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Sunday, August 8, 2021 | Section F | San Antonio Express-News |

Late soccer star — or savior? Study reveals

only half of
U.S. households
give to charity
By Haleluya Hadero made it difficult for some
A S S O CI AT E D P R E S S younger Americans to
establish a habit of giv-
For the first time in ing. The study found only
nearly two decades, only about a third of house-
half of U.S. households holds headed by some-
donated to a charity, one under the age of 40
according to a study gave to charity in 2018, a
released Tuesday. The trend Osili believes will
findings confirm a trend be a challenge for chari-
worrying experts: Dona- ties.
tions to charitable causes “What are the factors
are reaching record that will bring them into
highs, but the giving is giving? Especially if they
done by a smaller and are not attending servic-
smaller slice of the pop- es, and not participating
ulation. in networks that will lead
The study, published to giving,” she said.
every other year by Indi- The nationally repre-
ana University’s Lilly sentative study from the
Family School of Philan- university does have its
thropy, comes from a limitations. It measures
survey that has been giving to charitable orga-
tracking the giving pat- nizations, but doesn’t
terns of more than 9,000 analyze donations made
households since 2000, through informal crowd-
when 66 percent of U.S. funding campaigns,
households donated to a which tends to draw
charitable organization. younger audiences. It
That number dropped to does, however, measure
49.6 percent in 2018, the contributions of goods
latest year with compre- and services.
hensive figures from The study says declin-
those households. ing levels of trust among
Experts say many Americans for institu-
factors are contributing tions and each other may
to the decline. The per- also contribute to the
centage of Americans move away from charita-
who give to religious ble giving. That mistrust
causes has decreased in is especially pronounced
tandem with attendance among millennials,
at worship services as the which could cause anoth-
number of Americans not er layer of challenges for
affiliated with any reli- charitable organizations.
gion grows. Separately, The data shows a ma-
the share of Americans jority of households
who give to secular caus- headed by a person who
es began to drop follow- had a college or a gradu-
ing the economic turbu- ate degree, and was mar-
lence of the Great Reces- ried or widowed gave to
sion, but it hasn’t charity. Wealth was also a
bounced back. It reached factor.
a new low — 42 percent — Nearly 8 out of 10
in 2018, the study said. households with more
Photos by Marco Ugarte / Associated Press Una Osili, the associate than $200,000 of wealth
TOP: Tourists take photos at the Church of Maradona in San Andres Cholula, Puebla state, Mexico, on a dean for research and gave to charity in 2018,
recent Sunday. The Church of Maradona in Mexico, dedicated to late soccer great Diego Armando international programs at the study said. By con-
Maradona, was founded by Argentine expatriate Buchet, who owns the pizza parlor next door. the Lilly School, suggests trast, less than 4 in 10
BOTTOM: An altar with memorabilia and a sign reading “You shall not have another God before thee.” this is, in part, because households with wealth
the Great Recession Giving continues on F2

