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4, JULY/AUGUST 2020 3297

Arc Flash Pressure and Door Ejection Measurement

Hugh Hoagland , Senior Member, IEEE, Claude Maurice, Andrew Haines, and André Maurice

Abstract—The effects of arc blast pressures have been theorized OSHA 1910.269, ASTM arc flash test standards, NFPA 70E,
for about years, but the direct effect on workers has been less stud- and IEEE 1584 [4] incident energy predictions have accelerated
ied. A search of the literature gives no satisfactory quantification the understanding of arc flash thermal effects. However, the
for hazard assessment [1]. Most articles to date with any worker
focus have measured or predicted noise levels for auditory damage, arc blast pressure hazard has not received the same level of
but there is still no consensus standard or unified method to predict study. IEEE 1584 did not include arc blast pressure in their
the pressure or thermoacoustic blast created by an arc. In a 2016 hazard assessment model because published papers had limited
article, on the effect of copper and steel vapor, the authors also practical application other than in equipment design which led
looked at the speed of an ejected door; however, that article did not to arc resistant switchgear and motor control centers (MCCs).
address additional buildup of pressure should the door be affixed,
as real doors are [1]. This article presents the results of affixing Another reason IEEE 1584 did not address arc blast pressure
the door with both light and heavy gauge hardware as suggested in was that anecdotally there were very few serious injuries. Ralph
Crawford–Clark–Doughty [2]. These represent two different levels Lee’s seminal paper introducing arc blast pressure as a potential
of shear strength to assess the effect of allowing pressure to build on worker hazard [5] used a “peak power pressure model” which
the face of the door. Additionally, an impact plate and a load cell are the author’s previous paper found overpredictive [1]. The Lee
used to measure the actual force from the ejected door to estimate
the effect on a human worker. More work will need to be done paper was valuable in raising the question about the hazard, but
to develop an arc blast assessment model, but the measurements this model did not receive standard acceptance because of the
obtained by these experiments may lead toward a productive means dissonance between its calculated values and experience.
to develop one. Although the authors know of only one fatality [2]
and a few injuries from arc blast, it is important to understand if,
and when, severe injuries could occur. And with the removal of the II. DOOR EJECTION MODEL
40 cal/cm2 limit to arc flash exposure in the 2018 NFPA 70E—since
the committee correctly understood that incident energy has no
Crawford–Clark–Doughty [2] proposed an equation to predict
correlation to arc blast [3]—it is also important to determine where pressure rise due to faults. Their article provides insight into the
a limit might be needed for worker safety, and what fault current arc blast behavior from two cited sources of work on switchgear
and containment size could be dangerous until most equipment is from which they derived the following formula [2]:
arc resistant.
2N U It
Index Terms—Arc blast, arc blast pressure, arc flash hazard P = (1)
assessment and work practices, arc flash pressure wave, door V
ejection from arc blast, door ejection from arc flash, physical
method to measure arc blast.
P pressure in atmospheric gauge,
I. INTRODUCTION t duration of arc in seconds,
N number of arcs,
UR experiment was designed to offer practical guidance
O on work practices and safety standards. Arc flash has
been gaining recognition, but arc blast is little understood as
U voltage drop per arc in kV,
I arc current in kA,
V volume of enclosure in m3 [2].
far as worker hazard is concerned. The 2021 NFPA 70E still
incorrectly cites the 67 000X expansion of copper as one of
A comparison of calculated pressures using this formula to
the primary causes of arc blast, contrary to published literature.
measure pressure during our experiments is presented as follows.
Crawford–Clark–Doughty also offered an equation for burst-
Manuscript received January 28, 2019; revised August 14, 2019; accepted ing pressure on a door with specific pins.
November 6, 2019. Date of publication May 11, 2020; date of current version
July 1, 2020. Paper 2019-ESafC-0066.R1, presented at the 2019 IEEE IAS
0.015SN [(20t) − 1.0]
Electrical Safety Workshop, Jacksonville, FL, USA, Mar. 4–Mar. 8, 2019, and P = (2)
approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICA- AB
TIONS by the Electrical Safety Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications
Society. (Corresponding author: Hugh Hoagland.) where
Hugh Hoagland is with, Louisville, KY 40223 USA (e-mail: P covers bursting pressure in lb/in2 ,
Claude Maurice, Andrew Haines, and André Maurice are with Kinectrics, S shear strength of box material in lb/in2 ,
Toronto, ON M8Z5G5, Canada (e-mail:; t box wall thickness in inches,; N number of cover fastening screws,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at A length of cover plate in inches,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2020.2994183 B width of cover plate in inches.

