ENGL 101 Final Exam Practice 1

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ENGL 101/Fall 2020/ Practice sheet

I. II. Integrated Reading and Writing Component (Questions 51 – 90)

Reading comprehension / rhetorical organization (Questions 51 – 62)

A. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow by choosing the best
One World Culture

[1] In today's world, the use of technology is ever increasing. [2] People all over the world share
the same information and now it is much easier to communicate with people who are far away. [3] Here
are some ways that modern technology is creating a one world culture that allows people to share their
culture and knowledge with one another. [4] Firstly, almost every family has their personal TV. [5] It is
connected to a satellite. [6] TV programs can be received anywhere in the world, so people in every
country can watch the same TV programs. [7] When people see the same news and entertainment
programs, they start thinking in similar ways. [8] They adopt the same fashions and cultures. [9] Second,
people can communicate easily with other people who are far away and exchange information thanks to
the Internet. [10] Every day, millions of people watch the same video on Snapchat, the same picture is
liked by many social media users from all the countries of the world. [11] Finally, modern transportation
has made traveling to a foreign country easy. [12] This can have many advantages for people, especially
for people who do not have lot of money. [13] They can also see how people in other countries dress,
eat, and spend their free time. [14] Cultures of the world mix to the point of blending into a one world
culture. [15] In conclusion, modern transportation, TV, and the Internet are bringing people closer
together. [16] People have more opportunities to share ideas, information, and customs, and all this
contributes to the development of a one world culture.

51. Sentence 8 is not correctly placed. What would be a better place for it?
A. after sentence 9
B. after sentence 10
C. after sentence 12
D. after sentence 13
52. Which sentence breaks the unity of the paragraph?
A. Sentence 5
B. Sentence 7
C. Sentence 12
D. Sentence 16

53. Which sentence contains a comma mistake?

A. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 4
C. Sentence 6
D. Sentence 8

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ENGL 101/Fall 2020/ Practice sheet

54. Which sentence contains a run-on?

A. Sentence 3
B. Sentence 9
C. Sentence 10
D. Sentence 15

55. In sentence 5, the pronoun it refers to:

A. satellite
B. personal TV
C. every family
D. TV programs

56. What kind of conclusion is used in this paragraph (sentence 15)?

A. a rephrasing the topic sentence
B. a summary of the main points
C. the last step, cause, or event
D. the result of the process

B. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow by choosing the best

[1] If teens are concerned about being healthy and strong throughout the teenage years, they should
be aware of three key health factors: exercise, nutrition, and sleep. [2] First, teen athletes are probably
getting plenty of the exercise which is needed to stay healthy. [3] Many teens, however, spend most of
their free time engaged in sedentary activities. [4] These activities, such as reading, playing video
games, or surfing the Internet, do not involve movement. [5] The problem with sedentary activities is
that many teens tend to mindlessly eat junk food while on the computer. [6] Second, all human bodies
need the right balance of nutrients in order to maintain the best health. [7] Teens, because of the
hormonal changes their bodies are experiencing, need to pay special attention to the kinds of food they
eat.[8] However, many don’t. [9] With their busy schedules, teens are less likely to take the time
necessary to prepare fresh food for themselves. [10] It is just easier to grab a bag of chips or an “energy
bar.” [11] Finally, research shows that many teens do not get enough sleep, but most are unaware of this
fact. [12] Because teens are young, they may feel that they can handle a few nights of little sleep, but it
takes a long-term toll on the body. [13] During sleep, the body repairs damaged tissues, removes toxins
from cells, and strengthens the immune system. [14] In addition, research suggests sleep allows the
brain to process and store memories from the waking hours. [15] Although there is little information on
exactly why the body needs sleep, there is much research that shows the negative effects of failing to get
enough sleep. [16] These effects are especially harmful to academic performance. [17] All in all, in
order to stay healthy through the teen years, remember these tips: get some exercise, eat healthy food,
and get enough sleep.

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57. Which is the best topic of this paragraph?

A. Sleep Helps Teens
B. What Makes a Healthy Teen
C. How Teens Can Eat Healthy Food
D. Teenage Years

58. What is the meaning of “sedentary” in sentence 3?

A. interesting
B. boring
C. active
D. inactive

59. Which sentence breaks the unity?

A. Sentence 4
B. Sentence 5
C. Sentence 9
D. Sentence 10

60. To whom or what does the pronoun `their` refer in sentence 9?

A. hormonal changes
B. bodies
C. teens
D. food

61. What is the purpose of sentence 15?

A. gives a result
B. summarizes the main ideas
C. states the supporting detail of the last main point
D. introduces the topic
62. Where can this sentence be placed?
The biggest negative effect of getting less sleep on teens seems to be a decrease in mental sharpness and
a lack of motivation to engage in thinking activities.

