The Rehearsal Is The Thing! (Armor Magazine Fall 2017)

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The Rehearsal Is the Thing!

by CPT Luke C. Bowers tactical triggers and possible decision examination or when we deliver bad
points. Platoon leaders were asking news. The phenomena of units re-
The combined-arms rehearsal (CAR)
about signals for shifting fires; a com- hearsing how they will conduct a re-
had just completed. The battalion ex-
pany fire-support officer (FSO) asked hearsal (rehearsal to the rehearsal) fur-
ecutive officer stood on the terrain
when his company would receive Army ther exemplifies its value. Why, then,
model, satisfied with the thorough ex-
attack aviation; the reserve didn’t are our rehearsals for tactical opera-
ecution; the staff had, after all, re-
know where the passage lane and link- tions often ineffective?
hearsed it many times before the rest
up point were in the decisive opera-
of the battalion leaders arrived. The My purpose with this article is twofold:
tion’s area of operation.
staff and commanders had briefed I’d like leaders to appreciate rehearsals
their parts well; all the actions oc- How could this be? The team just con- and see their true utility, and I want to
curred just as developed in the ducted a CAR with the leaders two lev- share a technique that engages all par-
wargame and the rehearsal to the re- els down … right? ticipants and promotes shared under-
hearsal. The rehearsal is the thing. Just like standing.
In closing, the executive officer con- Shakespeare’s character Hamlet used
Regarding the first purpose, Field Man-
ducted one final survey of the team: a play to reveal the king’s conscience,
ual (FM) 6-0, Commander and Staff
“Anyone have any final questions?” All a good rehearsal reveals our concep-
Organizations and Operations, plainly
the attendees were quiet, their heads tual and detailed understanding of an
states that rehearsals allow leaders to
swaying left and right indicating they operation. However, a good rehearsal,
practice key aspects of their operations
did not. The executive officer, again unlike a play, requires active participa-
and orient themselves to the environ-
satisfied, concluded the rehearsal and tion, not simple observation. Army
ment and other units before executing
dismissed the leaders. leaders know that rehearsals are im-
the operation.1 The same publication
portant. We even want to do rehears-
also refers to rehearsal as a tool to en-
Immediately, the audience began to als; we do them intuitively, especially
sure staff and subordinates understand
move about seeking each other and if we are trying to save face. We do it
discussing the operations. As the exec- with less obvious events: when we
utive officer walked about, he heard have a significant presentation to give,
key leaders requesting clarification of during training for a hands-on