0093-9994 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Equation (2) is only valid for 0.25 in-20 UNC carbon steel the enclosure square tube frame. Two holes were drilled on
screws, which are commonly used in this application [2]. each side of the panel into the enclosure frame to accept the
These tests work toward that missing piece to predict the shear pins. Area = 0.258 m2 (400 in2 ), Mass of panel = 8 kg
energy delivered from door ejection to a worker. (17.5 lbs).
The authors believe that to measure the effect on a worker from
III. EXPERIMENTAL TESTING an ejected door without affixing the door to the enclosure such
as by bolting or hinging (as performed in [1]) is not realistic, two
In a previous article [1], the effect of arc blast pressure on
different shear strength pins (a bolt and a screw) were chosen
doors not affixed to an enclosure was studied to measure the
to affix the door. Metal vaporization has been found to be of
effect of an ejected door on a worker. One critique of that
little effect on the initial arc blast pressure wave [1]. Three fault
study was that door displacement without any attachment to the
current levels were chosen to expand the previous experiment’s
enclosure is not realistic to measure the effect on a worker of an
scope and to evaluate door ejection force to a load cell via an
ejected door. For this investigation, several potential methods to
impact plate.
affix the door were evaluated that would allow pressure to build
Electrical parameters: The testing was performed on a single
before ejection. Two different shear strength pins (a bolt and
phase set up at 2400-V potential difference between the phase
a screw) were chosen as discussed below. Three fault current
and ground. The electrodes were set up in an ejected format
levels were chosen to expand the previous experiment’s scope
and were ¾ in stainless steel electrodes for minimizing the
and to evaluate door force transferred to a load cell via an impact
smoke. See previous article for the effect of electrodes in this
plate. A filler box was incorporated to see the effect of reducing
configuration [1].
the interior volume of the box to simulate electrical components
present in electrical equipment.
Since work using pressure sensors has failed to characterize B. Experiment #1 Clamped Door Measuring Pressure
the arc blast pressure in a usable manner, we considered a
The purpose of this experiment was to measure the internal
physical measurement option to correlate sensor data and offer
pressure generated with an arc in an enclosure to establish a
this article to further understanding of the behavior. We sought
basis for comparison and check against pressure equations from
practical application to enhance training and to assist in hazard
other articles. See [1] for setup. For these tests, a steel panel was
assessment with a straightforward approach.
used in place of a hinged door. The panel was firmly clamped to
prevent being ejected and to minimize pressure leakage.
A. General Test Description A variation of this experiment was to perform some arc
The enclosure represents a motor control cabinet with a vol- tests with a firmly clamped panel but with a reduced volume
ume of 0.131 m3 (Fig. 3). of the main enclosure to simulate insertion of an MCC bucket.
Main enclosure: 6-mm thick welded carbon steel enclosure, The reduced volume is attained by installing a metal box inside
with open front for the removable panel. Approximately 500 mm the enclosure (Fig. 1 and Fig. 3). The lower volume tests in
(20 in) cube (0.131 m3 ). 25 mm (1”) heavy gauge square tube Table I are the tests with the insert.
welded all around the open front served as a door frame. The results of the clamped door are displayed in Table I.
Horizontal electrode: entry from the back, 19 mm (3/4 in) When a larger enclosure is filled with various components,
copper, 50 mm (2 in) gap extending 75 mm (3 in) into the box, the overall volume of air is reduced, which should yield a higher
center height. pressure.
Transducers for pressure measurement: Two 100-psi trans- The panel was mounted to the front of the arc enclosure as
ducers were installed in the box, one mounted near the front shown in Figs. 1, 3, and 4 (see also [1]). C-clamps were used
opening top panel and the other on the side wall. Both transduc- to secure the panel in place. The work focused on lower fault
ers tracked within 1 PSI throughout the experiments. levels such as 4 and 8 kA for one cycle. One test was done with a
Filler box: A 2.778-mm (12 ga.) thick steel panel welded, duration of three cycles to observe the pressure relationship with
overall dimensions 0.35 × 0.35 × 0.25 m (0.031 m3 ), time (predicted to be 3X) but due to the difficulty in obtaining a
(14” × 14” × 10”). The arc was generated in the space behind the good seal, these results show only a 2X increase in pressure.
filler box. The filler box represents, collectively, various metal The results were used to calculate the peak force on the panel.
panels and parts that would be in the direct path or vicinity of The measured pressure (P1) at the top of the enclosure agreed
the arc. These parts (circuit breaker, contactors, relays, wiring, with previous work performed and followed the linear relation-
etc.) reduce the volume of the box but also would absorb some ship to energy input, but the pressure was lower than predicted by
of the energy in the first few cycles and deflect thermal energy the simple equation from the Crawford paper. When a filler box
(obstruction from arc location at the back of the enclosure to was placed inside the enclosure, reducing the enclosure volume
the front panel). The energy absorbed by the enclosure and by 25%, the increase in pressure was minimal compared to the
metal/plastic parts may be significant in lower fault current full volume.
levels, and in the first few cycles when the initial blast pressure Four of the variables used to calculate the pressure in an
may rupture the door. enclosure (1) are related to the total energy released by the arc.
Front cover: 2.778-mm (12 gauge) steel panel with folded The equation can be used to quickly estimate the pressure based
edge on all sides to reinforce panel and provide a good fit to on forecasted parameters (in hazard analysis, for example).

