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Answer to the Question no 1

University of lowa studies wos the firs+ leadership stud.

| to analy2e leadership using scientifie metho dology. h e

Kwt Lewin and his assocates

study onducted by oas

very intluencial and established thrue major leadership

$tyles uwueh au
briefly explai ned belo.

. Autoerahe Stle: Tus is where t e leader spells out

t goals, deadines and method uile making
sions on t r own In tus style t e teader

does not usually get involved in u groups urork.

It is less ikely to see creative deeisions under tus

style o leadership. However, it+ is adecisi re wa

of leadi nq and can sut igh tsk shot Hme seal
deei si ons.
Ex ample Domald Toump Tue wump Organ zation
Npoleon Bonapartte
2 Demoerate Style
Tus is where the leader erpre sse=
his her poioities vaues in
seting goals and
making dee sions, but also takes porh in te gnop

uwDrks alonq w m acepting suggeshons fom

memberS. Howeve, the leader makes -tu-
tinad dteision. Ths style ean
produee mor
ereaity, ro blem solwènq and innOYatio
Compaud to t u o t u turo
sHles. Henee, itony
makes sense Fo
aAspt tuis stylin comAetati
nonemergney Situotions.
Example » PMonmaeeutical Compamies
G10o 9l.
3al sset.Faipe Stle Another name bunq te delugattv
style, it meansthe leader
haunds over responsiblit
tor resuts to t t group. The leader lets t u

Set goals, deeide on work methods, define indiidd

poles and set tulr oon Pace of w k . t ean

work well as onq as te a o up sharws tue s ame

intent as t leader and t t leader toustts

all t h groP mambers.

Erample Stare Jo bs
WoULen Butfet
The Best One

Different nesult of different Studies

found that
under democratic ead ersp less work was
performed than any other style but mueh iqhe
quality was achieved. In ondditi on deesionmnaki.
was less creatiVL undeY authoratai an lendersp
Hhan under demoeratte laadershp Thus
democratieleadersi p ean be considerd asTu
most effeetiv f*m

A tamous stdies senies ot

study on
were done in Michigan University, storling in45
with t u objecie of denttyingthe pine ples
and types f leaderup styles than ed

gpeoter produchvity and enhanee d job satisfuethe

sonkers. The studies founded tuo

ehonaeterus ties of effeetie len dens eh

Le gVon below.

Produetion Omented Finst they identiffed

task oniented behavior n manaqars ho dud not
do the me
types at tases as tr subordnot
Ths up t
manageYs Spant ime plannng
Coordinadu n and
oversung tuair Suboranste
exeuton ot tasks. The produeuon Oiintudd

styie ot tuu leader emphasires prrdueton

and teehie aspaRB
aspaets t job.
Efeehi va manaes d not d tue soa m
u k r
aS sub oYdnatay.
LWerL tfernt inelunq Planninq, schedai
eoordnatn q and
providin necsssay
nesowLE S

Cmploye Omermted A second type of leader

exhibited relationship -
T manoqe rS eoneentrofed on tue task
nesults an
on d a lso dw els ped Yelations pA
wththeir Subordinate s Tuey outSuPportvve q
focused on internal rew artde .as well as ex te rno
rewonds. tmploye oriented style of the leadar

emphas1205 t relaton slup: aspeets oftu job

of tue individual.
Tuesestudies oJu pasut af what is efepred to
a tumom elatfons Hovemnt in orzanntai
- nal bhan 1or. Based on tw studdea
manag9es wR wyeA tobeeome more
emplo eenteud timprova tuir etfeehivne-

Ceapeasas Manaoerm al GUd i

Itdemonstrates that placnq a undue emphasis
On ome oee whele ovR lookina tue otuTS
Shfles produetivity Tu moiul P poses tuatt

tu te am 1eadtrsp style LOueh dls

highn dagre st esneemn r r bott pedueioa
peple T tw dinns ons o
nd O gvn bolw,

Concern tor people This is a

deqres to whieh

oleodev cansiders tt ned9 oF tam msm besv

tuir nterasts ond aruas operson M

davelbpnunt oule daei ding hou to

occopu sh a sk mtubesh manmer.

concern for produchion This \s a

to whieh a leader emphasi zes Organittior
aettiieneyH and high produetivity
uhen ddeei ding hou to bst aceonnpush

a k Leaders empha e tuw achieve

eomeretR oeeHves here.

