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Read the case study and answer the guide questions.
1. What are the benefits of volunteering?

According to my understanding in the case study, most benefits are intangible more
on satisfaction and fulfilment to the volunteers by helping others. Volunteering help you
to connect with other people. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people,
especially if you are new to an area. It strengthens your ties to the community and
broadens your support network, exposing you to people with common interests,
neighborhood resources, and fun and fulfilling activities. It strengthens the ties to the
community. Aside from that volunteering could also benefit your mind and body, it
relieves stress, anger, anxiety, combat depression and can make you happy.

2. What are the challenges that confronts volunteers?

In the case study that has been presented, volunteers do not know what is needed
people will go to great lengths to support those who are in need because they are not
sure of what they can do for others. Aside from that, they are struggling to make time
especially that they also have other responsibilities aside from volunteering. Oftentimes
they do not take a break. Third they do not know who to help because they struggle to
know who the victims are. Lastly, they are not ready for it, this happens if you
experience it for the first time. No one is born with the passion to volunteer, but as time
pass by they can manage.

3. How do volunteers overcome the challenges that they face?

Volunteers challenged themselves to overcome those challenges. They come up
with different approach or opportunities to help enable to know what they can do for
them. To have time to volunteer, volunteers plans ahead their schedules and choose a
funding project close to the advocacy of the volunteers. Enable to know who to help,
people use digital platforms to learn more about the community at a time.

4. What kind of volunteering work are you willing to join as a student?

The kind of volunteering work that I am willing to join as a student would probably
related to saving stray dogs and cats. During the quarantine I spend my time on
taking care of our dogs and our cat and I realize that like humans they need care.
I want to join in a volunteering work that would help them find a place or adoptive
parents that would take care for them.

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