Authorized licensed use limited to: Rick Downer. Downloaded on March 29,2021 at 15:39:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


The results of the equation predict higher pressure than the C. Experiment 2: Clamped Door With Filler Box and
authors measured experimentally. One cause of overestimating Reduced Volume
the pressure is the use of rms values for arc voltage and current; The error in calculated pressure by not accounting for internal
it is an error to use the rms values and total duration for this
content is evident in the tests with the filler box. The placement
equation. In laboratory settings or when postfault analysis can of the metal box is shown in Fig. 1. The box was placed at
be done using actual waveforms, a more accurate value can be the front near the front panel, leaving open space near the arc.
obtained by determining the energy released in the enclosure.
Although the volume was reduced by 25%, there was very little
This is done by calculating the instantaneous power (Pt) and increase in pressure. It is speculated that there was loss of total
obtaining the arc energy as shown in (2) and (3). energy due to the metal panel being placed in front of the arc.
p (t) = v (t) ∗ i (t) (3) This would have changed the energy balance.
 t For example, the face of the inner box directly in the path
e (t) = p (t) ∗ dt. (4) of the arc measured 0.093 m3 (14” × 10”) with a mass of
0 2.1 kg. Given that carbon steel has a specific heat of 0.49 kJ/(kg
Thus, we used a modified Crawford equation as discussed in K), it would take approximately 1 kJ of energy for every degree
the previous article [1]. rise in the steel panel. After the test, the arc facing panel of the
inner box was found to be very warm (an increase of 10–15 °C).
P = 2 ∗ E/V (5)
This account for approximately 1/3 of the energy released by
where the arc and supports the measurement and reasoning as to why
P is pressure in atmosphere gauge, the predicted increased pressure was not observed.
E is total energy released in the enclosure (including all phases)
in MJ (megajoules).
V is volume of enclosures in cubic meters. D. Experiment #3 Door Restraint
To restrain the front panel and delay the point where the panel
The Crawford equation is simple and the authors did not is propelled forward, shear pins were used. A shear joint was
intend for it to account for the other factors that influence the selected for ease of installation and repeatability. A shear joint
relationship between released arc energy and pressure in an has the applied load at right angles to the fastener axis and when
enclosure. The modified equation (4) is an adjustment over sufficient opposing force is applied between the two materials
the original equation presented in the Crawford paper when the fastener or pin will deform and eventually cut. In actual MCC
the actual energy can be determined in post analysis. With this cabinets, there may be a variety of different types of fasteners
adjustment, the predicted pressure is still much higher than the such as machine screws and rivets. Some may be in shear while
measured values. others may be in tensile loading.
Other factors may cause the lower pressure as follows: Three conditions of door restraint were used: 1) no restraining,
1) Limitation in the pressure transducer response time. 2) light gauge screws, 3) heavy gauge bolts. In these experiments,
2) Placement in the enclosure. the panel was to be explosively propelled outward when the shear
3) Instrumentation limitations. point of the restraint was reached.
4) Pressure loss due to leakage at the door interface. Selection of shear pins: Based on results of experiment 1, the
5) Percentage of arc energy radiated and lost to enclosure, peak force on the door was used to select shear pins. Shear pins
from vaporizing the electrode material, from light, and were a means to allow pressure to build up prior to release. Two
from sound. The process of converting arc energy to pres- different capacities of shear pins were selected to hold the door
sure is not a lossless process and more complex equations back and release in a predictable manner and within the range
are needed to more fully predict an accurate value. of the test parameters. If the shear pin was too strong, the entire

