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Name: Submission Date: July 14,2021

I. Parallelism: Revise the following sentences achieving correct parallelism. Write

C if you think the sentence does not illustrate grammatical errors.

1. She was disappointed by not only his clothes but also by his different
She was disappointed not only with his clothes but also by different
2. He suggested that we go for a meal then we should see a film.
He suggested that we go for a meal and see a film.
3. Mr. Amadeo reads mysteries, listens to classical music, and he is watching

Mr. Amadeo likes to read mysteries, listen to classical music, and watch

4. Either the manager reprimanded the secretary for her poor writing skill, or
she was criticized for her ineffective handling of her assignment.

5. After accomplishing her assignment, she feels happy, with pride and relief.
After accomplishing her assignment, she felt happy,pride andrelief.

II. Tense Sequence/Harmony of Tenses

Identify the appropriate verb for each blank to complete the story below.
The Good Samaritan

There was once a man who was going down from Jericho to Jerusalem

when robbers attacked him, 1. ______ (strip) him and beat him up. Then they 3.

______ (leave) him half dead. It so 4.______ (happen) that a priest was going

down that road. When he 5. _________ (see) the man, he

6. ________ (walk) on by the other side. In the same way, a Levite also

7. ______ (come) there, 8. _______ (go) over and 9. _______ (look) at the

man, and then 10.________ (walk) on by on the other side. But a Samaritan who

was travelling that way 11. ________ (come) upon the man, and when he 12.

________ (see) him, his heart 13. _________ (be) filled with pity. He

14.________ (go) over to him, 15.

________(pour) oil and wine on his wounds and 16.

_________(bandage) them. Then he 17. ________ (put) the man on his own

animal and 18. _________(take) him to an inn, where he 19. _________(take)

care of him.

The next day, he 20. _________(take) out two silver coins and

21. _________ (give) them to the innkeeper.


1.) Stripped

4.) happened

5.) saw

6.) walked

7.) came

8.) went

9.) looked

10.) walked

11.) came

12.) saw

13.) was

14.) went

15.) poured

16.) bandaged

17.) placed


19) took

20.) took

21.) gave
III. Correcting Sentences
It is important to recognize errors in writing. This activity tests your ability if you can identify
any inappropriate grammar or inaccurate usage of a word which is against effective writing.

Directions: Rewrite the given sentences by applying your knowledge on correct usage of
punctuation marks, eliminating faulty parallelism, wordiness, redundancy, sentence
fragments, run-on sentences, misplaced and dangling modifiers.

Each correct answer gives you 5 points.

1. I believe that most people express their selves in different ways and with
that, a lot of students are doing it through dying their hair, but the school
boards added a rule of not having unnatural colored hair.

A lot of students dye their hair to express themselves but the school boards
added a rule of not having unnatural hair.

2. We the Electrical Engineering Dept a second year students of the University

of San Jose-Recoletos, we are conducting a study of electrical circuits
whose a major subjects who is our final output requirements which to be
submitted in the next week
We are the second year students from the Electrical Engineering Department of
University of San Jose- Recoletos and as part of our final requirement to be
submitted next week, we are conducting a study of electrical circuits.

3. The purpose of this research is to highlight the context in relation to our

course, together with the knowledge and understanding that we gathered
as a group and the only location that is convenient to all the members of
the group is our school and we have chosen this venue for us to do our
research study because we are assured that we are safe by the school

We gathered as a group to attain knowledge and understanding. We chose

the school as our venue where the research should be done to highlight the
context and understanding, we prefer the location that is convenient to all
the members of the group.

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