BELIEF by Kaitlyn Ugoretz

The untidiness of Marie Kondo’s eclectic spirituality

Marie Kondo’s Netflix Some Western com- the sum total of the “spiri- her book “The Life-Chang-
series, “Sparking Joy with mentators have dismissed tual world.” ing Magic of Tidying Up,”
Marie Kondo,” coming Kondo’s approach to de- Global influences on she touts the “magic” of
Aug. 31, is sparking curi- cluttering as “woo-woo religion in Japan are noth- the KonMari method as
osity once more about the nonsense.” Others have ing new, but spirituality being much more practical
Japanese organization defended it as rooted in and New Age movements and effective than “feng-
maven’s personal brand of Japanese cultural tradition have had a significant shui or power stones and
spirituality. glossed as “Shinto ani- impact since the 1980s. other spiritual goods.” And
Kondo markets herself mism.” In Japan today, the En- yet, this is exactly the kind
as an international expert But attempts to KonMari glish word “spirituality” of strategic comparison
on “the life-changing mag- Kondo herself by categoriz- connotes foreignness, spiritual professionals
ic of tidying up,” dubbed ing her and fitting her into fashionability and novelty. make to market their ser-
the KonMari™ method. a box are a gross oversim- Generally speaking, it vices.
Kondo instructs her clients plification. Worse, scholars emphasizes individual We can’t overlook that
to dump everything they of religion and media in experience in contrast to Kondo “greets” her house
own onto the floor and the Pacific, like Jolyon Denise Crew / Netflix organized “religion.” As in “Shinto-inspired” fash-
touch each item to gauge Thomas and Melissa Borja, The star of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Ioannis Gaitanidis ex- ion, next to guided med-
whether it “sparks joy.” If it warn that they reproduce Netflix has a new show coming Aug. 31. plains, Japan’s spiritual itations involving quartz
does, keep it and put it dangerous stereotypes. professionals practice a crystals and tuning forks.
where it belongs. If it If we can’t reduce Kon- history of religion in Japan, meet her clients’ spiritual wide range of therapies The ideal KonMari lifestyle
doesn’t, discard it guilt- do to a “monster,” out of is complicated. Kondo is needs. And what sparks and techniques, such as is presented as one in
free. She promises this touch with reality, or an the latest successor in a joy for Kondo and her healing touch, aura evalua- which we adopt and adapt
process will transform Asian sage come to save us long line of professionals “Konverts” is not an alleg- tions and past-life reading. whatever practices “feel
your home into a sacred from consumerism, then in the “spiritual business.” edly singular Japanese Kondo does not market right.”
space and your ideal life- what is she? As such, she offers a vari- tradition like Zen or Shin- her KonMari method as One such ritual post
style into reality. The answer, like the ety of practical solutions to to. Rather, it is access to being “spiritual” per se. In Kondo continues on F2
F2 | Sunday, August 8, 2021 | | San Antonio Express-News

