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EXISTING BUSINESS OCCUPANCIES CHAPTER 27_ EXISTING BUSINESS OCCUPANCIES (See also Chapter 31.) SECTION 271 CENERAL AEQUIREMENTS 27-141 Application. 27-11 The requirements of this chapter apply to existing buildings or portions thereof currently occupied as business occupancies. (See also 26-11.) Exceptions Facilities where the muthorny having uredietion has determined equivalent tafe is provided in accordance With Section 1-4 20-1..2 This chapter establishes life safety requirements for ‘exiting business buildings, Specific equirements for high rise ‘buildings (see Section 3-2 definiion) are contained in para- _raphs pertaining thereto, 27.1.2 Mixed Occupancies. 27.1.2. Mixed occupancies shall comply with £1.11 2741.22 (Reserved) 27-1.2.3 Combined Business Occupancies and Parking ‘Walls separating parking structures from bust ness occupancies shall have aire resistance rating of mot less than 2 hours. Exesption: ty enclosed pacing simenires thet are protected ‘throughout by an approved, automate sprinkler stem in accor dance with Section 7-7 or in open-air parking structures, non ‘aed ling ae pein prec a be pened ao a mc oe eh Leet (2) The openings do no exceed 25 percent of he area ofthe wall in which they are located, and (0) Ihe openings are used for main envance and assoctaed sideligh functions, and (c) The enclosed connecting business building is prtecied ‘rouphout by an approved. automatic sprinkler system in accor dance with Section 7.7, and (d) The floor elevation of the business occupancy is at least ‘in. (10.2 cm) above the floor level ofthe parking structure, and (e) No vehicle is able 1 park or dnve wut 10 Jt (3 m) of the openings and (D) The openings have a minimum of a giass membrane, and (4) Any doors in the glass memlnane ae selfclosing. 274.3 Special Definitions. (None.) shall include all buildings and structures or pa ‘ceupancy described in 41.8, thereof with 27-15 Classication of Hazard of Contents. 27-51 The contents of business occupancies shal be classi- fied as ordinary hazard in accordance with Section 101-209 27-152 For purposes of the design ofan automatic sprinkler system, a business occupancy shal be classified as “light haz- Sed ccvupancy,” as Mentifed by NFPA 13, Standard forthe Installation of Sprinkler Systems 27.1.6 Minium Construction Requirements, (No require- mente) 27-1.7% Occupant Load. For purposes of determining. fequised means of egres, the occupant load of business build- ings or parts of buildings used for business purposes shall be rot less than one person per 100 sqft (9259 m) of gross floor area, The occupant load for parts of buildings used for other purposes shall be calculated using occupant load factors a850- SECTION 27.2 MEANS OF EGRESS REQUIREMENTS 27.2.1 General 27.2.4 _All means of egress shall be in accordance with Chapter Sond thie shaptar 272.12 I owing to differences in grade, any stret floor exits are at points above or below the steet or ground level, {ach ente shal amply with the peewisions for exits (rom upper Floors or Roors below the street floor. 272.13. Where two ot more floors below the street floor are ‘owned for sinest te the same stairs. escalators. or ramos, Shall be permitted to serve each, Exception: No inside open stairway, inside open escalator, or Incite open ram shal be oermited 1 Serve as a reauired exress {facility from more than ane floor level 27.2.4 Floor levels below the street floor used only for stor ‘ane, heating, and other service equipment and not subject to business occupancy shall have means of egress i accordance with Chapter 28, 27.22.1 Components of means of egress shal be limit the types deseribed in 27-222 through 27-2.2.12 272.22 Doors 27.222.1 Doors complying with -21 shall be permitted* Locks complying with Exception No, 20 5-2.15.1 ‘halle permitted only on principal entrance/exit doors. 27.2223 The reentry provisions of5- shall not apply. (See 9°Z1.9.2 Exeepnon No.3.) 27.22.24. Delayed egress locks complying with 5-2.16.1 shall bbe permitted. 27.22.25 Access-controlled egress doors complying with 5.2.16. shall be permitted 27.22.26 Where horizontal of vestcal security grilles ot doors are used as part ofthe cequired means of egress from tenant space, such grilles or doors sall comply with Exception No.