Authorized licensed use limited to: Rick Downer. Downloaded on March 29,2021 at 15:39:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

front panel might buckle and deform before the shear pins broke.
A third condition was performing the test with no shear pins.
It is also known that very high fault levels such as those above
20 kA will destroy a standard MCC door and cabinet. At high
fault levels and longer durations, the effect is so destructive that
the results are much harder to analyze. The experiment at lower
levels helps to separate the mechanical from the thermal effects
and to draw attention to the potential hazard from relatively low
and short duration faults for which some MCC cabinets or panel
boards are not adequately designed.
Because of availability and ease of use, standard machine
screws were used as shear pins. Unlike tensile and yield
strengths, there are no published shear strength values or require- Fig. 1. Enclosure for Testing.
ments for machine screws. As an empirical guide, shear strengths
of carbon steel fasteners may be assumed to be approximately
60% of their specified minimum tensile strengths. The screw
and shear strength details, respectively, are provided at the sites
as follows:
Holes were drilled into the side of the door’s folded edge
to align with the holes in the frame. The screws fit snugly
into the holes to restrict movement prior to shear. To have a
more predictable and repeatable shear point, the machine screws
were not tightened in place. This would create a frictional force
between the joint members and the shear force would have to Fig. 2. Setup with door and impact plate covered with AR fabric.
overcome this friction, which could be more than the shear
strength of the fastener itself.
Shear pins used:
#1: #10-32NF steel machine screw: Tensile 1200 lbs, shear
720 lbs (60%), instantaneous peak force to shear #10–32 pins:
720 × 4 = 2880 lbs (12.8 kN).
#2: ¼-20 NC steel machine screw: Tensile 1900 lbs, shear
1140 lbs (60%), instantaneous peak force to shear #1/4-20 pins:
1140 × 4 = 4560 lbs (20.3 kN).
Four shear pins were used for each test, two on each side. Test
results of peak force on the door and shear of the pins correlated
very well in the tests performed.
Impact plate: An impact plate with a load cell was placed at
450 mm (∼18”) to record the impact force of the door.
A rigid frame with back bracing was constructed to mount a
load cell and impact plate. The load cell had a full-scale limit Fig. 3. Box with door and impact plate in place.
of 4500 kg (10 000 lbs.). The load cell was connected to the
excitation bridge amplifier and the analog output was recorded
on a waveform recorder along with arc voltage, current, and plate. A small hole was drilled on the side of the arc enclosure to
pressure transducer readings. have visual confirmation of arc initiation. The number of frames
The impact plate was the same size and weight as the front was counted to determine the point at which the pin sheared,
panel and positioned 450 mm (18”) from the front panel at the and the panel started to move forward. A photo of the setup with
same elevation. A photo of the frame and impact plate is shown cameras and covered load cell impact plate is shown in Fig. 5.
in Figs. 2 and 3. For the test, the panel was covered with a The following values were determined from the acquired data:
thin paraaramid blanket to prevent the ejected arc plasma from 1) Time from arc initiation to movement of the front panel
energizing or developing a charge on the plate and load cell. (from HS camera) in ms.
Trajectory of panel: The path followed by the front panel was 2) Time from arc initiation to impact on the load cell in ms.
observed by a high-speed camera at 1000 fps. The camera was 3) Arc current in A rms.
positioned to see the edge of the arc enclosure and the impact 4) Arc voltage in V rms.

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of the secondary impacts and oscillations was not considered in

the impact energy.
A summary of the data is shown below. All of the following
tests were performed with an enclosure volume of 0.131 m3 (no
filler box).