Faith, football for teen Buddhist lama FAITH BRIEFS

St. Mark’s free

concert tickets
By Luis Andres Henao
A S S OC I AT E D PRE SS available now
Free concert tickets
COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, are now available to the
Minn. — In most ways, Jalue inaugural Stained Glass
Dorje is a typical American Session at St. Mark’s
teen — he grew up in a Episcopal Church.
suburb of Minneapolis, Singer, songwriter and
loving football, Pokemon storyteller Radney
and rap music. Foster will kick off the
Yet in a few years, he concert series on Aug.
expects to say goodbye to 20.
his family and homeland to Foster has a decades-
join a monastery in the long career as a song-
foothills of the Himalayas. writer. His songs have
From an early age, Jalue been recorded by art-
was recognized by the ists Keith Urban, The
Dalai Lama and other Dixie Chicks and Luke
Tibetan Buddhist leaders Bryan, as well as Hootie
as a reincarnated lama. & The Blowfish, Kenny
Since that recognition, Loggins and Los Lonely
he’s spent much of his life Boys.
training to become a The concert will be
monk, memorizing sacred held from 8 to 9:30
scriptures (often rewarded p.m. at the historic St.
by his dad with Pokemon Mark’s Episcopal
cards), practicing callig- Church, 315 E. Pecan.
raphy and learning the Tickets are required for
teachings of Buddha. entry and may be ob-
Now 14, he’s entering his tained by visiting:
first year of high school. Jessie Wardarski / Associated Press StainedGlassSes-
After graduation in 2025, When he was an infant, Jalue Dorje, now 14, was identified as the eighth reincarnation of the lama Terchen sionsGP.
he’ll head to northern Taksham Rinpoche. After finishing high school in 2025, Jalue will join the Mindrolling Monastery in India. This marks first in-
India to join the Mindroll- person concert at St.
ing Monastery, more than dhism to Tibet. Jalue’s parents took him to he diagrams football strate- tice, and returns home for Mark’s since before the
7,200 miles from his home On a break, Jalue sat for meet the spiritual leader of gies that he’d like to try on tutoring lessons on Tibetan pandemic. Masks will
in Columbia Heights. lunch in the yard under the Tibetan Buddhism when the field playing as a defen- history and Buddhism. be required inside
Following a period of summer sun, the youngest he visited Wisconsin in sive tackle and offensive Late at night he might regardless of vaccina-
contemplation and asce- by far among the monks, 2010. The Dalai Lama cut a guard with his school team. practice his calligraphy or tion status, according to
tism, he hopes to return to and then walked upstairs lock of Jalue’s hair in a He loves sports, especial- run on a treadmill in the a church press release.
his native America to teach in his maroon and gold ceremony. He was officially ly Atlanta teams. basement while listening to
in the Minnesota Buddhist robes to play the NBA 2K enthroned in a 2019 cere- “You’ll always see me rappers like Drake and Polo
community. His goal? “To video game against Delek mony in India. outside wearing this hat” G.
PPE-clad clergy
become a leader of peace,” Topgyal, his 13-year-old Jalue is fluent in English he said about his favorite “He’s naturally very set to return
he said. “Like the Dalai cousin and best friend. and Tibetan and often gets Falcons cap. “Unless I’m open-minded, and he’s also to hospitals
Lama or Gandhi or Nelson The process of identify- A’s in class. wearing my robes.” very genuinely interested Baptist Health Sys-
Mandela.” ing a lama is based on “Seeing him growing up Would it be easier if he in the world. … He doesn’t tem’s is allowing out-
On a recent day, he spiritual signs and visions. to a teenager is a lot of was just a regular teen? have these preconceived side clergy to visit with
chanted ancient prayers for Jalue was about 4 months things to take in because “Nothing like that crosses notions of who he is,” said COVID and non-COVID
hours with his father and old when he was identified he’s a Buddhist master, and my mind,” he said, laugh- Kate Thomas, one of his patients at its six hospi-
other monks who gathered by Kyabje Trulshik Rin- at the same time, he’s a ing. “It’s always been reli- tutors and the teachings tals in San Antonio and
in a prayer room in the poche, a venerated master normal person as well,” gion first.” coordinator at Minneapo- New Braunfels effective
family’s home to ring bells, of Tibetan Buddhism who said his uncle, Tashi Lama. Growing up he had a lis’ Bodhicitta Sangha immediately, according
bang drums and blow was the leader of the Ny- In Jalue’s room, a photo deal with his dad, who Heart of Enlightenment to a press release. At
conch shells near an altar ingma lineage. He was later of the Dalai Lama rests would give him the Poke- Institute. the height of the pan-
decorated with offerings of confirmed by several other above DVD collections of mon cards in return for “He knows he’s Tibetan. demic, all visitors were
fruits, flowers and Torma lamas as the eighth Ter- “The Simpsons,” “Family committing Buddhist scrip- He also knows he’s Amer- banned from COVID
ritual cakes. chen Taksham Rinpoche — Guy” and “South Park,” tures to memory. He col- ican,” Thomas said. “But units in hospitals across
The annual ceremony, the first one of whom was next to volumes of “Bud- lected hundreds and would like the youth of today, he the country, resulting in
which was suspended last born under the name dha,” a graphic novel series sometimes sneak them in is a global citizen as well. clergy not being able to
year because of the corona- Taksham Nuden Dorje in by Osamu Tezuka, a master his robes at ceremonies. And he started out that way provide in-person sup-
virus pandemic, pays hom- 1655. of the Japanese comic art Every morning he wakes due to his age, his genera- port to patients in their
age to Guru Rinpoche, the After the Dalai Lama also form known as manga. up to recite sacred texts. tion.” hour of need.
Indian Buddhist master recognized him at age 2 as On his bedside table, He then attends school, Jessie Wardarski contributed While BHS chaplains
who brought Tantric Bud- the guru’s reincarnation, Jalue keeps a journal where followed by football prac- to this report.
have been serving pa-
tients, they’ve often
done so via phone or
virtual platforms. Now,
other clergy will be
granted access to pro-
vide support to all pa-
tients requesting visita-
tion effective immedi-
ately, according to a
The Pastoral Care
departments in all five
BHS hospitals in San
Antonio and Resolute
Health Hospital in New
Braunfels are available
24/7 to provide min-
istry to patients and
David Goldman / Associated Press file photo
Fran DiBiasio sits alone in Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in March 2020 as S.A. Food Bank
the Rev. Peter Gower celebrates Mass from the front door in Rhode Island. seeks bilingual
GIVING he said. “You have a very
different supply of goods
Phil Buchanan, the
president of the Center
The San Antonio
Food Bank is seeking
From page F1 and services from the for Effective Philanthropy
volunteers to assist with
charitable community and author of “Giving
humanitarian efforts to
less than $50,000 made when the rich people give Done Right: Effective
aid migrants traveling
donations. versus when the middle- Philanthropy and Making
through the city. Span-
“The overall pie (in class or lower-class gives.” Every Dollar Count,“ be-
ish speakers are espe-
giving) is slowly moving Critics have long argued lieves the declining giving
cially needed.
towards the ultra that large charitable dona- participation rate also
The food bank,
wealthy,” said John List, tions by wealthy philan- shows charities are failing
which is working with
an economics professor at thropists are only possible to communicate their
the city of San Antonio,
the University of Chicago in an era of rising income message effectively.
says there are hundreds
who studies giving, add- inequality, a point philan- American society tends
of volunteer opportuni-
ing that this shift can be thropist MacKenzie Scott to deify businesses and
ties and the need is
dangerous. “Rich people cited during her latest and athletes, he said.
critical. To register as a
give to causes that rich announcement of dona- “And we can do a better
volunteer, visit
people want to give to,” tions. job of elevating the work
and heroism of nonprofits
endar and select Mi-
in communities all across
grant Resource Center.
the country.”