#t05-2i41 | THT Reais 101-210 272.221 Existing horizontal sliding or vertical rolling fire ors shal be permitted in existing means of egress under the following conditions (2) They are held open by fusible links, (b) The links are rated at not less than 16S°F (74°C), (6) The tsb above the floor, (@) The fusible lnk i in immediate proximity to the door opening, (€) The fusible link snot located above a ceiling links are located not more than 10 f (3 m) and Tre door i not credited with proving any protection nde Ede 2722248 Revolving doors complying with $-2.1.10 shall be permitted. 272.23 Stairs Stairs complying with $.22 shall be permitted 27.2232 Spiral stairs complying with $-2.22.7 shall be per- mited, Winders complying with 5.2228 shall be permitted, 27.2.4 Smokeproof Enclosures. Smokeproof enclosures ‘complving with $-23 shall be permitted, 27.22.$ Horizontal Exits. Horizontal exits complying with ‘5-24 shall be permitted. 27-226 Ramps. Ramps complying with 5-25 shall be permitted. 272.217 Exit Passageways. Exit passageways complying with SZ shallbe permed hens complning 2722.8 Escalators and Moving Walks. Escalators and mov- ing walks complying wth 52.7 shall be permitted, 27-22.9 Fire Escape Stairs. Fire escape stairs complying ‘5:28 shall be permitted. Fire Escape Ladders. Fire escape laduers comply- ing with 5-29 shall be permitted 27.2.2. Alternating Tread Devices. Alternating tread Sevies somplyig wil +217 shall be peso Areas of Refuge. Areas of refuge complying with 5-2:12 shall be permitted. Exception: In buildings protected throughout by an approved, Supervised automat sprinkler system in accordance with Section 7-7, two rooms or spaces separated from each other by smoke. vesiiurs panuions I accovaance Win the 3-12 Gefnlion Of ‘area of refuge shall aot be required. 37.2.3 Capacity of Means of Egress. The capacity of means of eeress shall be in accor- 27.232 The minimum width of any corridor or passageway ‘hall be 44 in, (132 cm) in the clear. 27.233 Street floor exits shall be sufcient for the occupant load'of the street floor plus the required capacity of sais, ramps, escalators, and moving walks discharging through the street floor. 27.2.4 Number of Exits. 27.241 The number of exits shall be in accordance with 27-242. The requirements of 5-41. shal not apply. 27.242 Atleast two separate exits shall be: (a) Fromaea on every story, ana () Accessible from every part of every story and mezzanine. Exception to (b): Exit access travel shall be permed 10 be common for the distances allowed as common paths of travel by 27233. Exception No. J: For a room or area with @ total occupant load of fever than 100 persons having an ext that discharges direct tothe ouside atthe level of ext discharge for the bull ing witha total distance of wavel, including travel within the ext, from any point not over 100 ft (30 m), a single exit shall be per Imitied. Such avel shal be on the same floor level orf travers. ing of stairs is required, such stairs shall not be more than 15 fi (45 m) in height, and the sais shal be provided wth complete enclosures 10 separate them from an other part of the building. ‘th no door openings therein. A single ouside star accor dance with 5.2.2 shal be permited 1o sere all floors allowed within the 1:f (4.5.m) vertical wave limitation. asprin Nes 2. Any business occupancy nor oer see uric, ‘and not exceeding an occupant load of 30 people per floor shall ‘be permited a single separate ext 1 each floor ifthe tial travel distance 10 the outside of the building does not exceed 100 ft (30 m) und if such ext 9 encioed th accordance with 3-1, serves no other levels, and dchorges directly 10 the outside. A single outside stair in accordance with 5-22 shall be peritied 10 serve all floors Exception No. 3: A single means of egress shall be permited fromta mezzanine within a business occupancy, provided that the common path of travel daes not exceed 75 ft (23 m), or 100 ft (30 m) if protected throughout by an approved, automat spine Her'pstem in accordance with Section 7-7. Exception No. 4: A single exit shall be permited for @ maximum ‘two-story single tenant spacetullding protected throughout by an {pprover, eutomace sprouer System im accordance win ecton 727 ifthe total travel tothe ouside doesnot exceed 100 ft (30 m) 27.25 Arrangement of Means of Egress 27.25.1 Means of egress shall be arranged in accordance with Section 5:5. 