My Expectations in My Course and Subject Sambrana

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Sambrana, Aldren G.

Math 122 (Calculus 1)


“My expectations in my course and subject”

First of all this course is not my first choice, my first choice was BSED Mathematics but I
was declined maybe because of the full slot and low cet rating. I was disappoint in myself and start
thinking negative thoughts about myself. I realized that I pray for courses that make me successful
in the future, repay all the sacrifices to my parents and make them proud of me. I hope this course
which is the BS Statistics helps me to achieve all my dreams and have a better future. My
expectation in this course is that helps me to discover my talent, skills, and strength. I hope this
course that I take right now will be enjoyable and fun at the same time to gain some
learnings/lesson in life. I know this course is not easy but I hope my friends and classmates will
survive this course. I hope this course that I take right now makes me become a stronger person to
overcome all the challenges and obstacles in life because I believe that courses are not all about
dreams but all about life lessons.

My first impression of my subject, I feel like my brain will explode because 3 subjects are
related in math especially calculus. Honestly, I’m not good at academics especially mathematics
because I’m not a fast learner student but I always do my best to learn and understand. The
expectation of my subject will be hard especially in calculus because I have no background
knowledge since I enrolled in the ABM strand in my SHS. I hope the professor will give more
examples to be able to understand the lesson especially like me because I’m not a fast learner. I
hope I will survive and get good grades to make my parents proud of me.

I know both course and subject is hard but I hope it will be fun, enjoyable, at the same time
gain learnings. I want to become an inspiration to other students especially students who have
anxiety in math. I want to know to everyone that math is fun and important to our life even though
a student is not good at math like me.

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