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Biographical Information

1.1 Name: Maryam Rahat.

1.2 Gender: Female

1.3 Date of Birth: 16 July 2003

1.4 Phone Number: 9622670992

1.5 Email:

1.6 School(s): 1) Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School.

2) Amirakadal Govt Girls Higher Secondary

1.7 Current class: 12th (batch 2021).

Academic Information

1 Grades
Mention percentage or marks. If you were mass promoted in any
class, mention the scores from the exams you did take (e.g. Unit
tests, Term exams).

1.a Class 8th: 98% (Boards Final)

1.b Class 9th: 94% (School Final)

1.c Class 10th: 90% (Boards Final)

1.d Class 11th: 98% (Mid Terms)

1.e Class 12th: ----

2 When are you planning to take the SAT (March or May)?


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Wath Fellowship

3 Test scores. We want to know your scores even if they were


I haven’t taken any of the examinations.

4 What subjects did you take in 11th and 12th?

Non Med + IP

5 Are you preparing to take any competitive exams like JEE or

NEET? Yes, JEE 2022

6 What do you want to study in college? Csc or Mathematics

Major (I haven’t decided between those two.)

7 When will your final class 12th exams be held? October or

November 2021 (JKBOSE)

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One-line descriptions of ALL of your Extracurricular and Co-

curricular Activities:

Activity Name: Sports – Basketball.

Grades: from 3rd till now.
Description: Member of state Basketball Team, Captain of my high
school's Basketball team, played center position. State Team team 3
years, school team team 5 years. Lead basket scorer in State
Tournament 2019.

Activity Name: Community Service

Grades: From 11th till now

Description: Every name count is an initiative launched to make a

digital log of every victim of NAZI Germany. I spent 2-3 hours, 4
days a week to make an online log of every prisoner.

Activity Name: Founder and Head, School Readers Club

Grades: 10th

Description: Our school deprived of a readers’ body for years and

was among one of the most wanted change in the school. During
my years in Students’ Body I made sure such a body is formed
and later that year I was elected as the representative of the body.

Activity Name: Leader, Students’ Council Body

Grades: 9 and 11

Description: I was elected as a member of students body twice in

2 different schools (grade 9 as Sports Captain and grade 11 as
Deputy house head) by the votes of students in our school.
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Activity Name: Leader, Editorial Board

Grades: 11th till now
Description: My high school publishes a school magazine every
year in which students get to share their creative ideas with an
audience. Last year I was chosen by The School Principal to lead
a team of 15 brilliant students and work toward making it possible.

Activity Name: Volunteering, An Eco Club

Grades: 9th - 10th
Description: I was an active member of an Ecology Club formed by
University students based in Srinagar. We organized different
seminars and rallies to spread awareness among locals and bring a
change in our state.

Activity Name: Self Taught Skater

Grades: from Grade 1

Description: On a normal summer day in Grade 1, I made my

father take me to the market and buy a pair of beginners Skates
for me. I tried skating for the very first time on the same day.
Spend hours trying to correct my form and later it turned into a
hobby I cherish the most.

Activity Name: Art

Grades: 5th till now

Description: I always loved art classes so at times I found myself

trying new forms. My most recent favorite is Indie Style because I
feel it’s vibrantness describes me as a person too.

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List 5 Honors: (This includes all prizes or competitions you have

won in high-school. It doesn’t matter whether you have the actual
trophy/certificate or not.)

1. Name of Honor: Basketball Nationals and a Khelo India

Grade: 8, 9 , 10
Level of recognition (State, National, or International): National
Short Description: I was a member of State Basketball team and
was selected to represent the State in 3 Nationals and Khelo India

Name of Honor: Dribble Academy - Basketball

Grade: 9
Level of recognition (State, National, or International): National
Short Description: Dribble academy is the top basketball academy
in India. The academy held a friendly competition in Delhi in which
the best players of every state competed with each other. I
represented a state and was Ranked 27 among the 100
candidates present in open category.

Name of Honor: Placed 2 at an Art competition

Grade: 9
Level of recognition (State, National, or International): State
Short Description: An inter-school art competition was held by
DLF. I represented my school with 5 other fellow students and was
placed 2 in the competition.

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Anything else you want to tell us?

Here is a piece of what may end up as my personal essay.

My years of growing up mixed.

My mom is Nepalese and my dad is Kashmiri. I don’t pass for a Kashmiri

well, with darkest hair and round facial features. But my mixed look has
definitely been complicated for me. I was 4 years old the first time I
realized that my father's face was nothing like mine and never would be. At
the age of 13, I was referred to by the C- slur for the first time and felt such
rage and confusion that I didn’t know how to react. My friend later
explained to me that it wasn't a big deal, every friend of mine said it behind
my back all the time.

Now 17, I have predominantly Kashmiri friends. I'm finally at the age where
I can recognize not only my privilege in being mixed, but my luck in finding
both types of people that I love and identify with.

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