37-252" No dead-end corridor shall exceed 50 f (15 m). ' 27.253 Nocommon path of travel shall exceed 75 ft (23 m). Exception No. I: A common path of ravel shal be perited for ‘he i 1008 130 mom oe reich! ho vere EXISTING BUSINESS OCCUPANCIES Exception No. 2: A single tenant space that does not exceed an ‘ecupont load of 30 people shall be permied to have @ single fet access. provided the comidar tm which thot eit access leads does not have a dead end in exces of $0 f (15 m) 272.6 Travel Distance to Exits. Travel distance to exits, Meacured in acceutance with Section £ & thell not eneced 200 6 (60 m). Exception: Travel distance shall not exceed 300 fe (91 m) in Inuldinge preci throu by am approvad entoiane prin Her system in accordance with Section 97. 22.7 Discharge from Exits. Exit discharge shall comply with Section 27-28 Mlumination of Means of Egress. Means of egress ‘shall be illuminated in accordance with Section 58 27.2.9 Emergency Lighting. 27.291 Emergency lighting shall be provided in accordance Section 5 Cin any building where (a) The building is two or more stores in height above the level of ext discharge, or (b) The aeeupaney ie wihjact 19 100 or more ceeupante above or below the level of ext discharge, or (©) The occupancy is subject to 1,000 ar more total occupants. 2729.2 Cmergency lighting in accordance wih Section 5.9 shall be provided for allwindowless or underground structures as defined in 30-13, 27-2.10 Marking of Means of Egress. Meus of egress shall have signs in accordance with Section 510 27.2.1 Special Means of Egress Features. (Reserved,) SECTION 27-3. PROTECTION 27.3.1 Protection of Vertical Openings. 27.3.1. Every stairway, elevator shat, escalator opening, and other vertical opening shall be enclosed or protected in accordance with Section 62. Exception No. 1 Unprotected vertical openings connecting not mare than thee floors used for business occupancy only shall be permed in accoraance with 24.9 Exception No. 2: A verical opening enclosure shall not be required where the venical opening (a) Connects only two adjacent floors, neither of whichis a ‘basement, and () Ts nota required means of egress, and (c) Is not connected with coridors or other stairways. Exception No.3: Aviums in accordance with 6246 shall be permite. Exception No.4: Ext acces tan shal be peed tobe une clase te-ysigle tenant paces proved with esi ct Accordance with he provisos of Eepon No 40 7-242 101-201 Exception No. $: In buildings protected throughout by an ‘approved, auiomatic sprinkler sytem in accordance with Section FF unprotected vonicl openings shall be permed if no unpre tected verical opening series a3 any par of any requied means of egress and all required exits consist of outside tars in accor. dance with 52.2, smokeproof enclosures in accordance with S°39, or hovigouaul eats te meter ite 2 273.12 Floors below the street floor used for storage or other than business occupancy shall have no unprotected Spenings to business oecupeney Roots 27.32 Protection from Hazards. 27-3217 Macardgus atcay, Including but not limited to areas used for general storage, boiler or furnace rooms, janitor clos- 18, and maintenance shops including woodworking and paint- ing areas shall: (a) Be separated from other parts of the building by fre barriers having a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hoor with all openings therein protected by Yechour fire protection rated selfclocing fire doors, ar (b) The area shall be protected by an automatic extinguish ing system in accordance with Section 7-7. 27924+ Migh hecand Goutcut ateas, a9 defined In Section 42 shall (2) Be separated from other parts of the building by fre orcs havin fre resistance rung of 0 eis than 1 hour with all openings therein protected by Yechour fire protection "ated self-closing fie doors, and (©) The area shall be protected by an automatic extinguish- ing system in accoudance with Seaton 7-7 27.33 Interior Finish. 