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MPA 212
April 17, 2021

Activity 27
The Scheffe’s Test

X1 X2 X3 X4
X12 X22 X32 X42
Autocratic democratic Libro Takutan

7 49 9 81 2 4 4 16
3 9 8 64 3 9 5 25
5 25 8 64 4 16 7 49
6 36 7 49 5 25 8 64
9 81 6 36 6 36 3 9
4 16 9 81 4 16 4 16
3 9 10 100 2 4 5 25
N= 37 225 N=57 475 N=26 110 n=36 204
X1=5.29 X2=8.14 X3=3.71 X4=5.14

1. A vs. B

5.29 - 8.14)2 ( -2.85)2 8.123 8.123

F’ = ------------------------ = ----------- = ---------- = ------- = 9.44
3.01 ( 7 + 7) 3.01 (14) 42.14 0.86
-------------------- ---------- --------
7 x 7 49 49

2. A vs. C

(5.29 - 37.1)2 ( 1.58)2 2.4964 2.4964

F’ = ------------------------ = ----------- = ---------- = ------- = 2.903
3.01 ( 7 + 7) 3.01 (14) 42.14 0.86
-------------------- ---------- --------
7 x 7 49 49

3. A vs D

(5.29 - 5.14)2 ( 0.15)2 0.0225 0.0225

F’ = ------------------------ = ----------- = ---------- = ------- = 0.026
3.01 ( 7 + 7) 3.01 (14) 42.14 0.86
-------------------- ---------- --------
7 x 7 49 49

4. B vs C

(8.14 - 3.71)2 ( 4.43)2 19.6249 19.6249

F’ = ------------------------ = ----------- = ---------- = ------- = 22.82
3.01 ( 7 + 7) 3.01 (14) 42.14 0.86
-------------------- ---------- --------
7 x 7 49 49
5. B vs D

(8.14 - 5.14)2 ( 3)2 9 9

F’ = ------------------------ = ----------- = ---------- = ------- = 10.465
3.01 ( 7 + 7) 3.01 (14) 42.14 0.86
-------------------- ---------- --------
7 x 7 49 49

6. C vs D

(3.71 - 5.14)2 ( -1.43)2 2.0449 2.0449

F’ = ------------------------ = ----------- = ---------- = ------- = 2.378
3.01 ( 7 + 7) 3.01 (14) 42.14 0.86
-------------------- ---------- --------
7 x 7 49 49


1. Write the computed F’ on the table for each interpolation.

2. The computed value of 9.03 taken from df (3) x f crit (3.01) is constant.
3. If the Scheffe Test Value is greater than constant of 9.03, it is significant but if
it less than 9.03 it is insignificant.
4. Write all letters of interpolation with significant interpretation.
5. The common observed letter indicates where the differences lies.

df x F
Scheffe Test
Interpolation Crit Interpretation Decision
(3) (3.01)
1 A versus B 9.44 9.03 Significant The common
2 A versus C 2.903 9.03 Insignificant observed letter
3 A versus D 0.026 9.03 Insignificant with
4 significance is
B versus C 22.82 9.03 Significant
B, thus, the
5 B versus D 10.465 9.03 Significant
difference lies
6 C versus D 2.378 9.03 Insignificant in letter B.

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