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Unit Wrap Up 'Cslnt l,bikn

ACTIVEBOOK Communication 1 ta k for •n ext•nded period on • famil'•r topic
1 Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbsin the
box. Ex:Cheesei s mode from milk.
1. The rooms in this hotel at 10:00 every CJ:N<r cut down ¡¡
morning. " You to Pauland Sheíla's wedding.
dean I!
J. Thousands of trees every ar. employ
4.Most of he Earth's surlace by
s. The park gates at 6:00 P.M.
5 Read and make sure you understandthe rutes of the game.
6. Breakfast from 7:00to 9:00.
7. Many people by the city gOll\!rnment.

2 Write thequestions.Then tllke turns asking and answering.

Ex:My favor•te drink •S ...
What is yoµr {gvorilf drink ? RAC.E 'TO 'TH.E F!N SH! .
llike eating • • • for breakfasl. d 2 _.,.d .-.'fl>tJ ..ti neod da""" plovin9 poecos.
What ?
O PllV., grwpsputs a pll'flng pece •tlile stortlng '"'"·Toke tumS
O ·-.
·"" "...
throwinQ a die1nd mO\l\nQ
arou.nd the boa •
......... 1f .,...., can'\, go badc
" 1 can ...really well. -1ons on the oranoe -uco•<;; 5. p•..
€) Answer the qulC"... are al\ related to t:his umt.
w ? one sptte.1he cauestlonl ' sq aret You must speak for one
J. l'm going 10 go on vacation In ... 0 f
A.nswer tht questlons on boan 00.back one space.
1n1nute. w1tho\Jl Stovpi.· V tti ' tht-r team askS a question
When -----------------
0 Uyovl&nd on 3 "Cholee, b: one space.
for you to answer. lf you can • go aches ttie Rnish Une firSt1
3 Complete the paragraphs wilh the past con inuous or simple past O The wlnnCfS are t.he team wtio re
form of the verbsin parenthcses.
Al about 6:30 yeslerday evenlng, 1 wqs c!djna (ride) my bike home from work .11
------ (•. rain), nnd a lot of pcoplc ------ (>. drive) too
fast. Suddenly, a car (:¡. stop) in front of
me.1 (4.not hit) the car. but 1
-----(s. falO off my blcycle.Luckily,1 (6.not be) hurt.

A couple of years ago.1 (7. walk) home along a dark street. Somebody
------(8. íollow) me and 1 wasvery friglllencd. 1 (¡,. start) to
run, bu!when 1 (10. look) back, 1 (u.see)my friend Daniel.
Palr Wortc. Before you play the game, write seven "Choice•
1 was so gtad! questions for another pair.The quest.ions can be aboul
general topics or facts you've leamed in this book.
4 Replace the underlined wordin each sentence with the correct word.
Ex:1 reallylike him. Ihope he asks me usoon. Group Woott Play the ga me with two teams.You and your partner
1. Sophia s had the flu for three days, but she's mini
are a team.
overit now. " You must slow 1111-the lights aie turnlng
J. Torn's solazy!Why doyou pul2!! with ít?
4.1 never drive into he city during rush time.
s. Why don'!you relax?You're always 11a huny.
6. Lian and 1 were best friendsin high school. We've grown lfWav now.

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