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Unit W1ap Up Cstn0 t,.lsl..enll\C' Ac:U,.

Review Communication 1 'º" rib i1r 10 a s ,,pte d scussion
5 Group Work Tell olher students aboulone of your favorite
1 Answer the questions below wilh be goíng to and he word(s) in restaurants. Describe:
parentheses. Then practice wi ha partner.
• the kind and quality of • the • the kind of people who go
Ex: Have you finishcd the report? (tomorrow) No l'mqoino to Rnish it tomorrow. food service there
• the size of the restaurant • the prices • the general atmosphere
1. Have you had somethíng to eat? Oatr)
6 ·" Listen to a man talking about his plans. Complete the menu.
2.Haveyou taken the dog lor a walk? (alter dínner)
3. Have you bought Mary a birthday present? (this weekend) 7a GroupWOll< Youe going to open a new
4.Have you paintedlhe spare bedroom? (on Tuesday) restaurant. Oiscuss the following:

2 Make questions with be! going to lor each situation. TH E 8 f'Í R ESTAU RANT thelocation• the decoration
the prices• menu items
Ex: Your lr end tt!ls youthat sheis &oinginto town. PJDma
What arr you qojao to buy? the nameol the restaurant
Goa1<httW t.11.d
any special features
1. Your fTiend says hewants to quit smoking. J. Your fTiend has bought a paint ng.
what kind of music (if any)
When ? ---------pul it? ti.J- - -
:>. Tom tellsyou that it'slane's
binhday nexlweek.
4. You see a lriend filling a
buckelwith hot water.
Gaot1te '°°"'· b Tellother groupsyourideas.Vote for the
Are a gift? Are car? groupwith the best chance of success.

Ve-gtt1rlen 1>.Mt.I
3 Combine the two sentences to make one sentence wilh a relatlve dause.Use
(2.-l ---
who, that, or where. (You may somelimes need toleave out a word.) RotU chen 1nd vegttabtes
Ex: This is the car. 1 wouldike 10 buyit. This is the cqr thqt I wou!d !ike ro buy.
1. A waiter brought our food.He w as very friendly.
Mif >AH
Applt pje W1th ke c1am
The _ (3.)

2. This is a restaurant..John asked me Lo marry hlm here.
This ---------------------------
3. A train goes to thc runs ev·ery 20 minutes.
Th• ---------------------------
4. This is the corner. Thc accidenlhappcned here.
This _

4 ook at Carla's schedule.Wri e complete sentences about her plans.

1• She's going to the dentist on Mondav.

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