42 Fall 2017
the commander’s intent and concept company to brigade level, led and see relative positioning. The planners
of the operation. The rehearsal is a dominated by those who planned (and will only see unit icons conducting a
powerful construct; it is not a terrible won’t execute) the operation. I’ve seen tactical-enabling task during CoA de-
obligation to conduct before an opera- the staff wax eloquent on the terrain velopment, but the executors will see
tion. Rather, it is a practice to assess board showing their complete compre- each other and confirm the signals and
and improve our understanding of the hension of the operation. Simultane- procedural details – increasing under-
operation. Creating shared under- ously, I’ve recognized that platoon standing.
standing and clear intent are among leaders and other leaders fail to under-
The terrain model should show relief.
the guiding principles of the mission- stand the relationship between their
Building a large two-dimensional map
command philosophy, according to task and how it enables and comple-
with graphic control measures (GCM)
Army Doctrinal Reference Publication ments adjacent units.
is easy, but integrating terrain relief
(ADRP) 6-0, Mission Command.2
Commanders need to get the staff and shows an understanding of the ter-
As to the second purpose, the frequen- the planners out of the spotlight dur- rain’s effects to maneuver. This will be
cy modulation (FM) “speak” rehearsal, ing the rehearsal. It’s a danger that valuable for creating spatial awareness
or speaking with radio etiquette, is an leaders will roleplay the product of the when injecting uncertainty and task re-
excellent technique for rehearsing an staff’s course-of-action (CoA) analysis organizing.
operation, especially a CAR. This arti- (wargame) and prove it correct instead
The terrain model should be complete
cle will demonstrate the technique’s of demonstrating understanding where
and populated with GCMs and enemy
application, but first, we need to exam- initiative will occur. We should want to
icons (size, composition or combat
ine rehearsals in a broad sense. see how the platoon leader or squad
slant). As a rule of thumb, if someone
leader will react – and hopefully oper-
will brief a threat, GCM, unit position
What happens, what ate within the commander’s intent –
and so on, then that briefer should be
when presented with an unexpected
shouldn’t happen event. We should see the leader em-
responsible for generating that repre-
Rehearsals of any type – key leader, full sentation on the terrain model.
ploy tactics based on knowledge of ter-
dress, etc. – often fail to be effective in rain and enemy – consistent with in- For example, the FSO should create the
enabling shared understanding be- tent or leverage-enablers available – markers signifying fire-support control
cause leaders drive toward a friction- because he understands what needs to measures like coordinated fires line,
free presentation as the desired out- be accomplished despite the plan. no-fire areas and targets instead of a
come. Rehearsal participants usually
tactical-operations center radio-tele-
meet multiple times to ensure the lines When we see that happen, we’ve seen
phone operator or driver. That FSO will
and sequencing of critical, or “friction,” shared understanding. Then the re-
need to brief, so he/she should build
points are well understood before con- hearsal has performed the task and has
and place that piece on the model to
ducting the actual rehearsal. been the tool we wanted.
ensure it’s present in the correct posi-
This practice is in direct opposition to tion, and includes details relevant to
why we rehearse for combat opera-
Best practices, the rehearsal such as target number/
tions. In fact, we should minimize our general comments trigger/location/observer/delivery sys-
preparation for the role as “actors” but Before discussing the “FM speak” tech- tem/attack guidance/communication,
demonstrate our understanding and nique, it’s worthwhile to discuss a few or TTLODAC, an acronym for organiza-
agility of the operation’s plan through best practices, tips and ideas for re- tion of indirect-fires planning consid-
good unscripted execution. hearsals in general. erations.
This invites the question of who are Key-leader and the FM-technique re- Similarly, the S-2 or assistant S-2
the right persons to participate in the hearsals require large terrain models. should build the enemy composition
rehearsal. Rehearsals are commonly How large? Large enough to allow all and array according to the disposition
dominated by staff and commanders, the rehearsal participants (again, two from the mission or CoA analysis.
but that isn’t the right group. Under- levels down) to occupy their positions
Whenever possible, the battalion-and-
standing the plan is implicit for the on the represented terrain at the same
above current operations (CUOPS) in-
staff – they wrote it. The commanders time for the event or phase rehearsed.
tegrated cells should drive the rehears-
equally understand the plan – they’ve The terrain model needs to be this
al. The rationale is the same as having
studied it deeply to build their own. large because we want the participants
subordinates two levels down brief
These participants, the commanders to see where they are in relation to
during the rehearsal instead of the
and staff, are not the group who needs each other.
staff or planners. Once future opera-
to demonstrate their understanding or
A forward-passage-of-lines, for exam- tions (FUOPS) has created and pub-
how to adapt to uncertainty within the
ple, can be executed according to a lished the order, it should transition to
commander’s intent of that plan. Lead-
unit standard operating procedure the CUOPS team for execution and as-
ers two levels down, those achieving
(SOP); however, one can appreciate sessment. The rehearsal is the ideal
the assigned tactical task, are the
the value of allowing leaders who will practice to demonstrate that the tran-
members who need to rehearse.
actually meet on the ground and exe- sition from FUOPS has occurred and a
I’ve witnessed many rehearsals, from cute the task to meet each other and thorough knowledge of the operation’s

