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Ministry of Education

Sector: Information Technology

Occupation: Hardware and Network Servicing L_III

The assessment covers the following units of competence:

1. Gather Data on Business Requirements
2. Determine best fit Topology
3. Configure and Administer Server
4. Create Technical Documentation
5. Monitor and Administer Stem and Network Security
6. Provide first level Remote Help Desk support
7. Identify and Resolve Network Problems
8. Monitor Implementation of Work plan / Activities
9. Conduct / Facilitate User Training
10. Apply Quality Control
11. Lead Small Teams
12. Lead Work place Communication
Structure of Test
Section No of questions No of marks Suggested time
A. Multiple choice questions 20 21 40min
B. Matching Type 15 15 30min
Total 36 70min


Multiple Choice Questions /21
Matching Type /15
Final Mark /36

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2


1. Write your name, registration number and Assessment center name in the space provided
on the cover of this question booklet.

2. You have 10 minutes reading time and opportunity to ask questions to the Assessor

3. All written responses must be in English.

4. At the end of the examination return this booklet to the assigned Accredited Assessor.

5. You may use Non-programmable calculators in this test

6. Do not bring the following items into the assessment venue

 Mobile telephones

 Programmable calculators

 Written notes


Instructions for Section A

 There are twenty one [21] questions in this section.

 Encircle the best answer for each question.

 If you wish to change an answer, place an “X” on the letter you have circled and then
encircle your preferred answer.

 No marks will be given for a question if more than one answer is supplied.

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

1. The lists of tasks required to maintain a network can vary widely, depending on the
goals and characteristics of that network. However, some network maintenance tasks are
common to most networks. Which of the following would be considered a common task that
should be present in any network maintenance model?
A. Performing database synchronization for a network’s Microsoft Active Directory
B. Making sure digital certificates used for PKI are renewed in advance of their
C. Using Cisco Works to dynamically discover network device changes
D. Performing scheduled backups
2. Which of the following statements is true regarding scheduled maintenance?
A. Scheduled maintenance helps ensure that important maintenance tasks are not
B. Scheduled maintenance is not recommended for larger networks, because of the
diversity of maintenance needs.
C. Maintenance tasks should only be performed based on a scheduled
maintenance schedule, in order to reduce unexpected workflow interruptions.
D. Scheduled maintenance is more of a reactive approach to network maintenance,
as opposed to a proactive approach.
3. Which of the following components would NOT expect to find in a set of network
A. Logical topology diagram
B. Listing of interconnections
C. License files
D. IP address assignments

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

4. Which of the following is NOT components that would be most useful when recovering
from a network equipment outage? (Choose three.)
A. Backup of device configuration information
B. Physical topology
C. Duplicate hardware
D. Operating system and application software (along with any applicable licensing)
for the device
5. Which of the following is the best statement to include in a problem report?
A. The network is broken.
B. User A cannot reach the network.
C. User B recently changed his PC’s operating system to Microsoft Windows 7.
D. User C is unable to attach to an internal share resource of \\\Budget,
although he can print to all network printers, and he can reach the Internet.
6. A troubleshooter is hypothesizing a cause for an urgent problem, and her hypothesis
involves a network device that she is not authorized to configure. The person who is
authorized to configure the network device is unavailable. What should the troubleshooter
A. Wait for authorized personnel to address the issue.
B. Attempt to find a temporary workaround for the issue.
C. Override corporate policy based on the urgency and configures the network
device independently because authorized personnel are not currently available.
D. Instruct the user to report the problem to the proper department that is authorized
to resolve the issue.

