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Anti-diarrheal drugs (Pharmacology)

Anti-diarrheal drugs, from their name, are drugs that helps patients suffering from diarrhoea. There
are multiple cause for diarrhoea such as, bacteria, virus or/and parasite infection; drugs; antacids
containing magnesium, etc. However, anti-diarrheal drugs are for treating the symptoms of the
patient and are not by any mean a cure.

The mechanism of action of these drugs are discussed further below:

1- Adsorbents: This type of drug coats the GIT and binds to the causative bacterial agent or
toxin to be eliminated through the stool. Example: Bismuth subsalicylate, which also reduces
the flow of electrolytes and fluids into the bowel, therefore reducing inflammation.
a. Caution: Bismuth subsalicylate contains the salicylate (aspirin). Therefore, it should
not be used if the patient has an allergy to aspirin or other salicylate products.
It should also not be used in these cases:
I. Patient has an ulcer, bleeding problems or bloody / black stool
II. Children recovering from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms
Side effects:
1. Black tongue
2. Fever
3. Ringing in ears
2- Anti-motility: These drugs work by slowing down peristalsis. There are two categories for
this drug.
a. Anticholinergics: They prevent propulsive movement and gastric secretion of the
GIT by its effect on the smooth muscles of the GIT. Example: Hyoscyamine
contraindication may include:
I. Glaucoma
II. Myasthenia gravis
III. Paralytic ileus

Side effects: CNS symptoms

b. Opioid-like medication: These drugs have a chemical structure similar to opioid.

They work by decreasing the flow of fluids and electrolytes into the bowel and by
slowing down the bowel movement resulting in a decreased number of bowel
movements. Example: Loperamide
-Loperamide should not be given to children younger than 2 years of age (risk of
serious breathing and heart problems)
-Serious abnormal heart rhythm that may lead to death if a dose more than the
prescribed is taken

Probiotics: They are substances that are used for the prevention and treatment of diarrhoea. Often
used together with antibiotics to reduce diarrhoea side effects. They work by replenishing the
normal bacterial flora in the GIT. Example: Lactobacillus

Side effects: Mild gas and bloating

1. "7.4: Antidiarrheal Medications And Laxatives". Medicine Libretexts, 2021,
2. "Antidiarrheal Drug". Encyclopedia Britannica, 2021,

Made by: Kareem Said Elsayed Dawood

ID: 200564

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