43 Fall 2017
details are understood by the team We should train to rehearse before we rehearsal with a radio call. Time spent
that will “fight the plan.” conduct collective-training exercises. in staff briefings or training meetings
We need to teach leaders how we want have conditioned us to open with
Also, the CUOPS team should drive the rehearsals conducted before we re- wordy introductions, agendas and read
rehearsal to better exercise battle- quire and employ them as part of the charts and analysis; speak in numerical
tracking and to recognize decision operations process. Units should in- and alphabetical order; and wait for fi-
points and contingencies from the plan clude the introduction and instruction nal comments. In a sense, we trained
while rehearsing. Their participation of their rehearsal SOPs to new leaders ourselves to conduct our rehearsals
will increase understanding and enable as part of certifying those leaders for like we brief orders and command and
better recognition of opportunities for each level they lead. staff.
initiative or recommending to stay the
course during the operation. We train other collective tasks by en- Units can overcome this with a very
suring proficiency in supporting tasks brief introduction from the S-2 to pres-
Good rehearsals will exercise the plan ent the enemy disposition. To begin,
at the lower echelon first. Training and
and uncertainty in the operation’s ex- have leaders “join the net” with call
certifying leaders becomes more im-
ecution. Rehearsals should include el- signs as roll call and report their com-
portant with a technique like “FM
ements of uncertainty that are not bat slant. The CUOPS can initiate a net
speak” or unscripted rehearsals be-
scripted, on the execution check list or call with leaders reporting combat
cause the technique is less familiar and
known by participants. Introducing un- power and front-line traces. For exam-
requires more thinking in the moment.
certainty and ambiguity in the rehears- ple: “Dealer X-Ray, this is Demon 6. Set
al process enables leaders to see how
their subordinates actually react and
‘FM style’ or ‘FM speak’ at Attack Position Dog, slant 10/4/0/3.
The “FM speak” technique is not a type Over.”
adhere to the commander’s intent with
creativity and adaptability – applying or method of rehearsal listed in FM The S-2 can set the stage with an op-
mission command. 6-0; however, it would probably posi- erations and intelligence update. Dur-
tion between “terrain model” and “key ing this update, the S-2 speaks in radio
Leaders can create realistic uncertain- leader” on the rehearsal-type continu- etiquette to describe enemy forces’
ty by presenting various elements dif- um. The “FM speak” concept places disposition and actions they’re con-
ferent from the enemy CoA – for exam- participants on a terrain model where ducting, per his estimate. The scout-
ple, an element templated in the bat- they exercise the unit’s scheme of ma- platoon leader can also help develop
tlezone fighting far forward in the dis- neuver using only call signs and radio- the rehearsal’s setting by providing re-
ruption zone. The rehearsal lead can protocol etiquette to communicate ports. For example:
significantly reduce the combat power their actions to each other. This tech-
available to a leader by changing the nique closely replicates the advantages “Dealer X-Ray, this Recon 16. Over.”
forces available to him during a phase. of a full-dress rehearsal without the “Recon 16, this is Dealer X-Ray. Over.”
A leader could create a surprise meet- time and operational-security risks as-
ing engagement or contact with indi- sociated with it. “Dealer X-Ray, this is Recon 16. Observ-
rect fires to force an assessment from ing four BRDMs in NAI 2002 moving
the subordinate leader to choose be- The constraint of using radio proce- east to west. Observation answers PIR
tween maintaining the CoA and recom- dures only – assuming brief transmis- 3. I recommend … Over.”
mending a task reorganization. sions – prohibits the participants from
misrepresenting their understanding of With this single transmission, the unit
Another option is to manipulate the the actions required of them in time can establish an action that allows the
enablers and attachments available to and space. In other words, if you don’t operation to develop. The S-2 can pro-
a unit. For example, take a company/ know the plan, you can’t fake it by just vide an assessment in “FM speak,” and
team breach force organized with en- speaking your lines from a script. the line companies can respond to this
gineers, then introduce a requirement stimulation with an action on the ter-
to task-reorganize the engineer attach- The “FM speak” rehearsal concept is rain model according to the scheme of
ment, thus requiring the company/ not new; many leaders and units em- maneuver. Once a unit begins the sim-
team to reduce an obstacle within its ploy the technique in various forms ulated FM traffic, leaders quickly be-
organic assets. This can be applied in a and methods. My former leaders come comfortable responding to their
similar manner with enablers such as taught me the technique, having cues or triggers, and the rehearsal be-
aviation and priority of support. learned it from other mentors during comes interactive. This is when the re-
their careers.3 hearsal becomes engaging and reveal-
ing, thus building shared understand-
Train, certify, rehearse I’ve seen units attempt to employ the
We need to make our rehearsals an in- technique but struggle to get a satisfy-
grained part of the organization. FM ing repetition at different levels. I be- To appreciate the FM technique’s value
6-0 states that effective and efficient lieve the main challenge is simply get- in creating shared understanding, con-
units habitually rehearse during train- ting rehearsal started. Practitioners sider a complicated event such as a
ing. The rehearsal, because it is an im- new to the technique find themselves combined-arms breach. Imagine the
portant tool to exercise mission com- awkwardly stalled in the beginning be- support force (Red Platoon) set in a
mand, should be trained as well. cause they don’t know how to start the support-by-fire (SBF) position,