E. Observations From Data

With unrestrained panel (no shear pins), the following condi-
tions hold:
1) The panel started to move in 7 ms (less than ½ cycle).
2) At 43 ms, the panel reached the impact plate located
0.45 m away (18”).
3) Longer duration fault (three cycles) did not contribute
energy to move the panel at a higher speed.
4) In a 7 kA, one cycle fault, average speed measured was
12.7 m/s (28.4 mph), resulting in an impact force of ap-
proximately 2400 kg-force (5300 lbf) over a 0.45 m2 area.
Fig. 4. Door attachment points pretest.
With the panel restrained with shear pin #1 (four #10-32
screws), the following conditions hold:
1) The panel was withheld for an additional 3 ms compared
to an unrestrained panel (10–11 ms).
2) Hardware sheared and panel started to move within one
3) At 7 kA, three cycle, the longer duration fault did not
contribute energy to move the panel at higher speed.
4) At higher fault level (15 and 19 kA), the energy delivered
from one cycle was much higher. The panel did not start
to move sooner but the travel time to the impact zone was
shorter. The higher speed resulted in a higher impact force.
5) At 19.2 kA, one cycle fault, average speed measured
over 32 m/s (70 mph), resulting in an impact force of
approximately 4650 kg force (10,000 lbf) over a 0.45 m2
With the panel restrained with shear pin #2 (four #1/4-20
Fig. 5. Full setup with HS cameras. screws), the following conditions hold:
1) At 8 kA, one cycle, the panel was restrained, pins did not
shear. Panel deformed and pressure released around the
5) Duration of arc in ms.
2) At 10 kA, one cycle, the panel held in place for 16 ms, then
6) Peak pressure inside the enclosure (psi).
the pin sheared, and the panel was ejected at an average
7) Peak impact force (kg).
speed of over 17 m/s.
The following values were calculated:
At 20.9 kA, one cycle, the panel held in place for 11 ms, then
1) Arc energy by sum of instantaneous power in kJ.
the pin sheared, and the panel was ejected at an average speed of
2) Peak force applied to the door from load cell in kN.
over 32 m/s (70 mph). The peak impact force recorded was lower
3) Travel time of the door, ms (T initial movement to T
than with the smaller pin. Examination of the HS video shows
the door was not square on impact in the three tests performed.
4) Average speed of the door, m/s (distance/travel time).
The door angle varied between 20° and 45° (zero being flat door
It was observed that in some tests the shear of the pins occurred
nearly simultaneously, resulting in a level, even ejecting of the
There are many factors that can be considered to quantify the
door. The door traveled to the impact plate in a straight line and
force of an impact by an object as follows:
impacted the load cell squarely. This resulted in a higher peak
impact force. Speed (m/s).
In other tests, the pins on one side sheared before the other side Size and weight.
and the door was released on an angle. In these cases, the door hit Shape.
the impact plate on one side first and several milliseconds later Contact area.
on the other, resulting in a much lower peak impact force. For Point of application.
this analysis, only the first impact was evaluated; the duration Plane of application.

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Notes for Table 2:

Movement of panel was determined by HS video record.
Time to impact was determined from waveform, arc initiation to signal from load cell.
Peak impact force was determined from load cell signal. Load cell was on rigid frame with impact plate same size and mass as ejected door.
Average speed was calculated from Δ time from when panel started to move to reaching the impact load cell at a distance of 0.46 m (18 in). Speed just prior to impact
may be higher.
The impact angle was estimated from the HS video. The impact angle of the moving panel with reference to the stationary panel will change the impact surface area,
zone and how quickly the panel comes to a rest. The Impulse force is less severe if the time to bring the panel to a rest is extended. An impact angle of less than 5 degrees
was considered “flat” and delivered the highest impact force.

Fig. 6. 110 kg mannequin (with water in base).

