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Education is the positive sense or experience that has positive effect on

the mind, character or physical mind set ability of an individual human. Education is the process by which ﴾Gagan2010﴿“
society deliberately
transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one
generation to another.” The importance of the knowledge and education is addressed in the
Hindu Holy book in the both way of technical ﴾theoretical
﴿and practical to promote or guide an individual in any field of their
interests. In this growing trend toward the frequent vacations now a days travel and
tourism ﴾hotel industry ﴿ there is very fierce competition among the
nations. Countries make more active marketing strategies to bring more
number of tourists, to attract tourists and make their tourism memorable
and enjoyable. Tourism ﴾ hospitality management ﴿ plays vital role in human’s life. When people travel to different places
they travels with various motives , then it can related to there education, recreational activities , attending
various seminars or it may be their business tourism.﴾Middleton2009,47
said “ It is the fact that when one person travel to different place than
there home town for more than 1 night or less than 365 days the travel is
known as tourism”. Travelling is an important part of education and activities for youth. By
travelling the students can increase their knowledge and give ideas to
grow up. Travelling also provides students to meet more people and get
to know about their cultures. Travelling helps to get original thoughts and
creative ideas. We can see real life education. It creates a meaningful

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Travelling is based on many categories like for students‐ study tour, for
businessmen‐ business tour, for tourists‐ tracking and many more. Getting
experience in different cultures is the most fun part of travelling. Solo
travel is one of the parts of travelling because in this we get to know
about yourself very deeply. No one is going to interfere in you and your
life. Solo travelling is freedom to make our decisions on how you want to
travel and spend the time. Travelling attracts solo people by culture value, historical significance and natural beauty. Many
tourist attractions
provide suggestions, maps, instruction and direction. There are both
positive and negative impacts of tourism; it depends on the quality of
life. Sustainable tourism are seen to regards to ecological and social‐ culture
capacities includes the community of the destination of tourism
development planning. All of the workers in hospitality industry produce products that tourists
consume them directly or indirectly. Skills and knowledge of work force
in the center of tourists attention, and by this workers cab offer special
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service to consumers ﴾Seyyedali Routeh,2012﴿. Non‐ professional and unskilled people were not able to present their
memorable services tot he customers by gathering and using all
mentioned items in the hotel. Hiring educated people is also helpful and
needed, so there is differences between the learning something and
dealing with something . 1.2 AIM OF THE THESIS
The hospitality field, is a service industry. So in this industry segments
include , among others: hotels,restaurants, private clubs, managed food
service, and travel providers. Langhorn ﴾2004﴿ noted that in hospitality
the service provider is “part of the product itself”. For guest to be
satisfied, they not only must believe that they have received a valuable
service for their dollar, but also feel valued and respected by the workers
providing the service﴾Kernbach & Schutte,2005;Langhorn, 2004;Varca,2004;Winsted,2000﴿

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Hospitality means a kindness in welcoming and looking for the basic

needs of guests or strangers, in relation to food, drink and etc. It refers the
relation between the guest and the host. Hospitality Industry include the
companies or organizations which provide food/drink/accommodation to
the people who are far /away from the home. The hospitality and tourism industry has four sectors : food and beverages,
lodging, recreation and travel and tourism. ̵ The service in the hospitality industry: In this service the industry
provides the service to people when they are away from the home or
they are in the home. Example,delivery of food . ̵ The diversity in the hospitality industry: There are public and private
owned business, small or large businesses. In that the people are
socioeconomic class, culture, background, race, age and religion
involved with H&T by providing and receiving services. ̵ The entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry: Throughout the
the entrepreneurs are creating small businesses that become big
business like McDonalds, Holiday Inn hotels and more. It fulfill the
businesses that serve people and are owned by a single person. ̵ The complex in the hospitality industry: It covers the wide
range of
locations, activities, jobs and economic brackets. There are four
sectors : food and beverages, lodging,recreation and travel and
tourism. 1. Food and Beverages: It is also known s food service industry. It
consists that business that prepare food for consumers. 2. Lodging: It is also known as accommodation . 3. Recreation : it is
an activity that people do for rest, relaxation
and enjoyment. 4. Travel and tourism industry : It is the some kind of business that
moves people from one place to another while the tourism provides
the services which provides travel and vacations . It is the important pillar in almost every country’s economy. It is the
accountable for major portion of the national economic growth. In this
thesis quantitative method and textual analysis methods to perform the
various findings for the thesis, after that the result is described by the help
of graphs. In this the facts related to internship in the hospitality industry
or business that help people / students of the hospitality management to
develop themselves for the future. For individuals, internships help to combine the theory and practical work
experience. It helps to develop the professional habits, understanding of
corporate cultures, opportunity to analyze international business and

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workplace. It can be conducted in various forms either in the trainee’s

home country or in the place where they are studying the hospitality
management. 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT

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