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What is prenatal care?

Prenatal care is when you get checkups from a doctor, nurse, or midwife
throughout your pregnancy. It helps keep you and your future baby healthy.

Why is prenatal care important?

Prenatal care is an important part of staying healthy during pregnancy.  

Your doctor, nurse, or midwife will monitor your future baby’s development and
do routine testing to help find and prevent possible problems. These regular
checkups are also a great time to learn how to ease any discomfort you may
be having, and ask any other questions about your pregnancy and the birth of
your future baby.

When do I need to start having prenatal care appointments?

You can start getting prenatal care as soon as you know you’re pregnant.

It’s actually best to see a doctor BEFORE you get pregnant — this is
sometimes called pre-pregnancy care or preconception planning. But if that’s
not possible, just begin prenatal visits as soon as you can.

How often will I have prenatal care visits?

How often you’ll get prenatal care depends on how far along your pregnancy is
and how high your risk is for complications. The typical prenatal care schedule
for someone who’s 18-35 years old and healthy is:

 Every 4 or 6 weeks for the first 32 weeks

 Every 2 or 3 weeks for the 32nd-37th weeks
 Every week from the 37th week until delivery

Your doctor might ask you to come in for check-ups more often if you have a
high-risk pregnancy.

What happens at prenatal care appointments?

Prenatal services include tests and physical exams to make sure you and your
pregnancy are healthy. It’s a good time to ask questions about your
pregnancy and the birth of your future baby.

What happens during my first prenatal care appointment?

Your first prenatal care visit is usually the longest one. You’ll talk with your
doctor about your medical history, the other parent’s medical history, and your
family's’ medical history.

Your doctor will give you a complete check-up, usually with a physical exam
and blood and urine tests to make sure you’re healthy. This can include:

 measuring your height, weight, blood pressure, breathing, and pulse

 a breast exam

 a pelvic exam

 a Pap test

 testing for sexually transmitted infections (like chlamydia, gonorrhea,

syphilis, and HIV)

 screening for diabetes, anemia, hepatitis B, and rubella

Your doctor might also talk with you about your diet and lifestyle, and prenatal
vitamins. The most important vitamin you can take is folic acid, which ideally
you would start taking before you’re even pregnant. Your doctor can give you
advice about any changes you can make to have the healthiest pregnancy

Some types of medicine are dangerous to use during your pregnancy. Tell
your doctor about every medicine, supplement, or drug you’re using, and
always check with your doctor before starting any new ones.

What will happen during my follow-up prenatal care

During your follow-up prenatal care visits, your doctor, nurse, or midwife will
examine you to make sure your pregnancy is developing well, and that you
and the fetus are healthy.

During prenatal care visits, your doctor, nurse, or midwife may:

 update your medical history

 check your urine

 check your weight and blood pressure

 check for swelling

 feel your belly to check the position of your fetus

 measure the growth of your belly

 listen to the fetal heartbeat

 give you any genetic testing you decide to do

These prenatal checkups are a great time to talk about any questions or
concerns that have come up since your last visit.

What changes to my body can I expect during my

There’s no getting around it — your body will change a lot during your
pregnancy. You’ll go through lots of hormonal changes, and you’ll get bigger
as the fetus develops. Your uterus will grows up to 18 times its normal size,
and your breasts and nipples will probably get larger, too.

It’s normal to gain up to 35 pounds during your pregnancy, and some people
may gain more. Your sex drive can increase or decrease throughout your
pregnancy. And some people notice changes in the texture and amount of
their body hair.

Unfortunately, almost everyone feels uncomfortable at some point in their

pregnancy. Some common issues include:

 nausea or vomiting, especially in the morning

 swollen and tender breasts

 heartburn

 constipation

 aches and pains in your lower back and hips

 tiredness and fatigue

 trouble sleeping

There are things you can do to feel more comfortable, like changing your diet,
and doing certain exercises. Your doctor, nurse, or midwife will have tips for
feeling better during your pregnancy.

How do I relieve common pregnancy discomforts?

For nausea and vomiting:

 Eat a few bites of food before getting out of bed.

 Drink ginger or peppermint tea.

 Eat small meals throughout the day, instead of a few big ones.

 Drink fluids between meals instead of with your meals.

 Avoid strong spices, strong odors, and greasy foods.

For heartburn:

 Eat small meals throughout the day, instead of a few big ones.

 Chew your food slowly.

 Don't lie down for at least 1 hour after you eat.

 Wear clothes that are loose around your waist.

 Raise your head with pillows when you sleep.

For constipation

 Eat food with lots of fiber (like fruits, vegetables, and whole grain breads
and cereals).

 Drink more fluids.

 Exercise.

Talk with your doctor, nurse, or midwife about getting help for pain or
discomfort that doesn’t go away.

What is prenatal testing?

Prenatal tests are different procedures that make sure you and the fetus are healthy. Some
prenatal tests find birth defects and other problems.

Why do people get prenatal tests?

Your doctor, nurse, or midwife may suggest prenatal testing at certain times
during your pregnancy, to make sure you’re healthy and that your fetus is
developing normally. Some prenatal tests can also find possible birth defects.
Your doctor might recommend specific tests, depending on your age and other
risk factors. Some people have a higher risk for problems and birth defects
than others. Your doctor will let you know which tests may be right for you.

Some common prenatal tests include

 ultrasound 

 CVS — chorionic villus sampling 

 amniocentesis 

Where can I get prenatal care?

There are lots of places to go for pregnancy care. Some clinics and Planned Parenthood health
centers can give you low-cost or free prenatal care.

Where can I go for a prenatal care visit?

Make an appointment with a doctor, midwife, or nurse for your care during
pregnancy. Some people just go to their regular family doctor or obstetrician.
Others choose to see a midwife or nurse practitioner who specializes in
prenatal care. You can also get prenatal care at some Planned Parenthood
health centers.

How much does prenatal care cost?

The cost of prenatal care depends on where you go and whether you have
insurance. The cost can also change if you need special testing or treatment.

Most insurance plans cover the cost of prenatal care. If you don’t have health
insurance, you may be able to get low-cost or free prenatal care from Planned
Parenthood, community health centers, or other family planning clinics.

You might also qualify for health insurance through your state if you’re
pregnant. Your local Planned Parenthood health center can give you
information about getting health insurance coverage and referrals for prenatal

Planned Parenthood works to bring you quality, affordable health care,

whether or not you have insurance. If you’re worried about the cost of prenatal
visits, your local Planned Parenthood health center can help you find health
care that fits your budget.

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