A. before sentence 10
B. before sentence 12
C. after sentence 13
D. after sentence 16

C. Reading comprehension and filling in the gaps (Questions 63-70)

Read the paragraphs and fill in the blanks by choosing the most suitable word from the table

To be a good friend, an individual has to spend time working on her friendships, [63] _____ they
will eventually fade. When two people first meet, they both need to be sure they are acting in a good
manner. [64] _____ they meet and start talking a few times, they will start getting to know each
other, calling each other, [65] _____ spending more time with each other. That is how a friendship

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begins. Friendships shouldn’t take a lot of money, [66] _____ they do take a lot of time and care.
[67] _____, friends should always listen to what the other has to say, and then should give advice
only when asked for it. Friends are alike, [68] _____ everyone has differences. [69] _____, a friend
should be able to accept their differences. [70] _____, after being a friend to a person for a long
period of time, one might get tired of hearing repeated problems every day, but a good friend will
always be there for her friend no matter what.

63. 64. 65. 66.

A. but A. Firstly, A. and A. but
B. or B. Then, B. but B. however
C. since C. After that, C. or C. as a result
D. therefore D. After D. because D. moreover

67. 68. 69. 70.

A. Such as A. because A. In addition to A. To sum up
B. For example B. so B. It is clear that B. Furthermore
C. If C. but C. Therefore C. It is clear that
D. In addition, D. because of D. Whenever D. For example

D. Sentence combination (Questions 71-76)

Choose the option which best combines the two sentences.

71. Amal was tired, she went to bed early.

A. So Amal was tired, she went to bed early.
B. Because Amal was tired, she went to bed early.
C. Amal was tired therefore she went to bed early
D. Amal was tired and she went to bed early

72. Living in the city can be exciting and fun. Many young people love living there.
A. Living in the city can be exciting and fun. However, many young people love living there.
B. Living in the city can be exciting and fun. Because many young people love living there.
C. Living in the city can be exciting and fun. Therefore, many young people love living there.
D. Living in the city can be exciting and fun. Moreover, many young people love living there.

73. The parent-teacher meeting was canceled. It was raining heavily.

A. The parent-teacher meeting was canceled so it was raining heavily.
B. Although the parent-teacher meeting was canceled, and it was raining heavily.
C. The parent-teacher meeting was canceled because heavy rain.
D. The parent-teacher meeting was canceled because of the heavy rain.

Fill in the gap with the best word/phrase.

74. Many people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you wake up in the
morning, your body has gone without food for 8-10 hours. ________, it needs food for energy.
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A. Therefore
B. For example
C. And
D. Such as

75. It can be difficult to make time to eat breakfast in the morning because you are rushing to get
to school, _______ make an effort to eat a healthy breakfast because breakfast gives you
energy for the day ahead.
A. for instance
B. but
C. so that
D. however

76. You will damage your health _________ you stop smoking.
A. if
B. when
C. so that
D. unless

E. Comprehension and matching clauses. [Questions 77-82] : The paragraph has been divided in
two parts. Choose the best clause to finish the sentence. [Ignore the capitalization rules.]

Part 1:( Questions 77-79)

The last day of the semester is always an exciting day for our class.[77] ________________ we
order food from our favorite restaurant at the college’s cafe. [78]. ________________ we take
suggestions from everyone about it. Then [79] _______________ we contact the restaurant many times
for the quick delivery of the food. We send message to our class what’s up group as soon as the order
A. after we give the order,
B. if we take suggestions,
C. when all the students arrive,
D. before we order for the food,

Part 2 :( Questions 80-82)

[80] ________________ we go the gym for Zumba. We usually play games in the gym [81]
________________. We also invite our course teachers [82] ________________.

A. if we have to wait longer,

B. if they are available during that time
C. after we finish Zumba
D. so we finish Zumba

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ENGL 101/Fall 2020/ Practice sheet

F. Error analysis (Questions 83-90) : Each of the following sentences has one error. Choose the
letter of the underlined part of the sentence that has an error.

83. The phone had already stopped ringing when michelle entered her apartment.

84. Several people likes to eat the Big Mac burger at McDonalds.

85. Fatoon wrote to her father to tell him that she couldn't come to visit next Summer.

86. This afternoon, I met Fatimah, went for a swim had coffee at Starbucks, and went to visit my

87. Mariam and Saman left on the bus before I arrived, or I did not see them at the bus station.

88. The cottage is small and lovely with a really beautifully garden and a big pool.

89. The girls are qualified for the prize because she gave a brilliant performance in Chemistry 101.
90. Umar did not wake up early; as a result of he was late to the club.

*******End of the Practice Exam ******

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