44 Fall 2017
suppressing an enemy to enable the demonstrated that Blue 1 didn’t fully
breach force (White Platoon) to reduce understand the conditions that trig- Acronym Quick-Scan
an obstacle and pass the assault force gered his maneuver from the assault
(Blue Platoon) to an objective. Partici- position to the passage lane through ADRP – Army doctrinal reference
pants would sound something like this: the obstacle. publication
BDA – battle-damage assessment
“Demon 6, this Red 1. Slant 4 with The technique is applicable at nearly BRDM -- Boyevaya
2/4/0 enemy BDA. Recommend initia- Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya
all echelons and type of tactical opera- Mashina, a Russian amphibious
tion of the breach. Over.” tions. Once a team understands how armored patrol car
“Red 1, this is Demon 6. Breach criteria to conduct FM speak, the rehearsals CAR – combined-arms rehearsal
is met with that BDA. Break. White 1, become fluid and effective for all par- CoA – course of action
ticipants. Commanders see how their CUOPS – current operations
attack along DoA Sword and execute DoA – direction of attack
the reduction. Over.” leaders understand the plan, react to
uncertainty and adapt to meet their in- FM – field manual
“Demon 6, this is White 1. Roger. Over.” FM – frequency modulation
tent. FUOPS – future operations
“Red 1, this is White 1. Executing PL GCM – graphic control measure
The “FM speak” rehearsal is an excel- GPO – Government Printing Office
California. Over.” lent tool for leaders and possibly one FSO – fire-support officer
“White 1, this is Red 1. Acknowledge PL of the best for creating shared under- MCCC – Maneuver Captain’s Career
California. Shifting from TRPs 1-4 to standing by bring mission orders and Course
3-4. Over.” commander’s intent together during NAI – named area of interest
the prepare phase of the operations PIR – priority intelligence
“Demon 6, this is White 1. Identified process. Rehearsing with this tech- requirement
the lead edge of the obstacle. Local SBF PL – phase line
nique will challenge warfighters, staffs SBF – support-by-fire
suppressing between TRPs 2-4. Over.” and commanders to think critically and SOP – standard operating
“Dealer 95, this is Demon 95. Cease fire creatively vs. reading lines on a script. procedures
on Target AB1005. Fire Target Rehearsing with uncertainty replicates TRP – target-reference point
AB10101, smoke. Over.” the truest condition of combat opera-
tions and prepares leaders to fight the
“Demon 95, this is Dealer 95. Acknowl- enemy and not the plan.
edge ceasefire on Target AB1005 and Ranger, Airborne, Air Assault and Path-
initiate obscuration with Target The FM technique, or simply rehears- finder schools. CPT Bowers holds a
AB10101.” ing with an outline only, requires lead- bachelor’s of arts degree in political
ers to think and decide – that is more science from St. Cloud State University.
“Demon 6, this is Blue 1. Initiating valuable to rehearse than a simple His awards and honors include the
movement from assault position to ex- script. Ultimately, the rehearsal is the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service
ecute the passage lane. Over.” thing – the thing we must do well to medals, and the Military Outstanding
prepare us to apply mission command. Volunteer Service medal.
Here the commander, Demon 6, recog-
nizes that the platoon leader, Blue 1, CPT Luke Bowers is a team chief with
has reacted to an incorrect tactical the Maneuver Captain’s Career Course Endnotes
trigger per his operations order. The (MCCC), Maneuver Center of Excel- 1
FM 6-0, Commander and Staff Organi-
commander does not disrupt the re- lence, Fort Benning GA. Previous as- zations and Operations, Washington, DC:
hearsal to correct the platoon leader signments include MCCC small-group Government Printing Office (GPO), May
out of turn; rather, he uses FM proce- leader, Fort Benning; observer/coach/ 2014.
dures: trainer, Fort Polk, LA; tank-company 2
ADRP 6-0, Mission Command, Washing-
commander, Fort Carson, CO; brigade ton, DC: GPO, May 17, 2012.
“Blue 1, this is Demon 6. Limit your ad-
chief of operations, Fort Carson; and 3
BG Omar Jones, my former brigade com-
vance on DoA Sword to PL Oregon.
assistant operations officer for a bat team commander, learned the “FM
Maintain weapon control status-hold speak” technique from former command-
squadron at Fort Bragg, NC. His mili-
and do not resume movement until ers during his career. Email correspon-
tary education includes MCCC, Cavalry
White 1 reports PL New Mexico. Over.” dence dated April 10, 2017.
Leader’s Course, Infantry Mortar Lead-
The “FM speak” rehearsal er’s Course, Joint Firepower Course and

45 Fall 2017

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