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

7. What is the reason why troubleshooters should document their steps as they attempt to
verify their hypothesis?
A. The steps can be submitted to the proper authority prior to their implementation.
B. The steps serve as a rollback plan if the attempted solution does resolve the
C. The steps help ensure the troubleshooters do not skip a step in their solution.
D. The steps help reduce duplication of efforts.
8. What step should be taken after a problem has been resolved?
A. For consistency, the same step should be implemented on all equipment of the
same type.
B. To accidentally prevent their reuse, previously archived configurations of the
repaired device should be deleted from the archive server.
C. Confirm that the user who reported the problem agrees that the problem is
D. Make sure the implemented solution is not integrated into the network’s routine
maintenance model.
9. Which of the following should you check if you can connect using the IP address but
NOT with the host name?
10. Which of the following is Class C IP address?

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

11. The default subnet mask for Class C network is
12. A Bus network topology is best described as which of the following?
A. All computers are attached to a single cable in a chain style
B. All computers are connected to a central point
C. All computers are connected to every other computer or resource in the network
D. Fault Tolerant
13. Which of the following is a correct MAC address?
C. 08:34:FE:4C:F2:54
D. G2:G3:23:87:GG
14. Topology that offers the highest level of redundancy, is easy to troubleshoot but is
expensive to install is
A. star
B. ring
C. mesh
D. bus

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

15. The most efficient way to control security in a client/ server network is to assign
permissions to
A. each shared resource
B. directories
C. groups
D. user
16. Your client has a 10Base2 Ehternet network which is using 160m of RG-58A/U cable
and two 50 ohm terminators that are both grounded. What is wrong with this network?
A. only one terminator should be grounded
B. he should be using RG-59/U cable
C. the terminators should be 93 ohms
D. nothing wrong with this network
17. Running performance monitor your CPU usage averages 45% except when you load an
application and it surges to 100%. Is there a problem?
A. Yes, the CPU needs an upgrade or multiple CPUs may have to be installed
B. yes, but it is not the CPU, it need more RAM
C. no, its normal for the 100% usage to surge when loading an application
D. yes, the hard disk need to be upgraded
18. For Cat 5 UTP, patch cables from the wall outlet to the computer can be a maximum of
A. 1 m
B. 3 m
C. 5 m
D. 10 m

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

19. You suspect a faulty NIC is causing a broadcast storm in a network. What
troubleshooting tool would you use to locate which computer has the defective NIC?
B. Protocol analyzer
D. Cable tester
20. Your Application Server has been having trouble booting. Where should you look first
for some answers?
A. performance monitor
B. Services
D. event viewer
21. What happens when a device is disconnected from the middle of a BUS network?
A. The hub will propagate error messages to the rest of the network
B. All devices on the network will fail
C. The Server will stop responding to that device
D. Data will not be able to get to devices on the other side of this device

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

Instructions for Section “B”
1. There are fifteen [_15_] questions in this section.
2. Match column “A” with column “B”. Select the letter of the correct answer from column “B”
and place your answer on the space provided before the number in column “A”.
3. If you wish to change your answer place an “x” mark on your previous answer and write
your preferred answer
4. A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. No marks will be given for a
question if more than one answer is supplied.
Column A Column B
1. Connector for 10BaseT Ethernet Cable G A. ipconfig
2. A network topology that have each computer connected B. Ring Topology
to a central device K C. telnet
3. A topology that is the most fault tolerant and the highest D. DNS
levels of redundancy E. RJ-11
4. A Connector that is used with Thicknet Cable N F. Exchange Server
5. A Connector used in conjunction with Telephone E G. RJ-45
6. Display the IP Configuration information H. Web Server
7. Display MAC Address of a Machine A I. arp - a
8. Used to check the network connectivity M J. File Server
9. Used to start to Install Active Directory Q K. Star topology
10. Used to establish a session with remote device C L. Application Server
11. Resolve Domain Name in IP Address D M. ping
12. Dynamically assign IP address P N. BNC
13. Used to share public resource O. netstart
14. Used to access emails F P. DHCP
15.used to build, deploy and operate XML and Web Q. dcpromo
Services R. Mesh Topology

Knowledge Assessment booklet _Hardware and Network Servicing L _III_V2

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