Compauson The managerioal gmid is

mode of behanior ad leaders'hip

derelped in t a60s to measo
roneenn for oietinm ogniv

pe opl hinh dni4i p ed4n3,

IvpovenishuA, l'e vri sh, 1 Al f *o
Coumtny cu ond oo oueyL, 1s
tue modt iqnor s e po'Ctar
imternal e te rna Umits, m otpr serosúo.
T u
an be eoVoud
b t J n ot
n t otuw hand, the
Hiehigan usdersp
studi dntd tu
d ou styl3 tu
prductd tu gw*
and produeiviy. Lmployel Satist
satist ehom
Studd A atusomid

aderslp style as i+ur

orientoton teh peuse mploye

on human relatons,
Pr du Ciom
o nPntouon ona tosk-
orient aiitie Tu Tes
detifir a that plouer
omentoVon ui
enevn prrvieln
Oducd men

en ian n d Aret Supervis

wevan tushudy s
olee not
ensidor al rum Stan es
and type
o3onraiom , 1eaders ane

mpoveished Mannament
Nanaa ATUS that
Seore low on
ncenn ntr prd du etmon awd
lcw on cone ern tDr peple a u lobe I1eó

hoving an mpo vVeushad

s+le dninn tfor+
to q eauYzd wbrk alone

ntain tepUsonal relahonsps

The mnain eoncern for impoverished manaqu

is tn not to espon si ble r

istukey. It refers to erertion af inimum

e fto nt to gct reauitad uork donu s

appeniatu t OaNtatton

mimhuns u

Countmy lub Manatment

Manoers that score low on enc nt
p d uetióm hqh on Cs neh torpeopls
man .
OL wn as oun elub

ottention + Seeuu
TeyPc a ot af

wlbung arlony S u bordi

Tuy b v ceomed atina

eds o Subordinata wl

pet to man
Tu re sulin atmo pher. ls tu fore
usually aute fiend and u
Sy 2dra.
butnet veu prdu Ch vee,
HowuVo to
tunewho aru tSk-fewses
a fn
style ustratin as retar to
nnunttul atrentton nuds
for sati styi
elatonswp tuat lris
eo ma
atmo sphen
Answer to the Questior no 2

Management consultants Lennick and Kiel


define morad i n t e l i g e n c e a S t h n e abiuty to

S defined
differenuate pight f m w n g
is important
prinples. It

bby univen sal

chonaetoustic for eaders t Poss3.

The Ke Elements:

Lntegrity I+ refers to acbng eomsis tently
ones valuu. I+ al about ereatimq hatmony

betwen whok we b e l i e v and what w e a t ,

what w knrw \s right and al s

Gtan dhi oho
the touuth For ex ampe
|te linq
was an Indi a n poHoan who helped
with nonvlount staaee
Intemy s i m p m rn t p r P o h
eosen to seWe Sa ih.
tu au
Responsibility It refevs +o the Cnept ot aeceptina
accountobitity. Takinq PUSOna espons bi ity
admittima stukus falwws
embra cinA
responsibi tit r servìng o-ttns is what
is ne terE 4 .
tor example In order td
achive OYarnitan a
9a ao manae
nude t o tt kL YeApons
2 ponsi bi es
n etud
wnest,zuste tbot mou

Compassion' It refers to the con

cept dt
caun4 bouf otUns. d
aeivel shounng
empath For Xa
mplu |n195.
t white en as -b onn John ttowoud
w h a realit wa ü k e tor tu Afmcan

Avme means ivingtu

South. He dias dye i s slin blaek

donkinia medieaton

and n sPent six w u s tra vellina

Soutu Caroure
Caro Ure
WOkiq, ssi gsip pi,
Swpected his decepthon
te. Nobo dy
Nobo d evu

oS hu cross ed t u nucial v i d e

Forgiveness It basieally means reeogri2Ine

othens wil make mStak and


Ltting 90s oF ones

acepting tuum
Dwn m stakes, lethin9 a0 of otuevsmistak
Forexample 1m a Company , am efloye

maku a mistak It becomes t t u

n a s rponsi bi Ut t fogtr t

pl6 * and CT re t w s wstak so tr

d e not repeatit:
Individiual differences a tuu ways

in whieh piople d ffer frm eaeh o tuL.

Eve member of Om orqanitaton has

t s own wau obehavior. Tt is mportont


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