When the arc blast was initiated, the door was propelled Fig. 7. Weighted mannequin placed in front of arc enclosure with door.
outward on the occasions that the pressure exceeded the shear
strength of the bolts or screws. The door impacted the plate
and the load cell measured the impact force on the impact plate The purpose of the mannequin was to provide the visual
in the location of 0.45 m (18 in) from the door (common NFPA impact of the severity of a typical panel being ejected toward a
70E and IEEE 1584 working distance for arc flash calculations). worker in front of a panel. Three fault levels were used, nominal
The displacement of the door was also measured using two 5, 8, 16 kA with only one cycle of fault current. The enclosure
high-speed cameras at the time interval of the recording. The panel was restrained with #1 shear pins (#10-32 NF machine
instantaneous speed and acceleration of the door was calculated screws).
to allow a comparison from the arc initiation time to the load cell The mannequin was dressed in common FR PPE and eye
impact time. This was used for confirmation and to offer further protection as shown in Fig. 7. The data from the mannequin were
data to our previous study [1]. The arc duration was set to one shown in the presentation at the conference and the following
and three electrical cycles to observe the effect of the arcing vs. comments are observational from this testing.
the arcing with time. The results are in Table II. Comments on Mannequin Testing:
1) With fault currents of 4 and 7 kA (well under 10 kA) and
duration of one and three cycles, sufficient energy can be
F. Experiment #4 Ejected Door With Mannequin
released to create pressures of over 100 kPA (15 psi) inside
The third set of experiments replaced the fixed impact plate the enclosure tested.
and load cell with a mannequin. The lifelike mannequin selected 2) An 8-kg door can be ejected in less than ½ cycle with as
is a weighted training body form (commercially available as little as 4 kA, one cycle in the test apparatus used. The
Century Bob) as shown in Fig. 6. The base was filled with door can travel at speeds of over 10 m/s and have impact
approximately 110 kg (∼250 lb) of water. The mannequin was force of thousands of kgf.
adjusted to a height to have the chest at the same height as the 3) Mounting hardware such as door hinges and latches found
door. on nonarc resistant MCC cabinets and panel boards would

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offer some resistance to the pressure at low levels. Unless be a dangerous projectile. If the fault continues, we still assert
the pressure caused by the fault energy is below the capac- that the thermal effects of the arc blast will be the main hazard.
ity of the panel and hardware, the panel may be ejected We want to be clear that many MCCs and other equipment
and the resultant impact may be more severe. may have other venting mechanisms and may not be represented
4) The short duration of one to three cycles clearing time is by this setup. If there is an open back into a larger compartment
the likely period where the mechanical damage to the panel around a shared buss, the predicted scenario may not occur.
board and potential physical injury to an exposed worker Readers should be careful in attempting to imply hazard from
will occur. Arc flash PPE provides thermal protection but the Clark–Crawford–Doughty equation, but this may be closer
is not designed to prevent the trauma of an ejected metal than other rough equations like the Lee Blast Equation. The idea
door or metal parts traveling at 10–20 m/sec. that holding the containment is worse than allowing the door to
5) When a filler box is used to reduce the internal enclosure fly without a constraining force like a bolt or hinge is proven
volume, the resultant pressure was not proportionately by this article and must be considered. However, the contention
higher. Many reasons can be considered to explain this. of the previous article that the risk from arc blast is greatly
Components inside the enclosure absorb energy and may diminished when the containment is breached (by venting or by
restrict the arc length resulting is less arc energy being an open door) is still true, and arc blast pressure needs more study
released as compared to an empty enclosure. The instan- to quantify when the arc blast pressure hazard crosses into the
taneous pressure may not be equal within the enclosure, dangerous level from blast pressure alone. Hazard to a worker
so the placement of the transducer may not measure the is very unlikely from an open-door blast and a closed door does
average or highest pressure. The type of material and its prevent some or all the thermal energy from reaching a worker.
placement inside the enclosure will also have an effect. Opportunities for further investigation:
Designing equipment with metals and plastics, which 1) Explore higher fault currents with and without doors
absorb energy, will change the energy balance and can present for effect on workers.
reduce risk of an impact when in the direct path of the arc. 2) Explore the point at which even an open door could pose
6) In hazard assessment, the arc flash protection boundary an arc blast hazard.
could consider the possibility of the impact hazard from 3) Explore hinge and clasp designs or greater number of bolts
ejected doors in some older style MCC’s, panel boards, in design.
and even switchgear. 4) Explore the effect of doors on arc flash thermal protection
To address the question of the potential hazards from nonarc- as the worker can be ejected from the working distance.
proof LV MCC cabinets, additional work should be done and 5) What would be the direct effect on a human body with
included in hazard assessment standards. this level or impact? Our plastic mannequin sustained no
1) Testing with real MCC cabinets. Since the geometry and cuts or breaks, but would this be true of a worker? Would
hardware significantly affect the results that would be the injury be bruises, broken ribs, or other bones or could
used to make field installation recommendations, the most there be a collapsed lung? While the anecdotal evidence
accurate work would need to be done with different cabinet known to the authors does not support this conclusion, it
types and manufacturers. should be explored.
6) Explore the effect if all bolts are not in place on door
7) Does this work give any possible means to explore vent-
IV. DISCUSSION ing existing equipment with plastic inserts in cut-outs to
In the previous article, the authors suggested that an arc blast reduce risk of door ejection? Obviously, modifications
could be divided into “three time intervals. The first event is would need to be evaluated by engineering and certifi-
an instantaneous shock (acoustical) wave that travels at the cation bodies, but could this suggest? justify? A retrofit to
speed of sound outwards from the arc. The second event is equipment if found that the blast is too dangerous?
what occurs in the first and second cycle. The third interval 8) A reviewer suggested that there could be a possibility that
is what occurs from the third cycle up to the clearing time of a VCB configuration (Vertically Configured Bus) vs. the
the circuit breaker or fuse. The three time intervals have a very HCB (Horizontally Configured Bus) configuration these
different energy level and effect on an enclosure, door, and health tests used could have a lessened pressure toward the door
risk to personnel.” [1] This new article sought to measure the ejection. The authors feel this could have an effect on
full effect of door ejection so that medical professionals, safety pressure as with longer arcing times and with higher
personnel, and standards committees may begin to evaluate risks voltages, because the HCB configuration would allow the
of older equipment and added value of new designs which could arc length to lengthen but in the short time tests explored
make electrical equipment safer for operators. In this article, here, this effect was minimized.
the authors demonstrated that when the fault level is sufficiently Design engineers should be aware that the test box was an
high, one cycle is sufficient in this equipment configuration to idealized MCC box; real designs may have insulating backs
eject the door of a switchgear or MCC. While there may be little which would fail before the door, so results could be different
thermal hazard if the fault is cleared quickly, the ejected door can with some designs. Designs which have venting could also

