Argument-Farmers Should Stop Farming.

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Argume nt Farmers have o rea soh 4o

Coh tiuue farming n ndia

M 9va hdfa thev Uged to Say that one ih a lite hme

o0 heed dot , a la ye palitemah, but ev
day thee himes d4y y need a farmer
- Unknbwh.

tollowing th abo ve underlyi hijtor ophy, nd)a h4s

Seen he drea m tf doubling the fo rmevs 'hcovney
Bot have the fa rmens been benjfi tted So for ?
following arguments present a true pittor pitture.
tatmer Should hnot Con ne
O OveHy GBrted Suhicribea pYo fescie
More thah S)o¥ India, pobula hon ii engajes i
Contri butig t jvst 197 f Ihdja'y tota1 GPP
hishas Led to poor ou thut from land Gnd Ihtve ase

Squise Ohempdoyment

6 s t green revo lu tion Sce nario Post reen

reYa Lu tiom wi th the saqef watey intengive

Cros uke paddy, WeGt et. (11So- 6 ) h e

Lead to 4ter Critis.
oVe irviq4 Hon va(ices
S4linahio of Soi.
e . hcc o NITI'S Com posite ater hm@ncgemen indek
(vophed avea is watev Stveied.
53 o

S t r l at te he rey of
rith lahd
lovd s2
Survey 2018-1 only 3 | . dF
ACCOding h ecoho mju
farmers have altess form finanua) eAit Servytes
and rest opt for in for mal lo4n dve b lat of

PoF re l4ded to lad Gnd a wareness.

to fvices in mar Keti Act to Comitet douhli

fae intshne hea ded byPAshok Da lwa Some Hs

The9iCul tual pvies fau below the minim um
farm Stre sr.
pr , lw hick lead t reatev

SefFijent APMC Gnd allied Servieimtd

AFMC mandis qhd limited mar Let h'o s do e i

the j hjk fee exploizothioh by 9katigat

emainS rrlen s e

arme Should Con tinue to do fahMi ng

OFar meueu' sa tion Raydf h»pe

WIth advent of farm medh ani'satio mire output
bero duted, in faste Mahnev whi 1ives
ta tolbe tonity f Multible ro pfin
alonsa nd
inmbrs Ved pre du thivi
2 Gevetn hment'1 rSpons ivenest. GOvermunt has
intwo dued many Sht mes fov farmer we |fare like
M-SPN, PM- kusUM, PM-KSY, khich is to have IMprved
Ye &ulHvi of far mevsh longer 7he se
Shemes wil
rove to be a jawe
Chahjev For nd iak fa nmeys
(3 Land Cont blida hion . The framented
Gave to be Congisadedonso lidated by ge tajgirs
gnd intrt duthon df model
mi act 2o18, will
takle ith
ineruenes of APMC M4nAis.
manaed ill lead to
Twve ved pduuhvih
) Fari'rgfov impvovrd fosd qua lW Farmevs
aht role in a Ch je v ive m prove
Py a m puv
heal thu he z e of Couhty. ude a

hovge v achieve the Po shan ahatarjets, it

be Come s ese ntial for hew to Con ine fa mir
(5) Diversi Prta hio» ophovtuni te- Coveme nt ha
nCre aSe d ubsidie s an d MSP on hmille ts and he nte arwe

Can lant hrtthictu Cro 9t low Cost kMe and

APEPA hap ive boott tarm Sevtt whih wiu

Lead forwa'sahon of Gqriculture asa etthr

ndia Farmev nee d Some F hand ho ldi ng fron


1 vehemt t h all abve Mentioe d ini ha tive

invove d ienhfii researches, Indiaw fawmev Ca
Mske fa v'haing a profi teble profes1in

21 hins

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