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Nokia E63, E71, E72 Key shortcuts

 STICKY FUNCTION KEY – A quick double press on the bottom left ‘function’ key locks it. This is helpful in
situations when you need to press a combination of keys or in applications like Gmail which can be
controlled via the keypad.
 (02)-8-MCDO – To dial (02)-8-MCDO: type 028, hit Fn, then Shift twice, type MCDO, and press the
Call/Green key to dial. (The idea is to type in the alphabet mode in CAPITAL letters ONLY). The alphabets
will automatically be converted to numbers.
 TEXT MESSAGES – When in the standby mode, hold down left soft key to read out new text messages.
 ASSIGN SHORTCUTS – If you have a lot of applications installed on your E63, you might want to assign
additional shortcuts to different applications by definying a set of keypresses with an application called Cute

As a follow up to the above tips, here are a few shortcuts that you should enjoy. I have highlighted some of the lesser
known ones.

 To get to a symbol or number hold down its key.

 Shift + Backspace deletes letters after the cursor, thus immitating the behavior of the ‘Delete’ key on the
 In the Main Menu:


To open A press Fn + 1, Fn + 2 for B, Fn + 3 for C, Fn + * for D, Fn + 4 for E, Fn + 5 for F and so on.

 Ctrl + C to copy.

 Ctrl + V to paste.
 Shift + Left ( or Right ) to select text.
 Hold Chr + Vowels ( or n ) for accented characters like á or ñ..


 Green Call to send the image.

 Fn + * or Fn + Spacebar for full screen.
 Fn + 7 to zoom in. Press twice for the full screen size.
 Fn + 4 to scroll left while in the zoomed image.
 Fn + 5 to zoom in.
 Fn + 3 to rotate right.
 Fn + 2 to scroll up while in the zoomed image.
 Fn + 1 to rotate left.
 Fn + 0 to zoom out.


 Hold * to activate/deactivate Bluetooth.

 Hold # to toggle General / Silent mode.
 Hold 0 to go to the web browser.
 Left Soft Key then Fn ( or * ) locks the keypad.
 Hold End/Red to disconnect all data connections. (This is erroneous – turns off your phone).
 Hold Left Soft Key to read out new text messages.
 Hold Space Bar to turn on flash light.
 Hold Home button to see a list of open applications.
 Hold keys 1 to 9 for speed dial.
 *#7780# to Hard Reset. (EDIT: this does not delete user files from the phone, not sure why it is called
“hard.” 10Aug09 ronsterrr)
 *#7370# to Soft Reset. (EDIT: this deletes everything from the phone, not quite sure why it is called “soft”
either 10Aug09 ronsterrr)
 Type contact name to get a list of matching contacts


 Shift + Return or Ctrl + Navkey to mark/unmark a single message.

 Shift + Down or Ctrl + Down to mark multiple items.
 Fn + Spacebar in new message body to access input (predictive text, etc.) options.
 Ctrl + Spacebar in new message body to turn on/off predictive text.
 Ctrl + Navkey to move cursor one word at a time when composing message.
 Backspace to delete message(s).
 Green button to send message immediately.


 Shift to zoom in.

 Backspace to zoom out.
 Space to go to the current position.


 Fn + 2 for full screen.

 Fn + Right for fast forward.
 Fn + Left for rewind.


 1 for bookmarks.
 2 to find something on a page.
 3 to return to the previous page.
 5 to tab open windows.
 * to zoom in.
 # to zoom out.
 8 for page overview.
 9 to go to a different web page.
 0 to got to the homepage.
 Hit the Backspace key to close the current window.

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