Authorized licensed use limited to: Rick Downer. Downloaded on March 29,2021 at 15:39:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

perform differently. Additionally, the test arc used was an ejected 3) Other works have shown that latch failure very often
arc and other electrode configurations could have a lesser effect occurred in less than ½ cycle. If so, an arc (peak) power
by lessening the direct arcing pressure. model from the collaboration test results could be useful
This preliminary work with the inserted filler box (to approxi- in developing better predictions at all ac voltages. With
mate a motor starter), indicating that this insert may not increase more research, this could be applied to risk assessment
pressure due to the likely shortening of the arc (by interference), processes.
may not hold true with some designs. This was idealized and
could also be an opportunity for further investigation on real ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The authors are thankful to Kinectrics High Current Lab for
their help in conducting the experiments.
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4) Frequently arc lengths are shorter in high current equip-
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Hugh Hoagland (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.A. degree from Ken-
tucky Wesleyan College, Owensboro, KY, USA, in 1983, and the 2 years of
What Should Be Done? postbaccalaureate and graduate degree in premedicine and chemistry from the
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA.
1) Hazard assessment based on a reliable equation. He is an Organic Chemist and began arc testing, in 1994, with LG&E Energy,
2) Change in the NEC to require equipment commonly with Louisville, KY, USA. He is currently a President with ArcWear and e-Hazard,
potential pressure issues, such as 480 V (if the fault current Louisville.
Mr. Hoagland is an Author of several IEEE papers and an Associate Editor
is over a certain level) with risk or internal failure to be for the IEEE Electrical Safety Committee. He sits on ASTM, NFPA, and
designed and installed in such a way that workers can stand IEC committees on arc flash testing and flash fire testing, and does arc flash
to the side or use remote operation. consulting.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Rick Downer. Downloaded on March 29,2021 at 15:39:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Claude Maurice received the B.A.Sc. degree in industrial technology from Andrew Haines received the B.Eng. degree in chemical engineering from
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN, USA, in 2002. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, in 2012.
He was a certified Engineering Technologist—Electronics with DeVry Insti- He is currently a Supervising Technologist with Kinectrics High Current
tute of Technology, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1978. He is a Former Lab Manager Testing Laboratory, Toronto, ON, Canada.
with Kinectrics’ High Current Laboratory, Toronto, ON, Canada. With more
than 25 years in the test laboratory, he has personally performed thousands of
short-circuit and equipment fault tests and managed the arc testing program.
Mr. Maurice is a member of ASTM F18, where he is a Taskforce Chair André Maurice received the B.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from the
and active writer of ASTM arc flash test methods. He is a Canadian Expert to University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, in 2015.
Project Teams working on Arc Test Methods in IEC Technical Committee 78. He is a currently a Mechanical Engineer with Kinectrics, Toronto, ON,
He currently consults with ArcWear and Kinectrics. Canada.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Rick Downer. Downloaded on March 29,2021 at 15:39:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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