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Instruction: Answer Question 1 (Part I and II) in Section A

and any other four complete questions of your choice in Section B.

Time Allowed: 3 hours


Question 1 (Part I and II)


1. All but ………………….. is not a component of the organizational learning cycle.

(A) Negotiation
(B) Questioning
(C) Modeling
(D) Acculturation

2. Mechanical passage of information from teacher to learner is the …… understanding

of the nature of learning.

(A) past
(B) current
(C) extant
(D) future

CIPM/INT2/001/BIO Turn Over


3. One way learning can occur is for different viewpoints to …………

(A) collide
(B) diverge
(C) explode
(D) migrate

4. Intellectual capital is composed of …… distinct types of capital.

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

5. Identifying reliable knowledge and ensuring that it is accessible to employees is a

responsibility of the ……… manager.

(A) production
(B) business
(C) knowledge
(D) relationship

6. A dynamic display, customized to each employee’s role and background, which gives
him or her a current picture of specific job responsibilities is also known as a
personalized ………

(A) dashboard

(B) job attributes

(C) artifact

(D) job attitudes

7. Seeking knowledge and information from those who know better and applying this
information for one’s own benefits is a form of …….. education.
(A formal
(B) objective
(C) subjective
(D) informal

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8. Which of the following is not an appropriate replacement for the term personnel
(A) Human Resource
(B) Human Resource Management
(C) Human Capital
(D) Human Creed

9. ………………. is not a component of training need analysis according to Allison


(A) Data Collection

(B) Gap Analysis
(C) Use of Findings
(D) Vestibule Analysis

10. The government reviewed the modus operandi of ASCON restricting its role to the
training and development of public officers only in ………….

(A) December 1978

(B) November 1978
(C) October 1978
(D) September 1978

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Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.

11. Social competence is a component of ……… Capital.

12. The slogan ……… refers to the performance that is ultimately the responsibility of an
interdependent network of organizations.

13. Each of topical learning, analytical learning, emotional learning, social learning,
political learning, and ethical learning relies on ………..

14. A system of learning in organizations whereby all the possible causes of a problem
are considered in order to define more clearly those which can be dealt with and those
that are insoluble involves the ……….

15. ………… is learning that occurs on the job as needed.

16. Human beings become ………….. only when they are able and in a position to
contribute meaningfully to productive economic activities.

17. ………………… explains training through Networking such as Local Area Network
(LAN); Wide Area Network (WAN) and internet.

18. The objective of ……… is to provide for learning that’s just in time, just enough and
just for you.

19. ………… is a systematic way of acquiring skills, knowledge and behavior required
to perform at optimal level.

20. The Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) was established in ……………

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Attempt any four complete questions of your choice from this section.

Question 2
A lot of development and improvements have occurred in the manner work activities are
carried out as a result of the impact of Internet and Communication Technology on the
contents and methods of training and development. Rather than welcome these as positive
and inevitable, many employees are still not comfortable. Experts say that these are mere
manifestations of ‘fear of change’ which will still go away.

Assess the levels of ICT impact on training and development and on employees who have
been trained through it with a view to shedding light on why many may still be

Question 3

(a) The state of education in Nigeria today is a reflection of various educational policies
that have been adopted over the years.


Discuss the objectives and outcomes of the National Curriculum Conference held in
Lagos in 1969.

(b) “Technology, more than it has in the 20th Century, is the defining currency of the 21st
Century. As has been demonstrated by development trends all over the world, the key
to any meaningful national development and exploitation of the benefits of
technology is in the acquisition of a balanced education”.


If the present situation in Nigeria is far from meeting the expectations of extant
technology, what then are the benefits of a balanced education that the country is

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Question 4
“Entrepreneurship leads to the establishment and growth of organizations and generates
employment opportunities, it is therefore crucial to national development. Entrepreneurship
education grooms potential entrepreneurs into a full-fledged manpower that can generate new
economic development. However, despite the high priority placed on it, entrepreneurship
training in Nigerian organizations has not been turning out enough entrepreneurs”.


What do you think is lacking in entrepreneurship education in Nigerian Organizations? What

can the Human Resource Departments do to improve the situation?

Question 5

Government is a major stakeholder in the Training and Development function in Nigeria like
any other nations.

Enumerate and explain different ways by which government can improve the practice of
training and development.

Question 6
What are the major problems confronting the practice of Training and Development in

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Question 7
Evaluation is like a post-mortem exercise utilize to analyse previous activities to determine
training impacts on organizations’ objectives.

State the purposes of training evaluation in training and development in Human Resource
value proposition.

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