2733.1. Interior finish on walls and ceilings of exis and of enclosed corridors furnishing aecess thereto or ways of travel therefrom shal be Class A or Cass B in accordance with Sec: tion 65. 27.332 In office areas, Class A, Clas B, or Class C interior finish shal be provided in accordance with Section 5, 27.933 Interior Flour Finish, (No requirements ) 27-34 Detection, Alarm, and Communications Systems. 2-341 ueneral, A he alarm system in accordance with ‘Section 7-6 shall be provided in any business oceupancy where: (2) The building is wo or more stories in height above the (b) The occupancy is subject to 100 or more occupants above or below the level of ext discharge, oF (6) The conupaneyisaubjeet to 1,000 or more total excupat, 27.342 Initiation. Initiation ofthe required fre alarm sy3- tem shall be by manual means in accordance with 7-6.2.1(8), Exception No. I: Initiation shall be permited by means of an ‘approved. auiomatic fire detection system in accordance mith 7-6.2.1(6) that provides protection throughout the ling. Exception No. 2: Initiation shall be permitted by means of an ‘approved, automatic sprinkler system in accordance with FOE) that prondes protection throughout the building. 27.343 Notification 27.343... During all times the buslaing 18 coeupies Gee 5-21.13), the required fre alarm system shall (a) Sound a general audible alarm throughout the building, (b) Sound an audible alarm in a continuously attended location for purposes of initiating emergency action. 27-3432 Uscupant Nouncation. OvLupant otifcation ‘hall be by means of live voice public address system “announcement originating from the attended jocation where the alarm signal is received. (See 27-34.3.1.) The system shall be permitted to be used for other announcements. (See 76.39 Exception No. 2.) A presignal system in accordance with Exception No, 10 7-6.32 shall be permitted. Exception: Any other occupant nowncation means atime! ty 7-64 shal be permited in lew of live voice public addres 35: 27-35 Extinguishment Kequirements. Purteble fe eatin uishers shall be provided in every business occupancy in fecordance with 7-7.4.1. (See also Section 27-4.) 27.36 Comidors. (Keser) 27.37 Subdivision of Building Spaces. ments.) (so special require- 27.38 Special Protection Features 273.81 _Nonrated glazing and opening protecives per the Fee on WoT 28 shal be permed between Uesines cceupancis and parking structures. SECTION 27-4 SPECIAL FRUVISIONS 2744.1 Windowless or Underground Buildings. (See Section 30-7) LIFE SAFETY CODE, 27-42 High Rise Bul es. 2742.1 All high rice business occupancy buildings shall be provided with a reasonable degree of safety from fire that shall EX accomplished by the installation of a complete, approved, faulomaticsprikler system in accordance with Section 7-7 or nengineered life eaety pctem prepared by a registered D10- {essional engineer who experienced in ire and life safety sj tems design and approved by he authority having jurisdiction, ‘which might consist of a combination of any or all of the fo: Towing systems (a) Partial automatic sprinkler protection. (b) Smoke detection alarms. {) smoxe eon (2) Compartmentation, {(@) Other approved systems. 27.422" A limited but reasonable time shall be allowed for Compliance with any part of 27-42.1 commensurate with the ‘magnitude of expenditure and the disruption of services. 2742.3 Inaadditon tothe above requirements, al buildings, Fegardless of height, shal comply withall other applicable pro- ‘sions of this chapter, 27-43 Operating Features. (See Chapter 3.) SECTION 27-€ RUM DING SFRVICES 27-81 Utilities. Utilities shall comply with the provisions of Section 7+ 27.8.2 Heating, Ver ment. Hesting, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment Shall comply with the provisions of Section 7-2. 2183 Elevators, Escalators, and Conveyors. Elevators, ‘escalators, and conveyors shall comply with the provisions of Section 7 27.8.4 Rubbish Chutes, Inciners:ors, and Laundry Chutes. ‘Rubbish chutes, incinerators, and laundry chutes shal comply with the provisions of Section 75.

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