managers concerning their staffing needs.( Beer, M. 1997)

Opportunities for HR and line managers to work together

 Strategic planning between human resources and line managers makes forecasts of future
business demands to determine whether to train current employees to prepare for
promotion or to recruit high-skilled candidates based on current employee knowledge.
 HR and line management benefit from working together for immediate and future staffing
needs, reducing costs for rent and turnover. In addition, the company benefits from
appropriate succession plans and adequate staffing.

c. Induction and Orientation


Process of settling a new employee into his new surrounds as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


A procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the Company and the
Job .

 Role of the HR department

 HR professionals play an important role in the process of new employee orientation by promoting
their company. These activities assign this role to a human resources professional, rather than
recruiting managers who may be busy with other tasks, ensuring that employees receive the
support and attention they need.
 It ensures that new employees settle into their jobs easily so that they can be effective as soon as
possible. It also helps to reduce employee turnover.
 It integrates new employees into the company and makes them understand the systems and
procedures followed by the organization.
 Reorganizing a new employee.
 Focuses on department, job role and work culture familiarity.

 Role of the line managers

 The role of the line manager is to ensure that the motivation meets these requirements so that
each new staff member has a strong start to their new role and feels like part of their new team as
soon as possible.
 Recruitment of skills suitable for the task
 Training, coaching, and mentoring new employees to speed up their work.
 Plan the goals, objectives and functions of their department and communicate to employees as

Opportunities for HR and line managers to work together

 Linear managers and HR managers work to determine whether employees should be trained
to prepare for promotions or whether to recruit highly skilled candidates based on current
employee knowledge.
d. Training and Development

Training is the process of teaching/enhancing employees’ knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) up to the
level required for satisfactory performance.

Development is preparing individuals for the future.5

 Role of the HR department

 Improve Organizational Processes
 Prepare Employees for Future Roles
 Assign Ongoing Training Activities
 Evaluate Skill and Performance Gaps
 Provide Orientation to New Employees

 Role of the line managers
 Development training such as curriculum development, new hiring orientation and training for
newly promoted supervisors.
 Researching and processing on-site training options for employee attendance at workshops and
trade conferences.

 Workforce planning endeavors require requirements assessment and skill gap analysis to
determine if the job classification is effective and that employees are in the right jobs to match
their skills.
 Training and development to determine the strategic direction for the development of the entire
workforce that should coincide with the company’s goal. (Bolton, S. 2003),

Opportunities for HR and line managers to work together

 The main function of the Department of Human Resources is to meet the needs of the
organization's workforce. Human Resources and Line Managers should communicate
regularly and regularly to determine the skills and qualifications required to execute
departmental functions without interruption. Human Resources advises line managers on
how to identify qualified candidates and the existing departmental staffing capabilities in
the recruitment and selection process. When there is a vacancy in the line manager
department, the human resource recruiter or job specialist and the line manager review the
job description for accuracy and completeness.

e. Performance Management

The Performance management is regarded as a normal and continuous process of management that is
owned by the managers and staff who are involved.

 Role of the HR department

 The Department of Human Resources plays an important role in planning and implementing
performance appraisals. The HR team acts as a mediator between the executive boss or the review
authority and the employee. Ensures proper implementation of the evaluation process.
 Ensuring proper implementation of the evaluation process.
 Plans the entire evaluation process.
 Performance evaluation criteria should be very clear and transparent.
 Ensuring timely assessments are made.

 Role of the line managers

The line managers or the front line management play a very crucial role in implementing and enacting the
HR policies. Hence, it is very important for the management to ensure that the line managers possess a
right attitude towards the performance management approaches and equally possess the right
competencies for executing it.

 Provides leadership from above.

 Communicates with line managers about the importance of performance management in achieving
successful results and how it is part of their responsibility.

 Maintains simplicity in the overall process of performance management.
 By involving line managers to design and develop performance management processes by
representing them for pilot studies. (Armstrong, M. 2017).

Opportunities for HR and line managers to work together

 Training and development is a human resource function that prepares line managers for a number
of leadership tasks. One function is to conduct employee performance appraisals. Human Resource
Trainers develop learning objectives based on line managers' understanding of the organization's
training philosophy. Leadership training topics include how to provide feedback to employees and
how to make fair and impartial assessments of employee performance. Therefore, human
resources and line managers must work together to ensure that the organization maintains a
consistent approach to performance management. Incompatibilities within the organization's
performance management system have a positive impact on employee job satisfaction, which is
another reason why human resources and line managers should work together.


 Armstrong, M. (2017). Reinventing Performance Management (4th Edition). Building a Culture of

Continuous Improvement. New Delhi, Kogan Page
 Beer, M. 1997. The transformation of the human resource function: Resolving the tension between
a traditional administrative and a new strategic role. Human Resource Management, 36: 49–56.
 Line Managers in Coaching at Work, London: CIPD. Bolton, S. (2003), ‘Multiple roles? Nurses as
managers in the NHS’, The International
 Management study guide

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