Activity Grade 10: Share Your Memories

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Activity grade


Share your memories

1. Describe your last vacation. Write a document where you talk about your last
vacation. Tell what you did and where, what you liked the most and describe your
feelings. Give as much description as possible. You can mention places, food,
weather, people... Include pictures.

Likewise, read your mates’ memories and ask questions about their
vacation, and answer the questions your mates ask you.

Finally, after receiving feedback to improve your work, include the text in the final
product to deliver.

2. Describe lifestyles

As an application exercise, you are going to create a conversation in the forum where
you talk about your habits regarding health: say what eating habits you have, describe
what you do to stay in shape. Begin the conversation with a short paragraph about
this topic, and after your mates post theirs, read them and ask questions about their
habits. Likewise, reply the questions your mates ask you.

In this document I am going to show you how my vacations were and some of my
eating habits.

My last vacations were in the month of August and I went to San Cipriano it
was a very nice vacation I really liked the trip to the place where the witches
call it, they are the means of transportation, there in the San Cipriano river
there is a very tropical climate but more that everything keeps very humid for a
while it is sunny and another it rains the day I went it rained for a long time but
there people were already used to it and still in the normal river in San Cipriano
the most typical foods of that place are more than all seafood, The fish,
covered etc I really enjoyed these vacations I got to know almost the whole
place I thought everything was very beautiful and I could see how people from
different countries enjoyed it ...

These were my last vacations I hope I can know more and enjoy life more as it
was before.

lugar donde cocinaban :

my habits
In the course of the day, I eat what all of us eat, which are the 3 meals,
breakfast, lunch and dinner, I have as a habit not to eat at odd hours since it is
by medical recommendation and to eat something suddenly in the afternoon
that is healthy like a salad Of fruits that I love by the way and to keep in shape I
exercise if possible once a week or with the tax education classes ...

In my eating habits it is also in eating vegetables and salads that mainly my

mother always prepares for lunch.


this was my vacation and I let you know some of my eating habits.

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