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RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS -refuse to give support


 The court cannot order her to have sexual
intercourse with the husband. (specific
performance is NOT a remedy in
PERSONAL OBLIGATIONS personal obligations.
1. Live together;
2. Observe mutual love, respect and fidelity; OBSERVE MUTUAL LOVE, RESPECT and
3. Render mutual help and support. FIDELITY
LIVE TOGETHER  Mutual respect is required by law.
 Cohabitation  Infidelity may be a ground for:
 consortium  legal separation;
 sexual intercourse  disinheritance; or
 unworthiness of succession
 When the wife may establish a separate
residence or domicile:
1. If the husband continually indulges in
 Marriage is a 50-50 proposition
illicit relations with others.
 Mutual help Includes the right to defend
2. If the husband is immoderate or
the life and honor of the other spouse;
barbaric in his demands for sexual and includes moral assistance
 Support includes medical attendance for
3. If the husband grossly insults her. the sick spouse, even if the doctor was
called by another person
4. Maltreatment.
Consequences of marriage
5. If she was virtually driven out of their  Emancipation from parental authority as
home by her husband. to person;
 Incomplete emancipation, as to property;
6. If the husband continually (a) gambles,  A husband and a wife may not inflict
(b) refuses to support the family, and (c) force,;
insults the wife.  Marriage Privilege Rule
- a spouse cannot be examined for or
against the other spouse, without his/her
7. If the husband lives as a vagabond consent.
having no fixed home  Marital Communication Rule
- a spouse cannot be examined without
8. If the husband insists on their living the consent of the other as to any
together with his own parents. communication received
 A wife should use the husband’s surname
 The court may not order a wife to
unjustifiably refuses to live with her Abandonment
husband to return. -neglect and refusal to perform filial and legal
 Remedy of the husband obligations of love and support.
Art. 69 The husband and wife shall fix the acts which tend to bring danger, dishonor or
family domicile. In case of disagreement, the injury to the other or to the family, the
court shall decide aggrieved party may apply to the court for
The court may exempt one spouse
from living with the other if the latter should Art. 73 Either spouse may exercise any
live abroad or there are other valid and legitimate profession, occupation, business or
compelling reasons for the exemption. activity without the consent of the other . The
However, such exemption shall not apply if latter may object only on valid, serious, and
the same is not compatible with the solidarity moral grounds
of the family
In case of disagreement, the court shall
Instances Where Wife Is Justified to Leave decide whether or not
Husband and Thereby Select Her Own
Domicile or Residence 1. The objection is proper, and
2. Benefit has accrued to the family prior
a) husband lives as a vagabond having to the objection or thereafter. If the
no fixed home benefit accrued prior to the objection,
b) husband maltreats her
the resulting obligation shall be
c) husband insists on his immoderate or
enforced against the separate property
barbaric demands from the wife for
sexual intercourse of the spouse who has not obtained
d) wife is asked by the husband to leave consent
the conjugal place threatening to use
The foregoing provisions shall not
violence upon her if she should return
prejudice the rights of creditors who acted in
good faith.
Art. 70 The spouses are jointly responsible for
Right of Either Spouse to Engage in a
the support of the family . The expenses for
Profession or Occupation or to Engage in
such support and other conjugal obligations
Business However, any one of them may
shall be paid from the community property
object, provided the opposition is founded on
and, in the absence thereof, from the income VALID, SERIOUS, and MORAL grounds
or fruits of their separate properties . In case of
insufficiency or absence of said income or Where the Second Paragraph of Art. 73 is
fruits, such obligations shall be satisfied from Inapplicable
their separate properties.  This is where one space consents to
Sources of Expenses For Support and the other engaging in business for in
Conjugal Obligations: such case, there is no disagreement.
The resulting obligations are
a) Community Property enforceable against the conjugal
b) Income or fruits of their separate property
c) Their separate properties

Art. 71 The management of the household

shall be the right and duty of both spouses . The
expenses for such management shall be paid
in accordance with the provisions of Article 70
Art. 72 When one of the spouses neglects his
or her duties to the conjugal union or commits

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