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Planning and Process for the TOK Exhibition Written Commentary

Stage 1: Planning

IA Prompt How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion?


TOK Concepts

Objectivity and evidence

Perspective 1 on
the IA Prompt: By whether it can be proven
Knowledge is verifiable can be proven by facts
Opinions can be reinforced by facts but not hard proven
Belief can be only explained by believers, it can’t be contested by others

-a German propaganda poster

Perspective 2 on
the IA Prompt: By its system of logic
The system of logic in knowledge is common among different people
There is no logical connection between opinions
The system of logic in belief is based on individuals or a specific group of people

-Nanhai Guanyin temple

Perspective 3 on
the IA Prompt: By how it is created
knowledge is not influenced by individual thoughts
Opinion is influenced by individual thoughts, the facts he observed, the situation he is currently in and his belief
Belief is only created from one’s long time experiences

-mosaic of Jesus half covered in concrete in the Hagia Sophia


Object 1:
1. Identification The Nanhai Guanyin Temple
of the Object
(Be specific)

2. Context +
Link to the
IA Prompt

3. Justification
for why the
object was
included (in
reference to
the IA
Prompt +
Links to
other objects

4. Link to TOK

5. Explain how
this object is
linked to the
IA Prompt

6. Link to the
Theme (this
could include
aspects of the

7. Citations
Object 2:
8. Identification The image of Jesus half covered by concrete in Hagia Sophia
of the Object
(Be specific)

9. Context + Covered after the basilica is converted into a mosque; removed after became a museum, covered again when became a
Link to the mosque again
IA Prompt

10. Justification -
for why the
object was
included (in
reference to
the IA
Prompt +
Links to
other objects

11. Link to TOK


12. Explain how

this object is
linked to the
IA Prompt

13. Link to the

Theme (this
could include
aspects of the

14. Citations
Object 3:
15. Identification The nanhai guanyin temple
of the Object
(Be specific)

16. Context + It is the temple I visited with my families during tomb sweeping holiday and spring festival
Link to the
IA Prompt

17. Justification -knowledge - everytime my lungs will feel a bit uncomfortable when breathing in smoke and the smell of incense
for why the
object was - Unlike my parents I don’t have strong affiliation to the buddhist religion
included (in
reference to -Still my opinion on this kind of trips depends randomly – I could get disgusted with the smell, but still
the IA
Prompt +
Links to
other objects

18. Link to TOK


19. Explain how

this object is
linked to the
IA Prompt

20. Link to the

Theme (this
could include
aspects of the

21. Citations
TOK Exhibition Rubric (Official) – Also found on page 48 on the May 2022 TOK Course Guide

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