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1. What’s your favorite movie?

Iron Man is my favorite movie because it is one of the best super heroes of
Marvel Comics, has amazing special effects and humor and the character is
always ironic and also the actor Robert is super handsome,
2. Do your friends like this movie?
I believe that many of my friends love this movie, as they shared the movies in
WeChat many times, and they kept talking how handsome and fantastic Iron
Man is.
3. What kinds of movies do you think young people like?
Well, it depends on person to person and I can’t say a general statement about
everyone. As far as I am concerned, I prefer movies based on social issues, and
most of my friends are crazy for action movies.
4. Do you want to be a movie star?
Actually I used to imagine to be a super movie star when I was a kid, as I
thought that movie star would earn lots of money and have millions of fans.
However, I start to understand the challenges with age, such as lack of privacy
and stress, and I don’t want to be it anymore.

1. Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?

I think most Chinese people drink both tea and coffee. However, coffee is
more common to drink early in the morning, while tea is something you can
drink all day long. Tea is a bit of a comforting drink, as well.
2. Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?
Whenever I have people pay me a visit, I usually make them a cup of tea.
This is especially true if they stop by for dinner or simply in the afternoon.
3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?
I have to confess, I’ve had tea and coffee today. This morning, I had a latte
for breakfast. I also washed my lunch down with a cup of green tea. They
were both delicious.
How often do you have a haircut?
Typically, I always have a haircut every four to six weeks. In general, when my hair feels too
hard to comb and fix, I go to the hairdresser.
1. How long have you had your current haircut?
I have had my current haircut for about four weeks. I think I will wait another two weeks
before cutting it because it is still short.
2. Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?
I had an unhappy haircut experience several times. I typically explain to the hairdresser what
haircut I would like to have in details and also show them a picture. However, it is often the
case that they cut my hair way too short in comparison to my description and the picture.
3. I like to have a haircut because it feels like a head massage. Sometimes, while I am
having a haircut, I close my eyes and relax to enjoy the experience, and, when I do it, time

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