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or children ages 14 and

under, the #1 health risk
isn’t kidnapping, drugs,
or disease. It’s injuries.
The statistics are staggering. Traffic
injuries, drownings, fires and burns,
firearm injuries, falls, poisonings…
each year in the United States,
unintentional injuries kill more than
7,000 kids and permanently
disable more than 50,000.
That’s more than drugs and
disease combined. 13 mil-
With proper education,
children can learn to lion children—one in four—
be much safer and
prevent injuries.
are injured seriously enough
to require medical attention.
In Canada, injuries are the leading
Help keep kids safe!
cause of death for children over one
year of age. Risk Watch helps kids beat TM
Lesson 1
the odds. With proper
Motor Vehicle
Lesson 2
education, children
Fire and Burn
can learn to be much
Lesson 3
safer and prevent
injuries. And that’s Risk Watch activities Choking, Suffocation, Lesson 4
combine teaching and and Strangulation
exactly what Risk Watch imagination to help
children learn to pro- Prevention
mote their own personal
is designed to do. Perfect safety, as well as that
of their family and
for schools as well as community.
Lesson 5 Lesson 6
educational programs in
fire departments, hospitals, and other Firearms Injury

community agencies, Risk Watch gives

Lesson 7
kids the skills and knowledge they
need to recognize and avoid risks. TM
Bike and Lesson 8
Pedestrian Safety
Water Safety
Risk Watch is a trademark of the National Fire Protection Association.
Support from a coalition of North
America’s most authoritative
injury prevention professionals
ensures information of the highest
A broad-based injury Helping NFPA develop Risk
prevention program developed Watch is a Technical Advisory
by a pioneering force in safety Group comprised of a select team
of professionals representing
national organizations with recog-
For more than 20 years, the nized expertise in each risk area.
National Fire Protection They provide research data,
Association (NFPA) has been the technical content, and appropriate
leader in developing quality, com- prevention messages as well as a
prehensive fire safety education. review of curriculum lessons.
During that time, we have seen The members of this distinguished
just how powerful a weapon edu- group represent:
cation can be. For example, our Risk Watch’s experiential The curriculum requires as little
widely acclaimed Learn Not to approach to education makes as nine hours per school year, American Academy of Pediatrics

Burn® Curriculum, used in more learning fun! but the benefits last a lifetime. American Association of Poison
Control Centers
than 250,000 classrooms nation- Risk Watch activities combine Field tested successfully in the
American Automobile Association
wide as well as in Canada and teaching and imagination to help United States and Canada, Risk
American Red Cross
Great Britain, has helped save children learn to promote their Watch is a sequential program of
Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
hundreds of people from fire own personal safety and well- instruction involving children at
injury or death since its introduc- Consumer Federation of America
being, as well as that of their five learning levels from preschool
tion in 1979. friends, family, and community. through grade 8. At each level, Duke University Medical Center
Building on this success, Using the latest in child develop- kids act out learning activities by Emergency Medical Services
for Children
NFPA has expanded the scope ment and injury prevention, Risk assuming a character role appro-
Johns Hopkins University
of its educational efforts and Watch actively involves students in priate to their developmental
Lowe’s Home Safety Council
teamed up with Lowe’s Home lively exercises such as creating a stage. Each unit addresses all
Safety Council and a coalition of Maternal and Child Health Bureau,
safety trade show and analyzing eight risk areas and builds on Health Resources and Services
North America’s most authoritative risky behaviors through story- prior lessons, allowing for an Administration
injury prevention professionals to telling, role-playing, songs, etc. increasing degree of comprehen- National Center for Injury Prevention
and Control (CDC)
develop Risk Watch. This innova- It’s a unique chance for kids to sion and complexity. Modules can
tive curriculum targets the eight National Highway Traffic Safety
learn about injury prevention, also be used independently. Risk Administration
major risk areas that kill or injure apply that knowledge in practice Watch’s flexibile curriculum can National SAFE KIDS Campaign®
the most children each year: motor situations, and develop the atti- be taught as a stand-alone unit or
National Safety Council
vehicle crashes; fires and burns; tude and motivation to make the easily integrated into subjects
Sowers Associates
choking, suffocation, and strangu- safe choices in a risky situation. such as health, language arts, and
U.S. Consumer Product Safety
lation; poisoning; falls; uninten- Risk Watch also encourages physical education. Commission
tional firearms incidents; bike participation by community U.S. Fire Administration
and pedestrian hazards; and water experts to reinforce lessons with a University of Wisconsin
hazards. “real-world” perspective.

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