Biography Steve Jobs

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Steven Paul Jobs

Revolutionary Guy

By my own words.
Paulo Cesar


Steven Paul Jobs or just usually called Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco California
in 1955 and put up for adoption. He was an amazing inventor or a Revolutionary Guy
with your ground-breaking ideas. I like to say that 😉.

Life Story
If you want to search in Steve Jobs some skills founded in a genius person, at first,
maybe it can pass without notice, you will look and think: “Ok just one more stranger
guy” from EUA.

But time showed who he is. He was eccentric and outside the box.
Who left college at 17 years old, slept on the floor from his roommates, walked without
shoes and ate in the Hare Krishna temple to save money?

And not enough, went to India from 1974 to 1976 on a “spiritual journey” and
experienced LSD.
He said a year later:”Bill Gates is unimaginative and should have experienced LSD”.

Can you imagine your life without a smartphone?
Jobs Founded Apple Inc in 1977, and years later Apple was the first company to create
a real multitask device. Apple is not the only one that can do it, but was the first and
opened a new world for everyone, for other companies/brands.

Using a cell phone to text, to send photos, to navigate on the internet, to watch videos,
to play… nowadays perhaps is usual, but 15 year ago it was impossible. You can not use
all of these concepts in the same device.

Just to make a few comparisons, let's see this number.

Here in Brazil the last census count: 212 Millions people, and in Canada this number is

around 35 Millions people, one of two most big countries in the world.

Until February 2020 - 2.2 billion iPhones have been sold since production began.
Let's write this number for extenze:

If we sum the number of citizens from Canada + Brazil that's not even half of it.
I wouldn't mention Studio Pixar, because we don´t need it.

That was Steve Jobs.

Why I chose him?

If you think I have an Iphone, I don´t have… I really like Samsung 😅.

But this guy inspired me and others because he doesn't follow what´s the “system ask
to him”.
If I don't want to use a suit and a beautiful shined shoe, It's ok... it's not a problem. Do
what´s you want to do, not what others want you to do.

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