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IB Senior Level History Summer Work 2021/22

Craft three broad IA topics.

These can be taken directly from your Paper 1, Paper 2, or Paper 3 content areas
if you’re struggling to find areas of interest OR can come from areas of personal
IA topics cannot be the same as EE topics. IA topics should not come from syllabus
papers from HOTA, as these are prepackaged and not reflective of your own
investigative spirit.

What is submitted:
• An outline for all three potential IA topics complete with:
How the topic may be narrowed (e.g. lens, historiography, time frame, etc.)
• How the argument will be structured
• Types of primary source evidence that would be most meaningful to the
• A source list of 3 sources for each IA topic that constitutes background
information that you have read

Each of your potential IA research topics/questions must include one of the key
concepts in History.

This website can also aid you in learning more about the structure and nature of
the history IA. Bookmark it for the semester.

When will it be submitted:

August 3, 2021

For Questions:

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