KONDO Untidiness is the secret

to the KonMari experi-
From page F1 ence. It is also the reality
of religion in Japan. When
encapsulates how Kondo we equate Japanese cul-
CHRIST SCIENTIST Welcome Home! positions herself in the ture with Shinto (or Bud-
501 N. Alamo Pastor Adrian Compton global spiritual and well- dhism, for that matter), we
(210)227-5029 Assoc. Pastor Donnie Herrera
Sunday Services ness markets. “6 Ways to fail to recognize the di-
Sunday Service 10:30am 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
(Spanish translation of 2862 Thousand Oaks
Purify Your Space” begins versity of Japanese spiritu-
Bible Lesson available) San Antonio, Tx 78232 with the premise that al practices, which encom-
Sunday School 10:30am (210)549-4012
Wed.meeting 7:30pm FB Pg: compassionchurchsa
intangible, invisible forces passes auras and past lives
Reading Room:same location affect us. As a result, we as much as shrines and
(210)822-8870 need to make purification temples. And not only
a daily ritual. that: We fail to recognize
But the first purification the messiness of our own
ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH practice doesn’t involve global appetites.
Shinto materials like water
A Loving, Diverse Community of
Faith. or salt. Instead, we dis- Kaitlyn Ugoretz is a PhD
LITTLE CHURCH OF LA VILLITA cover Kondo loves burning candidate studying the
10:30am Worship Services
palo santo, a “holy wood” globalization of Shinto
508 Paseo de la Villita
(210)226-3593 used for ritual purification through digital media at
2302 S. Presa
and healing in South the University of California,
Cleo Edmunds
Operations Director America. In fact, salt is the Santa Barbara. She wrote
only material listed related this article for Religion
Sunday Worship 11am
Thurs Prayer 11 am to Shinto. News Service.

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